Thursday, August 28, 2008

Whatever Happened

Summer's gone.

I really haven't posted very much this summer, and I almost feel bad about it. But then again, I have no daily routine, I've been super busy with dead average summer type things, and I have next to nothing of interest to write about.

I'm taking a trip this weekend, which I've planned since Canada Day. Almost two months of build up, and I'm still pretty excited about it. When I get back I'll write a full rundown about it.

I'm straining here to try and think of anything really meaningful to write about. Next week is my birthday, and I'm really grateful for the year I've had. I think it might be a strange fall for me. I've gotten into a specific routine in September and October for the past 5 years that I'm about to break in a big way. Without school or school ball this fall, it's going to be a little weird. I'm not sure what I'll do yet instead, but I'm working towards that right now.

I got my first aid certification today. Other than that it's been a fairly quiet week. I went to Sproat lake with friends on Friday and Saturday, and I went to Campbell River on Monday and Tuesday this week. I really enjoyed playing games in Port Alberni, and picking blackberries in C.R. Those were definitely the highlights of my week.

My drummer got back to the island in the last few days. I can't wait to jam.

'Keep your enemies closer'

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another Night In The Hills

Great week, weekend, etc. Now enough about that.

I guess I'll mention a few highlights of my last week. I really enjoyed my last night at soccer, and met (surpassed) my goals goal of 15. I went to whistler, and was happy to come back. I hit the driving range again, and got snacks from superstore.

I feel the summer coming to a bit of a close. My birthday has classically been the symbol of the end of summer for me, and my 24th shouldn't be much different. Now that I have that feeling, I'm trying to tie up any loose ends that I wanted to do before September.

Jeremy is back home from working all summer in Alberta. I'm pretty happy that he's back. I have a few other friends away at work, and I'll be happy to see them come home as well. Jer wrote a few new songs while he was away, and I'm looking forward to hearing his new riffs, and developing bass lines for them.

Other than that, not much is new with me. Another busy week has come and gone. I haven't accomplished much, which may explain why I go to sleep every night unhappy (to some extent). I'm hoping that solving that (by actually accomplishing something meaningful), I'll be happier.

I miss my friends, even the ones that I hung out with as recently as a week ago.

Oh yeah, I've been reading another blog, which belongs to a friend of mine. You should check it out...

Well, enjoy your last few weeks of summer.

'I can't believe that we would lie in our graves
Wondering if we had spent our living days well'

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nothing Else Matters

I'm beginning to see the limitations of having a blog.

I once thought that this would be a great opportunity for me to express myself through a medium I was fairly familiar with: writing. Since I began blogging, some hundred and something entries ago, I've evolved the way I write in this thing.

Lately I haven't written as often. And when I do write, I have so much to write about that I only touch the surface on what I'm doing, or what I'm feeling. It's almost become update central. I don't know if that's what I wanted it to become.

I wanted this to be a medium where I didn't care about readers, and I could write about whatever I felt like. Now I know I have readers (albeit only a few), I'm censoring my entries to the point where they aren't doing what I had banked on originally. I used to write in a journal every so often. I had hoped that this would imitate that in many ways. I think it did for a while, and I felt like I had released some stress after each entry. I don't get that feeling anymore, and I'm very aware of many personal things I'm omitting from entries that I didn't used to.

I don't really have a solution, as writing my true feelings probably would have some implications elsewhere. Maybe this blogging idea is going downhill. I wish it weren't, and I'm going to keep trying to make entries, and to make them meaningful. At least to myself.

When I say thanks for reading, I really mean it. That was supposed to be secondary though.

So Damn Lucky

Another week.

Again, this summer is flying by at an amazing pace. So many fun things are happening in a short span of time, and I can't seem to have enough time to write about it all. I made bullets last entry on my week to come, and the week I had covered all that and much more.

My parents are away for the rest of this week, and I'm spending most of my nights here at their house. I'm writing this on my mom's laptop actually. With full cable, I've been watching a ton of Olympics. Which I'm totally stoked about. I really enjoyed watching swimming and men's gymnastics in the last few days. As much as track interests me, Michael Phelps' record is really intriguing to me. I am especially excited to see the sprint events on track (esp. the 100m, 400m, & 4x400m), and the remainder of Phelps' events.

I was in Qualicum for soccer last Thursday, and Jen and Amanda were out to watch my team beat the 2nd and 1st place team. Since I've joined my team, we've gone 6-1-1, going from 8th place to 2nd. I've scored 12 goals, and hope to score 15 when all is said and done. I remember a few years ago when I had aimed for 30 goals, and got there. I missed the first 2 weeks this year, and will miss the final night this coming thursday. The final league night is tomorrow night, with the final tournament going on thursday. Hopefully I can help bag a #1 seed for that.

I went to Port alberni this weekend for a wedding. I wound up staying over night on sproat lake with some friends. It was a really great time, and I was able to catch up with friends that I haven't spent time with in quite some time. Congrats to Heather for getting married. I was really proud of the way she and her Husband dealt with the usual wedding day stress, along with some unexpected things along the way.

Also this week I've had a bunch of other plans come my way to fill the gaps of my summer. I ran westwood in ~25 minutes yesterday, and was lucky enough to run into Blake at the finish line. I also played volleyball and hit the driving range yesterday. Today I met up with some friends I hadn't seen in a while. We played soccer and badminton in the rain, and a got a poker game going over a few drinks this evening. I can't pretend to want to spend more time with everyone, because that's just not good time management. But I'd like to spend more time with Jean Claude.

This coming week gets even better. Tomorrow I've got my last night at soccer. Thursday I'm heading to Whistler by myself to meet up with my brother. Friday I head up to 100 mile house with Iain and Jodie (his pregnant gf). Saturday I'll be in Hunnert Mile for a friend of ours' wedding. I'm not overly thrilled to be going, but once I'm there I'm sure that'll all change. Sunday we head back to Whistler, where I'll head to Vancouver to grab Jen and drive back to Whistler. Monday we'll go white water rafting. Tuesday Jen and I will shop before heading back to the island, where I'll probably update next.

As far as everything is going so far this month, what I had hoped for when I headed for Alberta is being exceeded.

Thanks for reading guys. I really hope to update a little more often.


'Everything's different
With my head in the clouds'

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fitter Happier

I'm convinced life doesn't get much better than this.

Sorry for the lack of updates. The truth is, I've been both busy and unenthusiastic to write. Which is strange, in the past I've written the most in the summertime. So much has been going on that it would take quite a while to write all about it.

Here are some highlights of what I've done since I updated last.

▫ Hung out with friends on saturday and b.s.'d in the sun
▫ Caught up with J.C. on saturday evening with beer and badminton
▫ Went out saturday night and had a really good/drunk time
▫ Went golfing sunday at Nanaimo and shot a 101. my first 18 holes ever.
▫ Went out for dinner sunday night
▫ Went boating on Horne lake on monday with friends
▫ Went to Westwood lake yesterday with jen, and floated/lounged around the entire time

The rest of the week doesn't even look much worse. Here are some potential highlights of the next few days.

▪ Housesitting at my parents. It'll be nice to relax in their big house
▪ Possibly meeting up with blake in the next few days for frolf or tennis in the morning
▪ Playing soccer in Qualicum on thursday night
▪ Going to see 'Pineapple Express' on friday night with jen and amanda
▪ Going to Port Alberni on saturday for Heather's wedding
▪ Spending saturday night at sproat lake with friends

All that being said, I've had ups and downs like any other week. I'd like to be playing more of my bass when I'm home, which I'm not a lot of the time. I'd also like to get cracking on getting employed by september, which I'm not at this rate. And if I keep going at this rate, I'm going to need a job by then.

There are plenty of things I'd like to do this summer that I'm not making much headway on. I really want to get in decent shape, and that's probably going to involve not drinking or doing drugs as much. I feel pretty guilty doing that too much. 'Fitter Happier' by Radiohead pretty much sums that up.

So I haven't blogged much in weeks. I haven't downloaded music since 'Paramore' on July 17th. I haven't exercised beyond the scope of golf and summer soccer. I feel really different and strange not doing the things I used to do all the time.

Hope you're having a good start to August. Thanks for reading.

Please comment...

'came in six lengths ahead
we spent the whole next week getting high'

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm Designer

Another week.

Pretty decent week actually, despite the spotty weather. I guess it hasn't rained in a month, so we're due. I spent some time monday and tuesday running some errands and doing some shopping. Apparently this is the time of year when a lot of stores have clearance sales, so I lucked out and got some nice clothes for cheap.

Wednesday I have no recollection of for some reason, except that I met up with friends in the evening to catch up on the summer. That was pretty fun.

Yesterday I spent the day in qualicum. I visited my Oma for lunch and dinner, and it was nice to spend some time with her. I want to spend more time with family and friends now that I have some extra time, and I really don't spend enough time with my grandma and oma. After dinner I went to soccer in the rain, which was a pretty good time. We won and tied. Since I've started playing, our team has gone 4-1-1, which was a little better than their 0-3-1 start. So we're at .500, and moving up.

After soccer I hung out with ryan, saul, and darren. We had a good b.s. Wound up getting home late last night, and I was more tired than I've been in a long time.

Today I was supposed to go golfing with my dad, but it was too wet. Not a big deal as we both have a lot of time to golf in august. I'm not sure about what I'm doing this weekend. Maybe golfing on sunday. maybe drinking with friends tonight or tomorrow or both. I guess it's a long weekend this weekend, whatever that means.

So yesterday there was a decapitation on a greyhound bus in Winnepeg. My reaction at first was semi toned down because I was at a retirement home with my oma. But that's fucked up. I think the witness guy who was talking on t.v. was pretty creepy as well. Oh well. Good ol' Canada.

Anyway, have a good long weekend. Thanks for reading.

'But maybe we can speed up the process
Kill me in my thirties in the name of progress'