Friday, May 22, 2009

Whatever Gets You Through The Night

I'm pretty sure summer kicked itself in almost overnight. While shorts season for me starts very early - I wore shorts to LA in March, and haven't looked back since - wearing flip-flops is my sign that summer is here. And I'm rocking the flippie floppies straight time.

So I start a new job tonight. Not really a job, but some contract work I'm doing for the city. Blake, thanks for the hook-up bud. Seriously, where would we be without hook-ups??

I'm also going to the movies tonight! Woo exciting, right? I think the last movie I saw in the theatre may have been the dark knight. So it's an event for me.

I moved all my big stuff, and am now living at my new place. I have a few more boxes of stuff to move, and that should get done on sunday I figure. I also have a bunch of cleaning at my old house to do. With work, the movies, moving, and poker tomorrow night, it should be a busy and fun weekend.

Here I go.

'I got to stop wishin', I've got to go fishin'

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