Thursday, July 24, 2008


I've been home for a week now, and things have been pretty good.

I've spent time at the ocean, on a lake, and at the river. I've played frisbee golf, seen movies, and watched a great sunset. And I spent an entire day doing nothing at all but hanging out and playing my bass. Things have gone pretty smooth.

Today isn't much different. I hung with Blake this morning before he had to go to work. We had a good b.s. about stuff. Tonight I'm playing soccer in Qualicum, then hanging out with friends afterwards. I'm really enjoying spending so much time with friends. It was one of my new years resolution to be a little more social, and it's going fairly well.

The remainder of my week is pretty booked already. Tomorrow I'm going kayaking with my dad, and I'm sure he'll pick a really cool spot for us to go. He tends to have a nose for that kind of thing. Later on tomorrow night I'm meeting up with friends that I haven't seen in a while for dinner and drinks.

Saturday will be a pretty relaxing day. Jeremy is coming home for the weekend, so I plan on doing something with him, whether it be at the beach for bathtub weekend, or just hanging out here playing music. Sunday is my grandma's birthday, so I'll be over at my parents house for dinner. Monday is my mom's birthday, but she'll be busy all day so I have no plans for then yet.

The days are filling up pretty fast. I've got a couple weddings in august, along with a few trips planned. I'll be able to squeeze in a couple days a week of just relaxing or hanging out at the lake, which make for some of the best days. I also want to start running again fairly regularly. It's a little tougher than it usually is because I don't have a training goal right now. I may have to find one, like the victoria half/full marathon in a few months.

Have a good end to your week, and thanks for reading.

'belief is a beautiful armor
but makes for the heaviest sword'

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