Thursday, December 18, 2008

This Year's Love

Here is a list of my favorite albums that were released in 2008. I was going to make a top ten, but I couldn't find ten that were significant to me. So it's more of a top 6.

Kanye West - 808's and Heartbreak
◦ Favorite track: Street Lights
◦ Why it's #6: I love Kanye, but I haven't listened to this enough to put it any higher. I didn't really like his last album as much as his first two, and I was really happy that he came back with this.

Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night
◦ Rationale: I think that this was my favorite album for a big part of the year, but it was overplayed and lost it's staying power in my opinion. I showed a couple cool songs to friends, and for over two months I couldn't come home without hearing one of them.
◦ Reminds me of: Driving home from Duncan; Dana
◦ Eventual favorite track: Use Somebody

John Mayer - Where The Light Is
◦ Best example of a crowd losing their mind: intro for Daughters
◦ Favorite track: Belief
◦ Sickest Intro: Belief
◦ Line of the Album: 'Let me first say, how wonderful it feels to know that it's 2007 and we just launched into a slow blues and 7,000 people in L.A. went nuts. All is not lost.'
◦ Reminds me of: Walking to school in the spring

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
◦ Album reminds me of: The sea to sky highway; my kitchen with dinner on
◦ Times I changed my favorite song on album: 4
◦ Final answer: Kids
◦ Rational for #3: I guess this is one of those albums that immediately stuck out because it sounded so weird. After a while it started to grow on me. Then I just couldn't turn it off.

Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
◦ Opinion of 4.5 minute bass intro: Strong to very strong
◦ Favorite track: Grapevine Fires
◦ Reminds me of: Driving back and forth from Edmonton to Fort Mackay
◦ One of the coolest sounding intro's: Cath...

People In Planes - Beyond The Horizon
◦ Reminds me of: Cold walks to work; warm bus rides to work
◦ Rational for being my favorite album: --> click here
◦ Favorite track: Evil With You
◦ Track you can't live without hearing: I think there's six of them

'We talked about nothing, which was more than I wanted you to know'

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