Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sick, Sick, Sick

The week started out real nice, and just went downhill.

I did manage to get a lake day in while the sun was still shining. It felt nice to lay on the beach, but it was almost bittersweet. The beach was almost completely empty, and the water was a little chillier. It didn't feel like summer. That being said, I like the changing of seasons. I would say I like autumn more than winter and spring in a lot of ways. 

Tuesday I felt myself getting sick, which I was not in the mood for. It gained momentum on wednesday and peaked thursday. Wednesday and thursday I barely slept, so I've been a zombie until today. I have been getting good sleep after 5am, but not before. So this morning I just let it roll and slept until noon. I really needed it.

Sick on thursday, I went for a run with saul to try and sweat the sick out. Didn't really work out, but it was nice to get out once in those few days. I introduced saul to some hill running. It is quite different from just running westwood, and I think saul liked the way he felt. The incline of hills instantly ramps up the intensity, and it's interesting to get a really good workout in a short time.

Saul wanted me to help him create a program to get him from where he is, to somewhere else he wants to be. So I created an 8 week schedule for him, and I'm going to try push him and keep him motivated. A few other people have also enlisted my help in nutrition advice. A friend actually worded it like, "mike, come help me lose 10lbs." I really can't do that. So I'm the free advice giver basically, showing people where to find information so they can help themselves. I showed them the way to the glycemic index and the Canadian food guide. That's about all I can do. I actually did really poorly in my nutrition class last year.

Tonight I'm going to my parents for dinner. I haven't seen them in a few weeks, and it's going to be nice and relaxing. It's been tough to relax in the evenings at my house lately, especially in the last few days when I was sick. Landon had a birthday, we've played music, and roommates have gone out several times this week and come home late. Each evening is different, but this week there's been something going on every night. No complaints, it'll just be nice to relax. Maybe I'll watch some baseball.

Have a good weekend. Thanks for reading.

'Who decides who paddles over the falls?'

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