Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Ahh. Busy few days. Can I tell you about it?

First, My brother was in town with Lochlun, Jody, and her parents this weekend. There was a baby shower on Sunday, and lets just say that some people are pretty generous. Doesn't make me want to have a kid any more than I did before. Now that Lochlun is over a month old, I'm seeing a trend change in people, and I am very happy about it. Over the course of the pregnancy, and during last month after Lochlun was born, people were treating the whole situation like a novelty. Oh kids are fantastic, etc. Then whoever it was, and it was everyone, would turn to me and ask when I was going to follow suit, and have a kid. It was funny at first. It was funny all summer actually. Then it got kind of old, can you imagine?

Oops, two rhetorical questions in one entry.

Sunday night my Oma was taken to hospital, and was diagnosed with having a "T.I.A." or Transient ischemic attack. It's a small stroke, and she had a more serious stroke a few years ago. She's healthier than my only other living grandparent, and it's really sad. I picked up my Oma on Sunday morning from Qualicum to go to the baby shower. On the drive I was grilling her about exercise and staying active, and she mentioned that she felt like she was the healthiest she could possibly be. She walks regularly, and does group exercise no less than 4 days a week with a trainer. Over the last few months, I've talked with and learned more from my Oma than ever before. I really hope she recovers well.

Family health is on the hotstove these days. The last time I lost a family member was in grade 12, and it was pretty hard for me to deal with. In fact, my parents and extended family were sort of offended with the way I acted. For the record, I didn't think I stepped out of line. My Opa had been really sick, and when he died, the men in the family were nominated as pall bearers, and I declined. I dealt with it in my own way, and I obv. meant no disrespect. I really hope the three sick people in my immediate family recover and live several more years.

I could really write lots more about my party, my soccer game, working, etc., but thinking and writing about my Oma kind of took the wind outta my sails.

I'm doing pretty good these days.

'Cocaine cowgirl, she's out catching eyes'

1 comment:

jazmynthirteen said...

yeah new addtions to the family are always great. i was left standing alone for 18 years until i got the lil bro i always wanted and two beautiful cousins,which might as well be nieces. i love'em to death. but yeah i started getting the nudge from my own g-ma to have kids of my own. a little unsettling. well hope your family members get better.