Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cheer Up Boys (Your Makeup Is Running)

Wow what a weekend.

If things go on like this, it's gonna be a heck of a summer. Yesterday I went out to the river and out for dinner. The river was a really good time. I went with Jen and her friends, and we laughed long and hard on the rocks in the sun. The water was nice enough to swim in, but we just floated around.

Today I went downtown and watched Jen race in the sillyboat races at the harbor. It was crazy busy down there. I won't say too much about the whole thing because I couldn't have been there for more than an hour. I got there in time to see the race, then I wound up buzzing off.

After watching the race, me and a few friends took a ferry over to Gabriola island and hung out all day. We cruised the harbor over there, sat and drank on a patio, and hung out on a random beach. It was really good. We came home and continued drinking at my house. Not a bad evening in my opinion. Or weekend for that fact. I haven't really stopped doing fun stuff since friday.

Tomorrow is the start of Jen's days off, so we're gonna head to westwood to spend the day on the lake. Which excites me. I might bring my running stuff and go for a run, then just lay around for the rest of the day.

It is so smoking hot in my house. I need to invest in a fan to cool my room off. I can't complain though. The nice weather has been amazing, and it needs to last. Pleease.

Have a good week, and thanks for reading.

'Talk is cheap and lies are expensive, my wallet's fat and so is my head'

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