Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lost Keys

Blame Hoffman.

Lost our first indoor game, and I remembered how I don't like losing. Some people who I play sports with regard me as being too friendly to opponents, but I don't meet many people as aggressive as I am. On the court that is. I like to think that I have well timed aggression.

I found out a cool little thing for this blog. I can embed songs that I upload to a third-party site. Which I think is pretty cool. I tried a few third party sites, and so far the best one I've found is the first one I tried, Imeem. Anyways. PLAY THE SONG WHILE YOU READ. I had to spell it out so I would remember to do it myself. Which is weird that I read my own blog all the time. It's mostly proofreading, and other times I'm just interested in what's going on in my life.

Had tea with a few students and an instructor from school today. Pretty cool to actually talk to people sometimes. We went on for a long time. Helped that it was fucking amazing outside today. Easily the best day of the year. I was really lucky to be able to get out in it too. Yesterday was almost as nice, and I was kind of bummed not to get out in it.

So tomorrow is valentines day. Woo. I think I'm more excited about it being the end of my academic week. I couldn't give a shit about v-day actually. What I am excited about is getting new shoes. And a blizzard. Ahh. Hope it's all rosy for you.

Thanks for reading.

'I'm wearing the same skin, I take it all on the chin'

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