Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey guys,

I've been disappearing from this thing more and more recently. This blog has basically been on life support for the last few months. I think I write better (--> more often) when I'm alone, and without a computer of my own, I'm just never alone when I get online anymore.

Holiday season in full swing, hey? What's different about this december? I'm trying to pinpoint a few things, but things are just a little off. Maybe it's the potential eviction I'm facing, but I don't think it is. Whatever it is, it's not bugging me, things are just a little different.

I had a real opportunity at a new job this week, and it was real exciting to think that I might be able to use my degree. For the first time. But no, that got shut right down. I wouldn't normally have been pissed that they filled the position, but the way the manager (a friend) spoke to me led me to believe I was a lock. Bad beat.

Speaking of locks, I locked up a couple of brags this week - care of my mother. I settled my Mexico plans for next may, thanks to my mother. The next day, today, she bought me a classy looking jacket. My family has never spent this much money on me at one time. Ever. I've always wondered what it must be like to have my family pay for something significant in my life. I always see it happen elsewhere. Now I know.

I'm really enjoying time these days with my soccer team, and my friends. I like the schedule of soccer. I don't always get to enjoy time with friends 3 days a week, but soccer is always goin on. And I'm still really enjoying coaching my team. Since the first 6 weeks of the soccer year, when I was struggling to make the right team, everything has been smooth, enjoyable, and completely successful. I guess that's the only confirmation I can have that I made the right team.

I've been selected to recruit and coach an all star team for my league, which will play against an all star team from another league. It's kinda cool to get chosen for that, and I'm in the midst of selecting the team right now. It's weird choosing players from teams I don't like. Fraternizing with the enemy almost. I can handle it. Every one of the 10 teams will have a player on the all star team I've decided. There's no rules or anything like that, the process is pretty open ended. I'll run one practice in victoria in the new year with the team, then play the all star game on January 9th. Apparently it isn't a volunteer position, and I'll be getting paid. Sick.

In the next few weeks I'm pretty busy. Work is consistent, soccer will start to taper a little, and I'll have plenty of family related obligations to fill/enjoy. The one guarantee is that I'll be well fed all month. I love that.

Tiger Tiger Woods y'all.

'The more I see, the less I like
Is it over yet?'