Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vicarious Atonement


It's been a long 8 days since I was last on here. I've spent very little time on my computer, but that's not really my excuse. It's been nice to not be in front of the screen so much. I've been hiking, playing football and tennis, and partying maybe a little too hard.

It's officially spring, and the weather has been amazing. Trouble is, I stop and wonder where the winter went. I have done essentially nothing in 2009. Three months either crawled or flew by, but I feel like my year hasn't even started yet. Maybe the most disturbing part is that I don't really care. I'm having a tough time getting motivated when I feel like I'm unlucky. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but it does to me.

I have a couple job postings to get on, and I'm starting to get motivated at last. I wanna make some money!

Anway, the excitement level of my March is not very high. Here's to a solid April. I have some goals that I want to accomplish, and here I go.

'Never heard a man speak like this man before'

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hate This Place

Wow. I just haven't been in the mood to write this month.

It's strange. I usually get excited about blogging. For some reason I just don't feel like I have anything worth writing about. Which is not accurate at all. I have lots going on, and it's just as exciting/boring as it always is. Here goes anyway. I have no idea what the next paragraph is going to sound like.

Even though I'm not in school anymore, I have this need to learn stuff. Whenever I hear of something I don't know about, I can't wait to get home and learn about it. This week I learned about Josef Fritzl. That fucker is sick. Interesting story when you think deeply about those children, but for face value - whoa.

Next up is clinical depression. I can honestly say that I know nothing about that. I'm pretty skeptical that medication does a large proportion of suffering people any good. And I'm probably wrong. I need to go learn about that. I hate being in a conversation about anything and not knowing at least something.

Last entry I blasted people who try to tell me way something is, without any knowledge whatsoever. Well there's times that I do that, and it bugs me. Like depression. I have the idea that it's a pseudo-disorder/disease, and that people should just 'snap out of it'. Obviously I should go figure it out before I say that to someone.

'I don't need the fallout'

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Argument

Google Scholar is good for a start.

An old instructor of mine used to demand of us what got him through his PhD. He'd say, "show me the fucking data."

I like that, and it wasn't just because I liked him. I like the principle. In every discipline of thought, there needs to be some sort of evidence to produce/prove an argument. That goes for History, English, Geography, Psychology, etc. I'm not making an opinion on this issue, it's the way it is.

Anyway, I'm really sick of people telling me how something is, without any shred of evidence. Last night it came to a head. A friend was taking a side of a really interesting issue, but he was failing to use his brain. He was reciting what he'd heard on TV or read in a Men's Health mag. Why do people believe everything they hear!? Why can't people question things, and go find out the answer for themselves!?

It didn't get to an argument last night, it was more of a discussion. But I also find that when younger people have intelligent conversations, opposing viewpoints are taken too personally, and the discussion degenerates into a defensive back-and-forth.

What we were arguing over doesn't matter I don't think. For the purposes of what I'm talking about right now, my side of the issue doesn't matter either (right or wrong). I'm just astonished at the weight someone can put on air. That's what his argument was based on. Thin air.

I guess it boils down to a complex thing called 'critical thinking'. Where did you hear about that? Is there any other side of the issue worth considering? Did you think about anything at all for more than 5 seconds? Or did you hear the trendy phrases that we all love (i.e. '_____ causes cancer'), and run with it?

Critical thinking is the careful, deliberate determination of whether we should accept, reject, or suspend judgment about a claim and the degree of confidence with which we accept or reject it.

Two last points. I think I use the term 'astonished' too much. I really shouldn't be. Second, I accept the excuse that someone might not know where begin when exploring data in search of the truth about an issue.

Google Scholar is a good start.

'Maim me, tame me, you can never change me'

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day and Night

I'm back in town.

What a week. I got back from California on Friday afternoon. It was a really long drive back. We covered more than 5000km's in those few days. It was totally worth it though. The 4 travel buddies I didn't know turned out to be really cool.

It's hard for me to explain what happened, and what was good, in anything short of a book. So I won't bother. It was a really good time, and I'm super happy to be home.

Now I have a number of things to do. I'm pretty broke now that my vacation is over, so that's probably the first priority.

What else? Not much is new. I might post a few pics from the trip up here, but I'm not sure. The coolest sight was definitely the orange trees. I guess I don't get out much.

'Got me California dreamin'

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dirty Little Secret

I'm going to California.

Phew. I can say that I almost decided not to go. There were a lot of things that came up. Actually, we're supposed to get going tonight, but issues are still coming up. Anyway, I sort of secured my end, and I'm happy enough with the crew I'm going down with.

There are 6 of us going. I only know Jeff, and neither of us know the other 4 guys. Here's hoping that works out.

All I've been doing has been working towards that, so there's not much else going on. I had a fun time last night with some new friends, but otherwise I've been sort of trip focused.

I hope I'm back by Friday. I really do. It's going to be a long ass haul to drive 4500 km's in 6 days. And more so with 6 guys in a truck. There's a few things that are very important to make this trip a success. First, alcohol. If I'm hating life, there's an elixir that can change that. Second, regular showers. Four guys I don't know, snuggling me for days in the L.A. heat. I'm gonna want them to be clean.

Otherwise, I'll be back after Friday if we decide to stay/ go to Vegas.

I'll bring pictures.

'I wish I could be
as cool as you'

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All Our Days Are Numbered

Pfft I hate the way I do things sometimes.

Today I'm walking, and I go out of my way to take the scenic route to where I'm going. There's awesome tree lines, and the street is just really beautiful. Definitely the nicest looking street in the south end of town. And what do I do? I'm lost in the sidewalk, making sure I don't step on any cracks. What the hell is wrong with me?

I think (no, I know) I have a small obsession with numbers. I spend time thinking, whenever I'm doing something tedious or boring, how I can track myself with numbers in some way. Whether it's counting when I'm listening to music, walking down a street, writing anything down, or working. It's the weirdest thing. I just can't help but set numerical standards while I do something, then keep track of whether I'm meeting/exceeding my expectation. On the half hour walk it took me today, I was probably in number space for 25 minutes.

I put my iPod on shuffle, and skips song, trying to guess the artist of each track. I set a goal/standard of guessing with 80% accuracy. And that stupid, lame, ridiculous game I make for myself passes the time, every time I walk anywhere. I got 23/25 today. I usually get 40-50 tracks in a 30 min walk, but I had a 'Dire Straights' moment, and had to listen to the whole song. Nerdy, right?

Anyway. That's my admission of being hooked on numbers. And I really don't like complicated math that much. Enjoy the 2nd half of the week, and thanks for reading.

'You can't wish me away'

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Bird and The Worm

Busy weekend. I'll probably just leave it at that. I had a really good time.

Looking ahead to my week, I have a few things going on, and I'm sorta hoping more work comes. I need some cashola if I want to make my California trip happen. We're leaving on this sat/sun. Fingers crossed for work...

Speaking of fingers. My hand is healing up nicely. It's just about fully closed now, and I'm not wearing a bandage anymore. I need a medical note to clear me for work, and hopefully I'll get that tomorrow.

What else can I tell you? Life's not exactly where I want it to be right now, but it's pretty damn good. A have a naggy voice in my head telling me to become a personal trainer, and I'm pushing it aside when I shouldn't be. But other than that, and a few other minor push-asides, things are pretty organized, steady, and enjoyable right now.

Maybe I'm drinking too much.

Lastly, congrats to Amanda, who just bought her own place. I'm pretty stoked for her.

'Like clinging to straws while drowning'