Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm Designer

Another week.

Pretty decent week actually, despite the spotty weather. I guess it hasn't rained in a month, so we're due. I spent some time monday and tuesday running some errands and doing some shopping. Apparently this is the time of year when a lot of stores have clearance sales, so I lucked out and got some nice clothes for cheap.

Wednesday I have no recollection of for some reason, except that I met up with friends in the evening to catch up on the summer. That was pretty fun.

Yesterday I spent the day in qualicum. I visited my Oma for lunch and dinner, and it was nice to spend some time with her. I want to spend more time with family and friends now that I have some extra time, and I really don't spend enough time with my grandma and oma. After dinner I went to soccer in the rain, which was a pretty good time. We won and tied. Since I've started playing, our team has gone 4-1-1, which was a little better than their 0-3-1 start. So we're at .500, and moving up.

After soccer I hung out with ryan, saul, and darren. We had a good b.s. Wound up getting home late last night, and I was more tired than I've been in a long time.

Today I was supposed to go golfing with my dad, but it was too wet. Not a big deal as we both have a lot of time to golf in august. I'm not sure about what I'm doing this weekend. Maybe golfing on sunday. maybe drinking with friends tonight or tomorrow or both. I guess it's a long weekend this weekend, whatever that means.

So yesterday there was a decapitation on a greyhound bus in Winnepeg. My reaction at first was semi toned down because I was at a retirement home with my oma. But that's fucked up. I think the witness guy who was talking on t.v. was pretty creepy as well. Oh well. Good ol' Canada.

Anyway, have a good long weekend. Thanks for reading.

'But maybe we can speed up the process
Kill me in my thirties in the name of progress'

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