Friday, December 7, 2007

Roller Queen

Just finished exam #1. Two more to go, and I feel the break coming. It's still around the corner, but it's close. Damn this fall flew by. I can't wait to rest and play video games and poker. I haven't blogged much on the basis that school sucks. I've been pretty stressed lately. I'm calling this in the air, I'm gonna be sick a week today.

I haven't played music for like 3 weeks, and half our band is leaving for the break. Which is pretty lame. I have this sinking feeling that we will never do anything together except play in our house. After the spring, 3 of the 4 of us will be graduated, and we all won't be sticking around. It sucks because I would much rather play with friends than play with better musicians that weren't as good friends.

In my wildest dreams I would love to make something happen musically, whether it be a live show or something bigger. In reality I am really busy, and this music thing HAS to take a back seat to school. So I have to try not to get frustrated with our lack of direction and enjoy the little time we have left. At most we play a few times a week, and sometimes it goes weeks in between sessions. The best part about playing music with these guys is that we can combine our skill set (albeit a limited set at that) to actually produce a sound I am proud of. That's the part I'll remember most.

Thanks for stoppin by.

'And how can we win, when fools can be kings'

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