Monday, February 25, 2008


I'm home again.

Well the annoying part of my spring break is done. Now onto phase 2 - homework and stuff like that. Last night I got home and got some much needed relaxation in. Although I spent the weekend in the friendly confines of my parents house, it was a different bed, and we all like our own pillows best. Plus, the pillows on my bed there were way too warm, and that's my excuse for not sleeping. I actually spent about 24 hours half asleep and awake after I got my wisdom teeth out. Tip ----> don't take morphine unless you have to, and I don't think I had to.

I look forward to eating solid food again, although it'll probably be a few more days. For now it's still oatmeal and protein shakes. I got the shakes.

I guess nothing else is new. I go to Whistler in a few, and that's about er. I downloaded a pile of movies today, and I almost want to sit down and watch them all. Which I really shouldn't do.

Ok, I really want to tell you about a song. I just sort of re-discovered it. It's 'Invincible' by Muse, and its right here if you wanna check it out ------------------------->.
The music video is really cool. My favorite part has got to be the drumming, even though there's a pretty sweet bass part at 3:23. The instrumentation that this band has is crazy. The music alone can tell a story. To me this song is about perseverance, and makes me happy and sad at the same time. It's anthem-like, and its uplifting sound brings me up. The insistent drum line reminds me to keep going, through the ups and downs that the guitar line embodies.

'And I'm so confused about what to do, sometimes I want to throw it all away'

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