Thursday, April 16, 2009

Better Than Oh

Oh boy. I've been angry many times today. I guess what I would call 'stupid stuff' in hindsight, probably wasn't stupid at the time.

I thought about myself being angry all day. I just seemed to keep getting angry at things, people, situations. It led me to a hypothesis.

The Illusion of Common Sense

I guess I've spent years experiencing people, situations, and things; to the point where I assume some sort of basic common sense out of people. Wrong, wrong, wrong. This mistake is why I get angry 95% of the time. And I'm practicing to get out of that trend, now that I realize it.

There's lots of examples where you can assume common sense in people. Driving, communicating, etc. Throw common sense out the window. It's dead.

I always enjoyed learning virtues in grade school, but I can't remember learning prudence. Ahh prudence. Exercising sound judgment in practical affairs. First, throw out your expectations of what people consider practical affairs. Your and my opinion of that differs so widely. I think that's where I get angry. What I consider a practical affair is definitely not for some people. Like parking your car at Wallmart. You drive everyday, you park every day, you practice communication with other drivers every day. So parking at Wallmart should be a practical affair. Then the universe reminds me that so many people are not prudent. "ieurtwhgufhadfgdfgkjgfn fuck you", says the universe.

That's just an example. I'm not angry because I went to Wallmart too many times this week.

So I'm working hard to not expect common sense of people. I would rather someone shock me by acting prudent, than becoming angry by the vice versa. Common sense is an illusion to me now. It isn't actually real. Was it ever?

* * * * *

Ok, I'm over that. It's just - it isn't that easy. Write about it, understand it, and boom - I should be done being angry. I'm just not. Expecting less out of people is quite the undertaking.

Also, I don't deal with anger really well. Well, maybe better than... oh. Better than some. But I stay angry for too long. I'm glad I don't get angry often. It pretty much fucked up my day today.

Well, tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow.... It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

'But she doesn't know that I left my urge in the icebox'

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