Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fitter Happier

I'm convinced life doesn't get much better than this.

Sorry for the lack of updates. The truth is, I've been both busy and unenthusiastic to write. Which is strange, in the past I've written the most in the summertime. So much has been going on that it would take quite a while to write all about it.

Here are some highlights of what I've done since I updated last.

▫ Hung out with friends on saturday and b.s.'d in the sun
▫ Caught up with J.C. on saturday evening with beer and badminton
▫ Went out saturday night and had a really good/drunk time
▫ Went golfing sunday at Nanaimo and shot a 101. my first 18 holes ever.
▫ Went out for dinner sunday night
▫ Went boating on Horne lake on monday with friends
▫ Went to Westwood lake yesterday with jen, and floated/lounged around the entire time

The rest of the week doesn't even look much worse. Here are some potential highlights of the next few days.

▪ Housesitting at my parents. It'll be nice to relax in their big house
▪ Possibly meeting up with blake in the next few days for frolf or tennis in the morning
▪ Playing soccer in Qualicum on thursday night
▪ Going to see 'Pineapple Express' on friday night with jen and amanda
▪ Going to Port Alberni on saturday for Heather's wedding
▪ Spending saturday night at sproat lake with friends

All that being said, I've had ups and downs like any other week. I'd like to be playing more of my bass when I'm home, which I'm not a lot of the time. I'd also like to get cracking on getting employed by september, which I'm not at this rate. And if I keep going at this rate, I'm going to need a job by then.

There are plenty of things I'd like to do this summer that I'm not making much headway on. I really want to get in decent shape, and that's probably going to involve not drinking or doing drugs as much. I feel pretty guilty doing that too much. 'Fitter Happier' by Radiohead pretty much sums that up.

So I haven't blogged much in weeks. I haven't downloaded music since 'Paramore' on July 17th. I haven't exercised beyond the scope of golf and summer soccer. I feel really different and strange not doing the things I used to do all the time.

Hope you're having a good start to August. Thanks for reading.

Please comment...

'came in six lengths ahead
we spent the whole next week getting high'

1 comment:

nq2b said...

make sure to take lots of Pic of Heathers Wedding so we can pretend that I am there!
And you need to tell me you address so I can send you mail!