Monday, November 26, 2007

Is Anybody Home?

Its Monday afternoon of THE week. The last 12 have come down to this week. There are so many weak idioms that I could toss in, so I think I will. As many times as I can in this entry actually, it'll be off the hook.

So I thought this major assignment was due wednesday, and it was balls to the wall. But no dice. Got an extension until next monday. Which is dope, cause I was on the fritz.

Got my First final exam marks back from one of my classes, which was a walk in the park to be frank. Scored +90%, and so that got my mojo workin. lol.

So yeah, I was all gung ho to pull a graveyard tonight, but with a few extra days before its all due, I can just hit the hay when I run out of steam.

Thats all...

'You haven't seen the world outside for days'

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