Thursday, June 25, 2009

Massive Nights

Hey Michael Jackson died.

I feel different about someone after I learn that they have died. I didn't particularly like Jackson, nor did I like his music much. But now that he has died, I can't help but look at his life as a whole, and the influence he had on what I might consider mainstream media. He was obviously bigger than music. Anyway, I was disappointed to hear about the news today. He'll have a hell of a legacy. I wonder if his funeral will be similar to Princess Diana's. We will see.

Not much else is really noteworthy. I'll be laid off from one of my jobs on June 30th. That's kinda neat.

Some people just don't get it. I have a major rant inside me, but I just don't really feel like spending the time, especially since right now I have a date on the volleyball court. But some people just don't get it. Maybe I'll crank some eminem. Apparently he gets it.

'But seriously'

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Constant Knot

It's been a long week.

Happy fathers day daddy-o. And happy fathers day to my bro as well. First one. We had a fun day together today. I'm really enjoying family time with everyone again. I don't remember the last time I thought that way.

My week was really productive and fun. I played a ton as usual. God I love summer for that. We're getting a badminton net up in the backyard pronto tonto. I also ran into a bunch of old faces today. It brought back some pretty crazy memories. People from my past that I missed, people I didn't care to ever see again, and people who I'd completely forgotten about.

Other than being busy, not too much is new or exciting.

Home isn't as good as it was when I first moved in. I need to iron out a few kinks, like I was sure I would have to. It's weird after living with the same people for so many years, to switch it up. I guess I had expectations that I should have checked at the door. But I'm happy where I'm at, and I have no doubts that I'll continue to be happy.

After seeing people today, I've been in a really nostalgic mood. I can't get people off my mind for some reason. Not in a bad way, but I can't help feel sometimes that I forgot about a lot of friends along the last 7 years since high school. It's strange to revisit, because I just don't really do that.

Haha, oh well. I feel like I'm rambling now. This week keeps the ball rolling. I work, I play, I do my thing. I've been in optimism mode the last few weeks. Home will be good, friends will be friends, and I'll be the busy kid I need to be.

Thanks for reading.

'I hope you'll take it
I know you're faking just a little bit'

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Famous Last Words

Shot wayy too high today at golf. Just when I thought my game was coming along. I was so optimistic and in a great mood, then I started my round off with two triples.

Couldn't have been that bad a Saturday though, right? Spending time in the sun with the boys? It was super hot out there today as well. It was pretty amusing being on the course and watching the guys seek out shade like they search the fridge for the last beer.

Last night was pretty epic. First BBQ of the season. And we degen'd pretty hard last night downtown. There were gaps in my night that were pretty funny to hear about today. I don't really need to go into detail. Not one of my prouder nights. Lots of fun though. I don't remember why, but I remember catching a cab home 6 blocks away from the club. Did we try to run home as far as we could to save cab fare? I don't get it.

Tomorrow I have a banquet with Nanaimo United. I need to seriously start discussing the coming season with the board members. If I'm coaching an important team in the club, I need to know quickly how much freedom I have to operate. It kind of sucks because I know the president has an agenda. He plans on having me coach a top flight team, yet plucking players away from me whenever he feels the need to. He won't need to wait long to find out how I feel about that. FUCK THAT - that's how I feel. Haha, look at me getting me protective of my boys already. His (the prez) idea is that I keep my players healthy, so when other (less important) teams need guys, he just takes them from my team. That's kind of strange to me. I guess I need to learn how a club works.

Anyway, still on soccer, this is what I have to maintain in my first year of coaching in the U21 graduate league:

Last season's stats
Wins: 15
Losses: 0
Ties: 1
Goals For: 54
Goals Against: 2
Goal Rating: 27.00
Team with the next highest rating: Cowichan U21 (3.21)

That's it. Tomorrow I keep on rolling with the summer that has been amazing so far.

'This train don't stop there anymore'

Friday, June 12, 2009

Everybody Wake Up


I have a long weekend this week, and plan to take full advantage. I had to work last night, and I missed out on some fun. Until yesterday, I had never had five different friends call to want to do something. I missed out on volleyball, golf, and whatever else. I don't mind. I have a long weekend right?

I am super stoked on two new albums. The new Green Day disc, and the new DMB album just came out, and I can't get enough of either. Maybe I'm excited because I get to see both bands this summer. I can't wait.

Today I'm catching up with my dad and running a few errands. I'm getting a business license today, so I can start proposing business and revenue sharing with the city. It's exciting and scary at the same time. That, and I get a new BBQ today. Well, new to me. My parents are downsizing, and need someone to take a big ass BBQ off their hands. OK!

So tonight we're obviously BBQ'ing.

I'm keeping track of how much money I spend on alcohol this summer. I don't really know why, but I want to look back at the end and shake my head for some reason. It's off to a pretty rocky start. I had a fun end to my May, lets just keep it at that.

I hope you have as good a weekend as I hope to have. Go Pens! And lakers too, I suppose.

'And there were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven'

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Time Bomb

I wish I could have posted at least once since the 1st. Too many great things have been going on that I would have liked to written about in a little more detail.

Friday was probably a top 5 day in the history of my existence. It was just about as good as it gets. I golfed 18 holes at a short course, disc golfed 18 holes, and played volleyball with my pals until it was too dark to see the ball. We played so much. We then went out and had fun. Come midnight though, my magic run of a day ended, and I turned back into a pumpkin. Oh well.

This week has lots of work involved, just like last week. I have one sort of complaint about my new job at the city. My supervisor (or whatever she is to me) is really professional/verbose in her discussions my me about work. As a result, I'm really unclear about what expectations are of me, and I find myself really confused about what she wants me to do.

Friday is payday, and it's going to be a solid one, for probably the first time this year.

I had a tennis lesson the other day with Blake, and it was really neat to learn as much as I did. It was so useful, and I can't wait to get back on the court.

Well, I gotta get moving so I can get to work on time. Have a good week, and thanks for reading.

'Sit back and breathe
It's nice to know you work alone'

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I'm going to see Green Day! I'm pretty excited. I loved their show in 2005, and swore I'd see them again if they came. Well July 4th is that day, and Jen has hooked up comped passes. Very sweet.

Last few days I've been super busy with work. I work tomorrow night, but I'm getting a lake day in first. My last lake day was almost 3 weeks ago, and I'm still peeling from the sun burn. I'll be running in the a.m., and hitting the lakeshore right after. Can't wait. It's supposed to hit 25-30° tomorrow, so bring it.

Couple more shout outs. Not that I missed any last time around. But it was a busy day for my friends today.

Congratulations to my high school pal Heather, who just gave birth to her first child. I can't say that would compare to very many days in one's life. I'm pretty excited for her.

Also, a pile of my friends from Uni graduated today. I don't want to try to name all my friends for fear of forgetting anyone. But I wanted to name a few. Jaci and Connor were long time friends of mine at school. I went through athletics, academics, and extra curric's with both, and they both made school so amazing. Congrats guys. You worked hard.

That must mean it's a year today since I graduated. I don't really want to spend any time evaluating what I've done in the last year, I'll save that for late december.

Anyway. Busy week for not just me.

'You are your own worst enemy
Know your enemy'