Monday, February 25, 2008


I'm home again.

Well the annoying part of my spring break is done. Now onto phase 2 - homework and stuff like that. Last night I got home and got some much needed relaxation in. Although I spent the weekend in the friendly confines of my parents house, it was a different bed, and we all like our own pillows best. Plus, the pillows on my bed there were way too warm, and that's my excuse for not sleeping. I actually spent about 24 hours half asleep and awake after I got my wisdom teeth out. Tip ----> don't take morphine unless you have to, and I don't think I had to.

I look forward to eating solid food again, although it'll probably be a few more days. For now it's still oatmeal and protein shakes. I got the shakes.

I guess nothing else is new. I go to Whistler in a few, and that's about er. I downloaded a pile of movies today, and I almost want to sit down and watch them all. Which I really shouldn't do.

Ok, I really want to tell you about a song. I just sort of re-discovered it. It's 'Invincible' by Muse, and its right here if you wanna check it out ------------------------->.
The music video is really cool. My favorite part has got to be the drumming, even though there's a pretty sweet bass part at 3:23. The instrumentation that this band has is crazy. The music alone can tell a story. To me this song is about perseverance, and makes me happy and sad at the same time. It's anthem-like, and its uplifting sound brings me up. The insistent drum line reminds me to keep going, through the ups and downs that the guitar line embodies.

'And I'm so confused about what to do, sometimes I want to throw it all away'

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Second Hand News

It is Spring Break. YES.

Tomorrow my wisdom teeth come out. NO.

I've sectioned off my break into three parts, and I hope they all go smooth and don't spill into each other.
1. Get wisdom teeth pulled and spend the weekend at my parents on lockdown. With soup and yogurt. And.... visitors?
2. Do homework early next week, and make some serious headway on a few school related things.
3. Go to Whistler for a few days, and try really hard to relax and have a good time.

I just finished this crazy long assignment today, and now all I know is lists when trying to discuss something. I made like 40+ pages of lists. That's over.

Anyway, I don't have much to report. If I had a choice, I'm not sure who I'd rather be this weekend. Saul's gonna put some TLC into a beamer, and Blake will spend the weekend pwning fools on the squash court. There's a pretty interesting conference going on at SFU this weekend, and I'd rather be over there getting smarter'n'shit.

Happy Spring Break. Unless...

'I'm not about to blow it now, for all the cows'

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Welcome Home (Sanitarium)

A few things.

First, I got a ton done today, which I'm really happy about. I cranked off 7 pages for a paper, and wrote two midterms. I am officially ready to rock this semester. I've been going pretty solid for about 15 hours, and this is a nice break.

Secondly, this song. For a long time I have been in love with the title of this song, but was never able to get it or listen to it. Which is really weird for me. So I finally got it, and I was in love with it before it started playing. By the time it ended, I still was. I thought of this song randomly, and the connection of the song's meaning to me is ironic as it gets.

This song is somewhat about being trapped in a sanitarium. Even the instrumentation symbolizes time ticking away slowly.

The irony lies in my monday. After I got three cavities done, I was high as shit from the Ativan. I did a number of things yesterday that I don't remember clearly, or at all. The type of stuff that'll get you locked in an asylum, or sanitarium. Weird. I didn't make the connection to the song right away, in fact I had no idea what the song was about when I got it.

I just like coming home.

'I started fucking running as soon as my feet touched ground'

Monday, February 18, 2008

Down In A Hole

Run around day.

Class this morning was great. Having an unstructured class first thing monday morning is huge. And it always winds up being successful, so it's all good.

Just wanted to share the love and give props to saul for his new car. He worked his ass off for it, and it's finally here. After inspections do their thing, saul will be middle-upper class officially. Good job son, I'm glad one us got out.

Well I have two midterms in the morning, so I'm freaking out a little bit. I have all the shit organized, I just have to pore over it.

Had Dental Fun Day #1 this afternoon. Went as well as it could. I hate that I need someone to take me there and home again. As if it wasn't a big enough pain for me, I gotta do it to someone else too. Anyway, my face was numb for a while, I forgot how much fun that is to play with.

Dental Fun Day #2 is this friday, and away go my wisdom teeth. I have 3.5 that are ready to go. Half of one was ready to go Saturday night, and it broke off with some (soft) licorice. So now I can't chew on the left. After the three fillings today on the right, I've been advised not to use that side for a few days either. So it's soup and shakes for me. It's all bad, but I like cream o mush., and I have good stuff for shakes.

I was in superstore last night looking to buy some cereal, which is probably my favorite thing in the world. I remembered that I wouldn't be able to use my mouth for like a month. So I put the jumbo golden grahams down, and after a little sniffle, I was off to get yogurt.

Well I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. Or something like that. I don't see the light at the end yet. Hope you do...

'I ain't here to break it
Just see how far it will bend'

Sunday, February 17, 2008

When It's Gone, It's Gone

Seems pretty obvious, but sometimes those serve as the best reminders.

How was your weekend? I guess it isn't over, so you can still salvage something if it went ho-hum. It's homework day on this end, hence the blogging. No, I've actually been pretty productive today. Played some music yesterday, and played some poker with friends, and hours of call of duty. And that was all after 5pm. Busy night.

Hey it's spring break in a week, and march in two. Fuck me no it isn't. Is it? That's stupid. I have so many things on the go this semester, and I'd say I'm a little behind already. So easy to get that way.

So the place I rent is for sale. But the buyers want to rent it out, and keep the original tenants: us. It's supposed to be the same. Except I don't want new landlords, the ones I have are amazing. I see them once a year, and they give us a month notice before visiting. Unlike the realtor, who wanted to give us a day to get the house ready to be shown. Fuck you. So we obliged, and had the house ready yesterday, and they didn't show. Fuck you. There, I feel much better.

Anyway, the weather is much appreciated. It's not nearly as cold as it was 2 weeks ago.


'The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born'

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lost Keys

Blame Hoffman.

Lost our first indoor game, and I remembered how I don't like losing. Some people who I play sports with regard me as being too friendly to opponents, but I don't meet many people as aggressive as I am. On the court that is. I like to think that I have well timed aggression.

I found out a cool little thing for this blog. I can embed songs that I upload to a third-party site. Which I think is pretty cool. I tried a few third party sites, and so far the best one I've found is the first one I tried, Imeem. Anyways. PLAY THE SONG WHILE YOU READ. I had to spell it out so I would remember to do it myself. Which is weird that I read my own blog all the time. It's mostly proofreading, and other times I'm just interested in what's going on in my life.

Had tea with a few students and an instructor from school today. Pretty cool to actually talk to people sometimes. We went on for a long time. Helped that it was fucking amazing outside today. Easily the best day of the year. I was really lucky to be able to get out in it too. Yesterday was almost as nice, and I was kind of bummed not to get out in it.

So tomorrow is valentines day. Woo. I think I'm more excited about it being the end of my academic week. I couldn't give a shit about v-day actually. What I am excited about is getting new shoes. And a blizzard. Ahh. Hope it's all rosy for you.

Thanks for reading.

'I'm wearing the same skin, I take it all on the chin'

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The World You Love

Sept 06 - May 07. I spent one day a week in a practicum in Port Alberni in a grade 3 class. During my three week practicum it was determined that I wasn't fit to keep teaching. As with every student teacher, I got a review at the end which outlined my strengths and weaknesses. When I didn't make it through, I refused to read my review until 4 months later. Here are some highlights.

● Mike displayed a very limited number of teaching skills. With his limited skill set, his sponsor teacher, supervisor, and supporting supervisor were not surprised [with his failure].

● Mike appeared "tuned out" or preoccupied with other matter so that he was not truly "present" during some debriefing sessions.

● Mike showed little evidence of having sufficient background knowledge in content or teaching strategies.

● His sponsor teacher, supervisor, and supporting supervisor would hope that Mike seek counseling.

Whenever I need to be humbled, I open that review and read all about myself. There are four key points out of 2000 words or so that talk about my strengths. I find that it's very hard to read without getting angry and defensive. Very interesting imo. I like to point out the lies and inaccuracies in that review, and also target the shortcomings of the supervisor who wrote it. However, that's relatively petty of me when the review does present a number of valid points. Let me know if you want a copy of the review.


'The gun's still smoking, blood still flowing, blown wide open'

Barely (If At All)

I Haven't accomplished anything in a long time. Like two weeks. I haven't felt the enjoyment of successfully doing something tough or challenging. I think it's because I fall into this state of laziness that I have a hard time shaking. I'm ready to do something, anything. Even write a good paper.

I don't have anything really interesting to blog about, because I haven't really done anything of note. Go to school, come home, waste the day.

Going to the gym tonight. Then afterwards I'm going to finish my book. Tomorrow I'll write the book report for the book that's due next week. Tomorrow I also have a discussion on the holocaust, which should be pretty cool. Actually tomorrow should be a really good day. Indoor soccer tomorrow night, and a solid break in the middle of the day to get shit done. Watch me go.

'If you want to destroy my sweater, hold this thread as I walk away'

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Find Your Way Back Home

I haven't posted in a week, so I'm overdue. It's been a week. I detached myself from the real world for a few days, and re-attaching myself takes way too long I've decided.

I got really sick this week, sicker than I think I've ever been. The reason I think it was so bad was because I couldn't and didn't eat. I haven't felt physically hungry since super bowl. My average diet when I'm inactive should be around 2000 calories a day. Pffft. I think from tuesday-thursday I would have been lucky to get half that. Total. I may have ingested more, but I didn't keep it down long enough to use.

Anyway, I'm ready to get to school, especially since there's only 2 weeks until spring break. There's a ton of things going on between now and then, and I'm happy to be healthy for it. The next paragraph will be just a running thought stream of things that happened last week, in no particular order.

Our house is clean. I like that, and I also like when it doesn't take long to do. Spent like an hour of reasonable work to get it looking good, and maybe we can do that every sunday. Wednesday we had indoor soccer, which I basically watched. I actually tried to play because I would need to be dead to not. Since I was almost dead, I only played like 4 minutes. We won, and we haven't lost yet. The giants won the super bowl (wayyy back like 7 days ago), and I was oddly happy for Manning, who I didn't give a shit for last week. I think those three events comprised my last 7 days. Really.

Looking ahead, I have a doozy of a midterm in nutrition on thursday, so look for me to complain more about that later. Tomorrow I'm picking up my mouthguard, and watch me not use it. My face problems have pretty much subsided in the wake of other things. My goal is to miss zero classes this week. I only have 9 scheduled classes during the week, so it shouldn't be a stretch I don't think. Last week I went to one class.

Oh, I got the new Jack Johnson cd, and I was planning on being a hater. That's nice hey? It isn't that bad, so I changed my mind. It's no 'on and on', but then again, what is? His best stuff since then though, so give it a whirl...

If you ever check here and there isn't a new post from the last time you checked, smack me. Or maybe don't stalk me.

'I'd pull my weight if it made any difference'

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Drunks, Lovers, Sinners and Saints

I feel like I got hit by a bus.

I was in bed this morning thinking that it was a sledgehammer, but it was definitely a bus. I went a little too hard last night, and I rarely do that. There was no particular reason either.

Kinda funny, as I'm writing about last night, things start coming back to me. Like how at one point I realized that I had two hats, one on my head and one in my hand. WTF.

I went out to the bar after a short house party, and everyone got screwed at the door. For some reason I managed to get in, and eventually one of my other friends did too. Out of like 30 of us there. So weak. It was a decent time until we started doing shots of tequila. Then it turned into a really good time.

Then there was this morning. At least last night was a good time. I feel like I got hit by a bus. I did get a hurley hat though...

Go Patriots

'This is life, what a fucked up thing we do'

Friday, February 1, 2008


Hey it's friday. I have a few days to catch up on whatever it is I have to catch up on. Sunday is being written off because of the super bowl. It's just gonna be that way. Today I'm probably just gonna chill all day, and get on it tomorrow.

One month down, and the semester feels like it's flying by (as usual). It's already go-time for lots of my classes. The two days before reading break is when a heap is due, and I'm working towards that already.

I don't have a whole lot to say. Yesterday sucked, and not just for me. But it was cold, I had lots of school, and it generally wasn't much fun. Hopefully tonight I'll play some music, play some video games, and have a few drinks.

Have a good weekend.

'Advantage is my only masterpiece'