Friday, December 21, 2007

Mother Superior

My mom has been going through a tough process at work. She's been trying to get a job that's been posted in upper management, and she had was told earlier in the year that she couldn't get it. So she looked for a similar job elsewhere, and found an upper management job in Victoria that was in the same field. When Nanaimo heard she was leaving, they offered her an opportunity to apply for the job here. So she stayed.

That was a while back. Yesterday my mom had the job interview, and was offered the job. She took it, and I'm pretty stoked. She gets her own truck! I'm just happy for her I guess. For my mom I think the holidays are going to be good no matter what happens from here on in.

Hope you have a moment like this over the break, where you can weigh all the time against one moment, and decide that the holidays were good or successful.

'Cold comfort for change'

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