Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trying To Find A Balance

Not much to report these days.

I like to blog and write when there's stuff going on, but this week has been really slow. I suppose if I think hard, I can come up with something interesting. I'm really into guitar hero, chess, and video games in general right now. But not in a bad, I-can't-do-anything-but-be-a-gamer type of way. It's just amusing me right now.

I'm in the midst of sorting through getting certified as a personal trainer. It's going to take a few weeks for my request to challenge all the courses to get approved by the BCRPA. In the meantime, I've already got my first aid, and now I'm just checking out job possibilities. I'm looking at various gyms as well as city/muni gov type jobs. That being said, I don't think I want to work at a pool.

The sunny weather is finally back, which I'm really stoked about. Of course, I'm not doing as much outside stuff as I was in august, but I like warm septembers. I've been out to the driving range plenty, and out to westwood occasionally.

Well this weekend I'm going to see a movie with friends (the good kind), going to watch a clippers game, and going to watch mariner soccer. I'm kinda bummed about the mens soccer team because they seem to have a weak team this year, and may not make the provincials that they are hosting. Regardless of whether they win or lose, I'll enjoy watching them and seeing the familiar faces around the park.

Moving on, our house is sort of changing shape. We're back into school year mode (well, jer and landon are), so we're back into playing music mode. There are instruments, amps and chords everywhere. After a weekend without our kitchen table, we decided to scrap it, along with the kitchen chairs. We really never ate there anyway. Having more space is really nice, I just hope it doesn't get clogged up with junk over time like the table used to.

Speaking of playing music, playing with the boys is refreshing again. I always enjoyed playing, but we always played the same stuff, and had the same routine. Now we're jamming more with ideas, different people are singing, our repetoire is growing, and we seem to be moving towards recording an ep soon. I would really like to nail down four songs in a recording studio. I feel guilty sometimes when I play with the guys. They try to push me to create dominant and heavy, yet fun and jumpy basslines. And I am lacking the creative gene for the time being. And basslines can't really be heavy and jumpy at the same time. Oh well, I'm trying to find a balance with it.

'And when I finally get the color
Won’t be nothing left to paint on'

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