Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend Wars

Ahh the weekend. Not like it really matters to me anyways right now.

Went downtown last night to hang out with a few friends. I wound up having a pretty decent time, but I didn't feel so hot this morning. When we got home from downtown, there were other friends hanging out at my house, so we kept it going until 3:30am or so. Early last night Jeremy and I decided that we weren't going to sit at home all night, so we tried to organize something. Nothing really came of that, so we just went downtown and ran into some friends of ours, and just hung out with them at the Cambie.

Today was a pretty uneventful day, so it was fine that I didn't feel so well. Earlier this week I qualified for a semi-important poker tournament online, so I played that and a few others today. I airballed all of them. Oh well. There was plenty of football on t.v. to cheer me up.

Speaking of which, now that the NFL has started, and the MLB and CFL are getting good, I'm following sports a little more than I did in the summer. I'm hoping the chi-cubs really do well in the postseason. I watched Peyton Manning play football today after too long of only watching him in commercials. I had almost forgotten that he's good at ball as well. That, and I saw Derek Jeter tie a meaningful record at yankee stadium today. Which totally gave me goosebumps. There's something about the spectacle of sports achievements that really gets me.

I almost feel bad about playing online poker and watching sports when the weather is like this. I imagine the sun is only going to last another few weeks. I really want to try to make an effort to get out in it when I can. A lakeday in the near future is highly probable.

* * * *

Oh man, I found a song that I am totally in love with. I haven't found a song in a long time that I instantly get super hooked on. The song is 'closer' by Kings of Leon, who I'm liking more and more. Their new album was leaked recently, and so far it's pretty good, although I'll have to give it a few weeks before I can say it's as good as the Death Cab album that came out earlier this year.

Find that song, and give it a whirl. I only took one time for me to love it.

'Stranded in this spooky town'


Liquid_Quik said...

what the hell tournament did you qualify for? not a WCOOP?

Mike Warren said...

no it wasn't a wcoop. that'd be sick, not semi-important. it was a round two for some summer games thing. it was 6-max. i qualified again for a round two this weekend, for plo.