Friday, November 30, 2007


This week has been so tough. I went to the gym a few times to burn some stress, and it totally helped. In five days I wrote some 8,000 words, and I'm still behind. Oh well. Tomorrow I go see Tool in Victoria, and my oh my. I'm excited. So many people I know are going too, which is rad. I'm trying not to over-hype myself, but I know I'm gonna be hypnotized the whole time.

So theres this new 'in' word that everyone at school is using, and it's starting to sort of annoy me. I actually don't mind the word, which is 'gnarly'. It's so overused in every context. If you go out drinking for example, you can try a gnarly new drink, dress up real gnarly, and feel gnarly the next morning. C'mon.

Saul brought home a bunch of food from some school thing. Oy vey is all I can say. So much food. Jeremy took a game off me at squash. He's getting way better. Other than that, things have been kinda bland around here this week. Oh yeah, and the weather has been as weird as the neon triangles and squares that dance in front of my eyes.

Thx for reading

'We barely remember, who or what came before, this precious moment'

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Head Over Feet

Quick story then I have to get back to my paper. Touch of irony that needs to be shared.

I'm sitting at my computer when my wandering eye catches a sign in the library lobby. What makes it soooo good is that everyone can see it. So the sign is advertising the writing center, and when it closes for the break. But the grammar is all wrong. Which is brilliant. I think that's about it.

Oh yeah, I'm doing my gymnastics warmup tomorrow in class. To the backstreet boys. Weak.

lata p'tata

'Will you slam shut, or free your mind, or stay hypnotised?'

Monday, November 26, 2007

How To Be Dead

And then it snowed. WTF? yeah get this. It snowed enough for the library to close, but nothing else. And that History paper due tomorrow, all the primary sources are on reserve at the library. So rad. Are you freakin kidding me?

So I figure, hey its snowing, school might be canceled anyway. You know, maybe save my ass another day to get to the library. Then it starts to rain and the snow goes away. I have this weird vein jutting out of my forehead that won't go away. Hmmm.

This blog wasn't actually meant to be a rant. I think out of 20 entries I've only ranted twice, which is decent. For my next 20 entries my goal is to cut down on that number.

Points of note:
▫ Kelsey made the most amazing cake. So good.
▫ The pub at school sucks at nachos.
▫ The Firehouse Grill doesn't.
▫ I'm graduating sooo soon. Its crazy to think about.

Thanks for reading, and excuse the rant...

'so sweetheart tell me what's up I won't stop, no way'

Is Anybody Home?

Its Monday afternoon of THE week. The last 12 have come down to this week. There are so many weak idioms that I could toss in, so I think I will. As many times as I can in this entry actually, it'll be off the hook.

So I thought this major assignment was due wednesday, and it was balls to the wall. But no dice. Got an extension until next monday. Which is dope, cause I was on the fritz.

Got my First final exam marks back from one of my classes, which was a walk in the park to be frank. Scored +90%, and so that got my mojo workin. lol.

So yeah, I was all gung ho to pull a graveyard tonight, but with a few extra days before its all due, I can just hit the hay when I run out of steam.

Thats all...

'You haven't seen the world outside for days'

El Manana

The weekend kinda cruised by. I got a lot of homework done, but not enough. I'm still behind. Congrats to Sask for the grey cup win. Missed the grey cup parties this year because of schoolwork. My mom makes more food then than she does at thanksgiving. Its pretty redic.

Got some new music this weekend. The new Gorillaz is growing on me.

Cool stories... ummm...

a. patriots are 11-0. yaaawn.
b. rediscovered pasta and meat sauce.
c. Saw the light of day over 48 hours ago. Not since.
d. listened to 157 songs today. sick.
e. Read so many journal articles I developed a facial tic when I now hear/read the words 'standard deviation'. I'll fucking deviate the next journal that says that.

Thats it. Have a good week.


'time you aint no friend of mine'

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just Like Anyone

Pluggin away

It's midweek in the library, and I feel so behind. I'm at the start of 2 straight weeks of crunch, so it's bad to feel bogged down already. I'm progressing though, its just slow.

There's a poker night at school tomorrow night, and I'm gonna win it. The winner gets a iPod shuffle. I already have an ipod, but a small one would be awesome to run with.

Saul's party on friday night, and my house is once again going to be a gong show. It's all good. I'm looking forward to working hard to deserve those two breaks in the week. The only two breaks I hope...

thx for reading. you rock.

'feel so sick, pay no price, stray so far, play no more'

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Can't Dance

I gotta stop talking about myself so much. It really isn't me to do that. So I'm going to tell a story that isn't about me.

A man is walking downtown not far from his house. He's in sort of a mood. Let's say he's in a mood to make something happen. He sees a girl as he's walking. It's been years since he's seen her, and he actually used to date her.

As they start talking, filling in the gaps of the years gone by, they start to wonder aloud what might have been. Of course, that was years ago, and now she has a child of her own. The two go their separate ways, and the man continues walking. He decides to write about it. So he finds a rock to sit on and writes about what just happened. This is what he writes:

Well I see ya holdin hands with your lover. And you're makin plans with each other. It fits real good on ya. Well don't worry, I didn't come to make things strange. Theres a reason why things change. She sees right through my thin disguise...


'Friends... check. Money... check. Well slept...'

Monday, November 19, 2007

Lost Art of Keeping a Secret

I have the sickest amount of homework due in the next two weeks. Like 70 pages+. That's gotta be the worst way to look at it, because it's getting kind of overwhelming. I broke it all down, and if I just work my ass off, it won't be too bad.

I'm about to live in the library for the next week or so. If I didn't have my ipod I'm pretty sure I would die.

Anyway, I won an online tourny this weekend, although it wasn't for any sort of real money prize. Felt good to destroy an entire field though.

Oh yeah. I went and saw Colin James in concert last night. The guy is an unbelievable (sp?) guitarist. Other than poker and Colin James, and squash on saturday, I basically spent the weekend doing journal entries and powerpoint presentations. woot.


'I wish I was a catfish, swimming in the deep blue sea'

Saturday, November 17, 2007

November Rain

too ra loo

Nice little Saturday actually. I did some homework, went to the gym and played some squash, and had an awesome dinner.

Maybe I should have done more homework, but I'll get to that. New killers album out, and even thought I've heard most of the b-sides, it's still hot. For music I'm also loving the new Coheed and Cambria album.

On the same topic, my bandmembers and I have come up with a decent name for a band after playing together almost a year. 'Harlot' is what we landed on. I like it.

Keep it real.

'If it keeps on raining, the levee's going to break'

Friday, November 16, 2007

Seek Up

Got a big bag of nibs - ↑

Spent the day in the rain - ↓

I like this whole blogging thing. Lets me get generic stuff off my chest and make life a little easier. I don't like really bitching about anything, so I think this is as close as i get to that.

School is trying to get me down, but I won't let it get to me. I am enjoying poker these days, which is a change. Sometimes I do things that I don't always like/enjoy, which makes no sense when I think about it.

Anyway, if you do ever read this, I wanna hear from you.

I want to go to this formal thing coming up, but I don't have anything to wear...

thanks for reading.

'shapes of every size, move behind my eyes'

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Turn It Again

I had 2 breakfasts this morning! It doesn't get better than that, so....

Thanks for reading. Have a good day!


'There's a piece of a puzzle known as life
Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight'

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Down Poison

Monday off wooo

Spent my day off doing homework for the most part, but it was nice to have the day. I basically have fridays off, and you know how sweet 4-day weekends are.

I spent the weekend gorging in food, playing poker online and live, and I actually got out to the gym. I didn't forget why I had a long weekend either. Remembrance Day came and went, and I have respect for the men and women who fought for where we are today. I thought the Canadian media did a good job to 'promote' Remembrance Day (not a good word).

Anyway, BC and Sask next weekend for the western championship, and my bro is going. So jealous. What else? Christmas break is sooo close, I can already feel it. Sweeet.


'The boulevard is not that bad'

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bittersweet Poetry

The Fence

Caught at the foot of the titanic root,
I realize his power and am subconsciously captivated,
Without movement, the tree lurks like a brute,
Blocking the sun with his arms elongated.

I cant stare too long, for a flaw found falters image,
As I turn I see new beauty: a half dozen mouths grazing,
The wary farmer comforts my presence as he shops in the village,
Behind me the fence, ahead my view amazing.

Wanting what's not, I crave the other three seasons,
Each season stems serially from a hope all too nice,
The white, the colour, the orange are my reasons,
To why the young year's green pleases but won't suffice.

As the grazers migrate to a distant lawn mower my view also turns,
Back to perfection, to the solitary oak,
In the midst of a field which waves like a flame burns,
Goose bumps in this haven cover me like a cloak.

Its always too soon I have to turn back to the fence,
To jostle and bustle and tarry and flurry,
One day the perfect calm will be gone, until whence,
The wind will still make me tear as it makes the tree blurry.

'A poem begins with a lump in the throat'

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Barely Listening

So I basically slept through my whole week. Felt really nice to recharge after a stressful few days, but I need to get used to that. My next 3 weeks are going to be a blur of school work.

Haven't done a whole lot thats been interesting in the last few days.

So I was half planning on playing for a soccer team in Parksville/Port Alberni. The guys are all my age, and I know most of them. I went out for a practice and basically decided I wasn't going to play. It is so unorganized, and I think I'm too busy anyways.

I've been thinking of trying the marathon thing again. I would start in January, for the May race. I need to put a little more thought into it than I did last year. I'll see some specialists and see what an ideal training regimen would look like.

Oh yeah, one other thing. Blake and I have decided that over the winter break we're gonna get really good at poker. Ha. Riiight.


'And I will turn off, And I will shut down, The chemicals are restless in my head'

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getaway Car


Just finished my midterm. you ever get the feeling like you wanna just waste the entire day after you get something stressful over with? I actually got class all day, so that won't really work too well. Studying went decent yesterday, and when I eventually got a headache, I was pleasantly surprised that drugs actually worked.

Right now is kind of a weird time, and it's hard to explain why. There's a pile of things that are making life kind of foreign right now. First off, both my roommates are in transition, which is trickling down a little bit on me. I've got new friends and I don't see most of my old(er) associations, which isn't bad.

Anyway, nothings wrong. Things just feel a little different. Now I plan to read other blogs and chill with my ipod until my next class. If you want to read a crazy blog entry, check out


'Excuse me please, one more drink
Could you make it strong cause I don’t need to think'

Monday, November 5, 2007

Butterflies And Hurricanes


i'm about to spend the rest of my day in the library with a text book preparing for tomorrow's midterm. I couldn't be more unexcited. So i'm pausing to think of better things.

three weeks and my roommate is having a birthday party at our house, and it always promises to be the party of the year. 4 weeks and I go see tool in victoria. I also want to see the trans siberian orchestra in vancouver, but its the night before tool, and i need to be semi-energized for that.

What else is good? I learned some new stuff on my bass, downloaded some new music, and started 'interview with the vampire'. Thats all. Maybe I'll post an update in 8 hours from the library.

'young hearts be free tonight'

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Death Of Seasons

Wow a lot has happened in the last like 3 days. Since thursday I have been on cruise control and I'm now snapping out of it. here's what shook down in the last few...

Thursday a buddy of mine from the soccer team got beaten down at the bar, and spent the night getting his face put back together. Some kind of experience. The Nanaimo night scene is getting better and better.

Friday I went to the driving range and took out the driver for the first time ever. I know its not a bomb, but I can hit the ball around 230 yards, except I can't get it down. The loft I get with my driver is the same as with my 7 iron. which is just silly if you ask me.

Last night I played cards with the 'good old boys'. I walked away up 150$. I wasn't even getting good cards. But it was good to see the guys again, and I really like how graciously they lose. seriously. They don't even care as long as we get to hang out.

Earlier in the week I bought some clothes, played some music with the guys, and went to dinner with amanda and jen, which was pretty fun. Oh, and I found sour dino's. Now all thats left is homework, sunday poker online, and the colts/patriots. and I have tv to watch it. Oh snap. Tom Brady is going to fall hard in about an hour, and I don't even feel bad for the guy.


'I woke the same as any other day
Except a voice was in my head
It said seize the day, pull the trigger
Drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads'