Saturday, December 27, 2008

Keep Talking


I had a really good christmas. Family was nice to see, blah blah blah. I got spoiled, and I enjoyed giving people some nice things, blah blah blah. I don't want to seem jaded, because I feel truly lucky to have the family and friends that I do. I'm just trying to hurry this paragraph along because I feel it needs to be addressed, but it's not what I want to talk about. Christmas - good; Mike - fortunate.

I made a mistake today by reading the newspaper. I reread the editorial pages a few times just so I could be sure I was getting the right message. I rarely read the newspaper, so maybe it isn't abnormal for these opinions to be published regularly. I cannot believe that people are so unable to produce regular, semi-insightful thought in a public forum. If I decide to write to the newspaper, I make sure that I have an argument, and I definitely make sure my head isn't up my ass when I formulate my argument.

I read page after page of just horrible opinions, each of which had no backbone, argument, or any sort of insightful analysis. Is this standard? FTR, I don't consider opinion that differs from my own as empty or poor. I just see retards everywhere.

Editorial #1
- Deer are rampant in the summer, and now starving because of the weather.
- Dead deer imagery
- I'm feeding 1 deer to keep it alive
- I now have 10 deer in my back yard, and when I stop feeding them, they're going to starve
- Why is this? What can I do? I can't let animals die...

Seriously, is this standard thought and insight from people? I'm going cry if it is.

It went on like that. There was someone who felt downtown businesses should be compensated in some way because they lost business due to the weather. Another person blamed the lack of road service by the city on karma. He said that if we (Nanaimo as a whole) didn't elect such stupid counsellors, we would have cleaner streets. "Bet you'll vote next time hippie".

Gah. This doesn't feel like I'm out of line. Sometimes I write on questionable things, and I really feel like it's just another case of Mike being blind to the reality of intelligence around here. It's not very high.

Oh my god. One more thing. I read this in the newspaper as well. It was a little advert for a local service for people, in between Al-anon and Overeaters anonymous. Seriously. It's called 'Compassion Fatigue', and people meet once a week to discuss their fatigue of caring so god damned much. Really? Is that real?

* * * * * *

I really enjoy the time around christmas and new years. I have a number of things planned, including becoming an uncle. Should be a good week. All the best to you and yours. And to be clear, I'm not pissed or angry about what I read, or what that leads me to think. I'm just a little astonished. I feel for people who aren't in good spirits this time of year.

'Breathe, breathe in the air'


Anonymous said...

I think you need to get off your high horse. If the news paper offends you that much then don't read it and get on with your day, and if you feel you have some higher ability than the authors of the texts you have read than maybe you should take your "skill " outside your blog and use your talent for something other than bashing your friends and complaining about petty shit. As for the counseling group for caring individuals, have you ever considerd the energy it takes to balance your needs with the needs of another... Think about it... When was the last time it truly wasn't "all about you..."

Mike Warren said...

I'd like to say that I appreciate your input. And thanks for reading regularly. While you're anonymous, I know you've been reading for a little while. I want to address each of your points.

I won't read the paper again as long as it bugs me. Does my blog bug you? I don't really feel the need to take anything outside of this blog. I also don't feel any higher ability or 'skill'. As for complaining about petty shit, I try to minimize it. Sometimes when everything is right, you get nit-picky.

The last time it wasn't all about me was recently thanks. And my balance is amazing. The name of my blog translates to being in balance. It's important to me.

I'm not going to write any differently. Censoring, writing with unrealistic moral/ethical boundaries, or trying not to offend anyone changes the nature of me and my writing. Is that what you were getting at?

Count the entries where I bash my friends or complain about petty shit. Really. I'm dead serious. You're wrong to think that I am exclusive to that.


Anonymous said...

It really does seem like this blog bothers you, 'Anonymoys'. While I think feedback is good, I have to wonder (if I'm right about this blog bugging you), why it is you keep returning, reading, and giving this guy a hard time, instead of just leaving it alone and reading somewhere else? There's thousands of other blogs out there to read, so why come back to the one you clearly have a beef with?

Anonymous said...

I just know him personally and I find his blog cocky and backstabbing is all...

Mike Warren said...

Why am I the bad guy 'cause you're an idiot?

Talking sense to you doesn't seem to be having the right effect, so maybe being a little more blunt will.

Do you know why I have a blog? It isn't so you can read it. It's so I can write shit in it. There's a latent ego attached to that, obviously. Cocky? Fuck you. You don't know me.

Anonymous said...

I do know you Mike... and I am embarrassed for you, it unfortunate you've chosen to react this way, your true colours are blinding! I dont feel I need to provide personal information to prove that I know you, I think you've done enough dammage on your own.