Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Half Right

It's almost been a week since I posted last. It's nice to be back.

I obviously anticipated this last week as being a really busy week, but it got crazy a few times.

I spent most of last week working in Victoria with Jeff. We were really stressed for a big job, and there were six of us (plus Jeff's puppy) that bombed down in Jeff's truck. We got stuck in Vic and couldn't return home because of the weather. We were going to find somewhere to stay, but the truck broke down in the Condo parking lot that we were working at. Excellent. So Jeff trudged to Wallmart and picked up 6 sleeping bags and pillows, and we crashed in a unit we were working on. That made for a really odd week. It just threw a hitch into everything. We eventually got the truck figured out, the snow cleared, and when Friday afternoon rolled around I was ready. For a beer, a nap, a snowball fight, etc. I made it all happen.

This weekend was all about hanging out and getting ready for Christmas. With a little more wrapping to do, I'm just about all done.

I'm excited for the next week or so. I'll be spending Christmas with my family, and I have a few plans to relax with friends after that. I think I probably like this time of year more than most people. Does that make sense? I'm not really a guy who spends a lot of time with people, but for some reason I enjoy company around this time. Maybe it's because I'm so used to being on Christmas break.

Anyway, I really hope you get into the holidays like I do. Just being happy to have good company, and good food, is good enough for me. Everything on top is just gravy.

'Good eye, sniper'

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