Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Creation Lake

Day off today. I had yesterday off as well, and it was supposed to be my only day off this week. Maybe I shouldn't do stupid things on my day off, that create more days off...

I went quadding yesterday with JC, Landon, and Sam. We went exploring for a while and eventually found a random small lake to have a fire and relax. JC went for a walk on the frozen lake, I made a fire, and Landon helped with the beer consumption. It was a really fun time, even after I hurt myself. I managed to cut my hand pretty bad, and I was really annoyed more than anything else. The rest of the day was just as fun, but I knew that I needed a tetanus shot and stitches as soon as we got home.

Great day off. But like I said, I was pretty pissed at hurting myself. My right hand is outta commission for up to ten days. I can't really even open my hand. Props to the ER guy, who was pretty funny and cleaned me up good. And a big fuck you to the walk-in clinic guy, who dug around in my hand, and couldn't help me. I've gotten stitches at a walk-in before, this guy just seemed like he didn't want to deal with it. Oh well.

That's it for me. Not much else is going on. I'm supposed to be working, and I don't much else planned.

'make the best of what's around'

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