Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All Our Days Are Numbered

Pfft I hate the way I do things sometimes.

Today I'm walking, and I go out of my way to take the scenic route to where I'm going. There's awesome tree lines, and the street is just really beautiful. Definitely the nicest looking street in the south end of town. And what do I do? I'm lost in the sidewalk, making sure I don't step on any cracks. What the hell is wrong with me?

I think (no, I know) I have a small obsession with numbers. I spend time thinking, whenever I'm doing something tedious or boring, how I can track myself with numbers in some way. Whether it's counting when I'm listening to music, walking down a street, writing anything down, or working. It's the weirdest thing. I just can't help but set numerical standards while I do something, then keep track of whether I'm meeting/exceeding my expectation. On the half hour walk it took me today, I was probably in number space for 25 minutes.

I put my iPod on shuffle, and skips song, trying to guess the artist of each track. I set a goal/standard of guessing with 80% accuracy. And that stupid, lame, ridiculous game I make for myself passes the time, every time I walk anywhere. I got 23/25 today. I usually get 40-50 tracks in a 30 min walk, but I had a 'Dire Straights' moment, and had to listen to the whole song. Nerdy, right?

Anyway. That's my admission of being hooked on numbers. And I really don't like complicated math that much. Enjoy the 2nd half of the week, and thanks for reading.

'You can't wish me away'

1 comment:

jazmynthirteen said...

so i guess we should call you the count(from seasame street) hahaha.