Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nothing Else Matters

I'm beginning to see the limitations of having a blog.

I once thought that this would be a great opportunity for me to express myself through a medium I was fairly familiar with: writing. Since I began blogging, some hundred and something entries ago, I've evolved the way I write in this thing.

Lately I haven't written as often. And when I do write, I have so much to write about that I only touch the surface on what I'm doing, or what I'm feeling. It's almost become update central. I don't know if that's what I wanted it to become.

I wanted this to be a medium where I didn't care about readers, and I could write about whatever I felt like. Now I know I have readers (albeit only a few), I'm censoring my entries to the point where they aren't doing what I had banked on originally. I used to write in a journal every so often. I had hoped that this would imitate that in many ways. I think it did for a while, and I felt like I had released some stress after each entry. I don't get that feeling anymore, and I'm very aware of many personal things I'm omitting from entries that I didn't used to.

I don't really have a solution, as writing my true feelings probably would have some implications elsewhere. Maybe this blogging idea is going downhill. I wish it weren't, and I'm going to keep trying to make entries, and to make them meaningful. At least to myself.

When I say thanks for reading, I really mean it. That was supposed to be secondary though.

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