Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stay And Play

Ok so I can't not tell you about this album. It's my favorite new album of the year, by a country mile. I'm gonna say final answer too, without even consulting whatever music I might find in the next month.

The band is People in Planes, and the album is Beyond the Horizon. Definitely a rock sound, although it's tough to compare them.

I'm just going to take some time to give you my analysis of this album. Find it somewhere and start downloading it in the meantime.

What I look for in the overall sound of an album is either a unified sound, or something that satisfies my entire palate. An example of the former would definitely be Autumn of the Seraphs by Pinback, which was my favorite album last year. It was a unified, almost weird sound. Beyond the Horizon is the latter. It goes all over the place, and every which way treats me nice.

There is a song that is piano driven rock, and another that has an amazing intro on strings. There's a typical sounding radio single, although I find that a weaker song on the album. There's bass-heavy songs, and songs with both awesome electric guitar riffs and acoustic guitar. The vocals and percussion are also really strong in my opinion.

It's hard for me to find a favorite song. I heard 'Last Man Standing' on the radio, and was mesmerized by the solo at 2:50. From there I found 'Vampire', 'Evil With You', 'Flesh and Blood', and 'Get On The Flaw'. Oh man. Every song is real different, but so good. Seriously one of the best albums I've ever heard.

Another thing I really like about good albums is layers. For face value, background noise, whatever - these guys are a solid rock band with trendy sounding songs. When you really listen, these guys get really good. The instrumentation and lyrics are rad.

So go get them.

'I don't want to get lost
I don't want to be found'

Street Lights

First shift tonight. By the way, I'm now working at the 'VICC', or van isle conference center, as a banquet attendant. I'm chalking it up as "supplemental December income". It's just an evening/weekend thing.

So I go in to work, not knowing really what's up, just knowing that there's a couple big parties going on. I immediately get a package of HR stuff, and am promised a tour "later on". Riiight. Yeah it never came. Oh well.

I was assigned as a bartender in the lobby in between the two parties, one of 180, and the other of 75 people. Now I'm at a strange place. First, I've never bartended before. So I felt like setting my supervisor straight, just so I wouldn't be in an awkward position. The flip side is, is that I really felt like trying bartending out. So I just went with it. So I got my booze and headed to my bar. First things first, I couldn't figure out how to get behind the goddamn bar. Classic foreshadowing. I was half set up (because I was so slow figuring shit out), when I got absolutely slammed by an insta-line of 30-40 people. And there's just me. First guy - beer. Second guy - beer. Hey I got this.

Anyway, I had a great time, and I did so well that I'll be on the bar from now on. Go figure.

I'm supposed to work tomorrow with Jeff, but I'd love to have the day off. We'll see how she goes.

'Lost and loaded'

Pure Morning


It was an ugly, ugly morning. Nah, I shouldn't say that. I felt like I had an ugly, ugly morning.

Last night was a pretty good time. Everyone drank a little too much this time though, and there were a few questionable points of mention. But before that, everyone (for the most part) had a really good time, and there were no fights or drama. A friend got uncharacteristically drunk and sick, and I had to hold his head up for a while. When we got up today, he was still feeling really nauseous. There was a scene outside my house in the rain at like noon when he was struggling, and all our close friends were sort of huddled around waiting for the next thing to happen. We all feel for the guy.

That was one story. And we forgive him for making a mess of our house and stuff, because that just isn't like him at all. The other story doesn't involve so much forgiveness. Another friend got really drunk, and acted too aggressively around some people who didn't know him well. Lecturing ensued, followed by insults and yelling, followed by him throwing his drink onto a girl. Or something like that. I didn't see. Two points I just want to make. First, that while the girls didn't know him or his demeanor, there was a level of instigation on their part that can't be ignored. You don't know the guy, he's really drunk --> walk away. Second, and more importantly obviously, is that he needs to learn to act appropriately. He's been drunk and angry/aggressive way too often for his actions to be acceptable. Figure it out bud.

I'm going to go mop up again. Then off to work. Enjoy your Saturday.

'Still, you don't expect to be bright and bon vivant'

Edit: it's now anonymous...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Get On The Flaw

Party night wooooo.

Yeah we're having a shaker tonight. We usually do 2-3 a year, and this'll be it for a while I think. I'm ready for wet feet, picky listeners, ex girlfriends, a dirty morning, and all that good. I'm also ready for drinks, music, friends, and all that bad.

I've been really unhappy with the amount of good music I've gotten this year. I've really found nobody new that wasn't already a hit somewhere else (like death cab). I used to like finding my own new stuff, and I'd gotten away from that. So I got back to scouring the back ranks online for no-namers, long-forgottens, and never-heard-ofs. What I found was a pile of great songs, and a few really great artists.

Work sucked today, and my legs are unusually sore. That's my bitch sess.

What else, I gave you my day, my night, and my music scene. What's up this weekend doesn't really matter. So there it is. If you come tonight, behave your goddamn self. Haha. If you aren't coming, I guess you can just behave yourself if you want to.


'Who is the fly in your champagne?'

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Booksmart Devil

Ahh yes. The week is winding down. One more week for the ed kiddies before they are done and graduating. I went to school with most of them, and am pretty excited for their hard work to start paying off.

As for me, the week has been going pretty well. I worked mon-wed, and had today off. I'll work tomorrow and saturday. Tomorrow night is our party, and today is saul's birthday. Today and tomorrow will basically be his last hoo hurrah before it's europe and beyond. Saul will move most of his stuff out on sunday, and monday Landon moves in.

Other than that, not much is going on.

I'm looking really forward to a good december. October and November were pretty ho hum, and I'm excited to get back to good times.

So let's get to it.

Thanks for reading. Hope you have a good weekend.

'We are the monsters'

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hands On Fire

On a sunday...

Oh boy. I've learned to write from the hip I guess, and I just write whatever I think without censoring. I finish each entry, and go back and vet out the content I deem inappropriate, trivial, or maybe stupid.

Anyway, maybe that was a disclaimer for this entry. I don't really know yet.

I'm in my room listening to some really slow Matt Good, and waiting for Silversun Pickups and The Stills to download. 'Hospital Music' has been on repeat most of this week. 'Black Helicopter' and 'Champions of Nothing' have been my soundtrack when I wake up. I spent more than a few days contemplating my life this week. Now that you know what has been penetrating my ears on itunes, I'll try to explain what's between them.

I fill up my days with numbers and statistics, and at night I seem to watch the ceiling for eternity. I'm not sure what it all means.

"When you're at the top there's nowhere left to go but down. That's been said in a million country songs. It's true. For when you are at the top you aspire to attain that which cannot be attained. And in doing so achieve the ruin of all that you have built."

That's tough for me to understand, and I don't find it well written. But I used it for the last line. I feel like I'm starting to achieve the ruin of all that I've built.

This is important to me. I feel like I need to go somewhere from here, that I'm going nowhere, and that there's no way to know where I'm going from here. I've realized something very important, maybe the most important lesson of my life. I'm searching for it. It is where I'm going, what I want to achieve right now. It is the answer to my unhappiness. I've been waiting (hoping?) for it to find me. Smack me in the face on some random thursday, and I would drop my life and go get it. The longer I wait, the more I realize that this is a myth. It is not going to find me, I have to find it.

At the same time I find this realization, I can't help but feel like my feet are stuck in cement, and I can't move. I swear that I leave my body sometimes and look at myself, and find it pretty humourous. I get a certain feeling of self hate. All the time.

Anyways, the point is, is that I'm beginning to become unstuck. I'm determined to become more goal oriented, change my life into something I can feel happy about, and stay away from drying cement. I'm not hanging around for long. This town constricts me like a python. I feel the need to leave and start somewhere else, and I've probably thought that way a long time. I have loose goals that need to be focused a little bit.

My plan for this week, on top of work (stagnation), is to make three goals. One goal for my professional, short term life. One goal for discovering the "if not here, then where?" question. And one goal for my short term personal life.

Ok. Have a good week. Thanks for reading.

'Even the planless have a plan'

Blood, Sex And Booze

Oh no. Not two nights in a row?

Yes, BWD again. Blogging while drunk.

I had a really fun time with jeff and co. tonight. I know it was two nights in a row, and usually I don't do that, but I guess these are unusual circumstances. I went to see some fight tournament thing tonight in cedar with Jeff and a few randoms. There were 5 of us, and 4 of us were drinking. Jeff did quick math, and discovered that 4 mickey's of fireball would be sufficient. Oh no. Not fireball. First off, that shit is gross. Secondly, yes I'll drink an entire mickey. Eeeewww.

We left the fight thing in a good mood (except everyone gets rowdy and aggressive from fights, including Jeff), and headed downtown. We spent the remainder of the night downtown, with jeff buying me and the girls drinks, trying to impress them. Oh boy.

Because he was driving himself and the girls home, I felt it necessary to walk my own ass home from downtown. The time spent walking afforded me time to think of valid excuses to give my roommates when I would eventually stumble in drunk. To my luck (and supreme shock), I walked in the front door of my house as the soberest person. Minor victory again! Of course, drunk roommates want to do nothing but mix more drinks. Go Mike!

I really shouldn't be blogging about all this, but as someone intoxicated, I don't give a fuck. Hear about my night. Or don't read this.

Next entry will be better. Really.

And I reapeat,

'When the lights come on this whole place gets ugly'

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What You Get

I just spent an hour updating my profile's random question, only to find out that it has a 400 character max. Which is good I guess, it restricts how nerdy I can come off as.

I'm really happy it's the weekend. I'm gonna go shopping for myself soon. I haven't spent money on myself since I splurged for a 40$ pair of shoes in August. I'm due. And I also think it's time to buy a suit. Which is kind of exciting.

Quickly, I have a beef with my roommate. It's really trivial, and I'm obviously not trying to stir a pot two weeks before he leaves. But omg, way to try and preserve your image, and do the exact opposite. He gets this online page going for his birthday party, and various people attach pic's, notes, etc. from previous parties. So I post a slideshow video of party pics from back in the day. Aside: this is really minor stuff folks, I'm just using an example to show his insecurities. Anyway, saul calls me up to to tell me that he removed the video, because the background music was too depressing.

Haha. I'm not even offended. I find it hilarious that someone would do or say something like that. He removed it to save his image, because he thinks people will judge him based on a song. Awesome. You lose.

Anyway, just wanted to share that.

'When the lights come on this whole place gets ugly'

Sleep Now In The Fire

Is it only midnight?

Wow, I've had a night/week. I'll work my way back.

Minor victory for mike, seeing as its friday, and not many friday's come when mike has worked his ass off all week. So we decided to drink. By we I mean Jeff, JC and I, and by drink I mean in excess. So we went bowling with some randoms, then ditched them for food, and went to the foundry, and then the queens. Bowling was great (except I suck), the foundry was mediocre, and the queens was shitty (JC got sick and we left after being there five mins).

So here I am, off to a great evening with friends and (too much?) alcohol, and here I sit, home too early, and not really satisfied about it.

Oh man I worked hard this week. I really tried to keep busy and work as much as I could. I worked with a different flooring crew at a different location almost every day, but I managed to settle pretty well and just put my head down and work. It really paid off. I feel sore but great.


On a side note, but still on the topic of work, me and my work buds have a running competition about subway subs of the day. We argue about what the current sub of the day is each day, and eventually settle the bet by going for lunch. The beauty of it is, is that my coworkers are retards and have no memory. Haha. That being said, I'm going to attempt to rattle off the order. Feel free to call me on anything. Monday; turkey boob. Tuesday; italian BMT. Wednesday; turkey boob and ham. Thursday; Hammer. Friday; Tuna (yeah, no). Saturday and sunday I don't remember because I don't go there then, but I think it's something about pizza and meatball.

In my drunken, yet sobering up stupor, I'm wondering why I wrote that. Sober enough to criticize myself, drunk enough to ramble, yet not drunk enough to crave an actual sub. Lol.

I've got a few non-work things going on this week that have been sort of filling the blanks of the time I can spare. My dad has taken a turn in the wrong direction, and is beginning to have hormone/regulation problems. He is starting his thyroid treatment next next week. A friend of mine was admitted to the hospital this week, and I visited her on Tuesday. She was happy to see me, and I'll probably go see her again during the next 7 weeks of her 'incarceration'. Finally, on a decent note, I'm following the canucks a bunch lately thanks to my crazy hockey fan friends. They're doing well. I shouldn't pretend I don't like it.

So this weekend. Tonight I'm going to sleep. For a lifetime. I've cut hours all week, and tonight I make it up. Tomorrow becomes an auto-write-off. Sunday is Grey Cup, and we'll see where that takes me. To food at my parent's house I hope...

Talk to ya soon.

'There's something in your "too cool for school"
When you......'

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Tyler Phillips.

This guy has been in my dreams a bunch lately. So I'll tell you the story about him. It's not how my dream goes, it's a little different. I guess dreams go like that. Anyway.

I was 15. I was trying out for a 16-18 year-old premier baseball team in parksville that summer. It was the most elite high school team around.

I guess I was one of the best 15 year old ball players in town, but it was a small town. Players on this team came from all over the island, and even from Powell Riv. There were a few other 15-year-old's trying out along with me. We were all turning 16 later that year, so we were eligible to play, if we made the team. Tyler was one of those guys. #36. He came from Courtnay three times a week to try out.

From the get go, I sucked really bad. I could no longer hit a ball, because they were coming at me 20 miles an hour faster. I could no longer catch a ball, because guys could hit them a mile over my head. The only thing I had was raw speed, and that would definitely not get me a spot on the team. I learned quickly to associate myself with good players, hang out with them, warm up with them, etc. I thought it would put me in better company. Because the older guys were typically snobby, I hung out with Tyler, because he was almost guaranteed a spot. He could pitch really well, and was impressing all the coaches. Yes, coaches. Normally a team has 1. This one had a manager, coach, hitting coach, pitching coach, and infield coach. Sick.


Tyler dies one day at practice.

I had survived the first few cuts, and I think we were down to 25 guys, keeping 18. We had played a few exhibition games, mostly against victoria and nanaimo. We were practicing pretty hectically. One day we were doing our standard at practice: I was hitting wiffle balls with the rest of the non pitchers, and the pitchers were all throwing in the pen.

All of a sudden, Tyler collapses. I didn't really seem him go down, but I was close enough. My dad was around, like he always was at the ballpark. He didn't coach that team, but he knew the coaches well, and helped out a little. He was the only guy that had first aid, so he got into the middle of things.

At first, we assumed it was heat stroke. There was really few things that could have happened. He didn't faint, because he didn't regain consciousness right away. Hmm. We were all standing around sort of waiting for him to awaken. Someone ran to call an ambulance I guess, because no one had cell phones in their pocket in 2000. Everyone still had their cells off in their car.

I guess someone realized that Tyler wasn't breathing, and my dad started doing CPR. I was probably in a trance, because I remember watching a lot happen, I don't remember doing a lot. As the ambulance showed up and took him to the hospital, we had long ruled out heat stroke, and were thinking heart attack or something.

He never regained consciousness. Later the team was told that Tyler had an aneurysm.

So neither of us made the team that year.

I didn't try out again for that team. A team from courtnay, in a lower division but nonetheless elite, approached me to play. I declined in a hurry. My dad took an entire month to convince me, and eventually I would make the trip to courtnay three times a week to practice and play. Well, I should just say practice. The balls were 10mph slower than in parksville, but still 10mph faster than what I could hit. So I didn't hit, and I definitely didn't play.

If you go by that park today, there hangs a #36 on the center field wall.

And I dreamed I was dying'

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Black Black Heart

I had completely forgotten about that song by David Usher. Wow. Now I remember.

I've had a fairly brutal couple of days. I don't want to dwell, but I feel the need to paraphrase. Jen and I are no longer together, after being together a long time. I've been dealing with the change in a positive manner. Other than that, there's not much I want to write about the breakup. I'm just in a major life transition period right now.

I've been keeping really busy in the last few days, which has been good. The best part of my days have been my pillow though. I've worn myself out during the days so much that sleep is really nice, and yet so unfulfilling in the morning.

Tomorrow is busy. I guess the whole week is. I want to take steps to ensure that the work I'm doing continues to be only temporary. Which means I have to move forward whenever I can with the personal training thing. I've been wearing myself out flooring to the point where I don't really find energy to make phone calls and meet with the people I need to for my PT certification. I'm probably going to start making weekly goals again (like in school), and hopefully that pushes me a little more.

I realized in the grocery store today, I'm a really straightforward and cliched shopper. I get the same food every time. I felt like going a little crazy, so I got a big carton of chocolate milk. Haha. That sounds really lame, and it might be even lamer than I'm really stoked about it. I have fond memories of walking to school and having the same breakfast of a bran muffin and a choco milk almost every day.

The next few weeks should be eventful, and I'll try to post as much as I can. Along with tons of work, I also have tons of social stuff to cast aside or indulge in. I will probably decide on the spot each time something comes up.

Oh yeah! Good music. I've been listening to a lot of it. I get an hour with my ipod every day on the way to work. You should get some good listening time in too.

Have a good week.

'In a new york minute
Things can get pretty strange'

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist

Yeah I really haven't felt like posting in the last week or so.

It's been a hectic, abnormal week that I really want to put behind me. So I don't think I'll write anything about it. Right now. I'd rather look ahead anyway.

I got paid today. WOW. It's been just over 3 months since I got paid last. So let's just say that the money is probably not going to last very... wait... yup, I've already spent it all. Kidding, but when the goddamn bank clears the bitch, it'll be all gone pronto.

Going to see the new James Bond tonight. Not even because I'm excited to see it. It's a social outing with boys, so I decided to go.

Tomorrow, work. It feels really good to work hard and accomplish something that most people can't. I'm starting to gain finesse with my flooring technique. Not that I'm looking to work my way up or anything.

I got my Fitness Theory exam back last night. 92%, 80 being a pass. I'm happy with the mark, but happier to be able to move to the next step.

Have a good night.

'I've seen better days, yeah
So says the mirror'

Monday, November 10, 2008

Even Flow

What a day.

I heard a Robin William skit a while back (live on broadway I think), where he talks about the weatherman spinning a wheel, because the weather is so random. I guess it isn't that bad, but I sure like the upswing that we got today.

I thought all day about blogging, because I think I had some sort of rant. Well, it's long gone outta my head.

This is probably going to be an entry with a mish-mash of random thoughts. I can tell because my fingers are typing at max, and I still can't spew fast enough.

I was shockingly captivated by MNF (Monday Night Football for all you non freaks) tonight. I really don't like either team that was playing, yet I was glued, cheering for one team over another, and I was actually kind of bummed out that I didn't get my result.

Can I tell a funny story about trying to fall asleep last night? I can't seem to sleep recently. I sort of figured out that I need to distract myself from thinking, so I can let myself get tired. I had to be up early this morning, so I went to bed at midnight. Spent 30 mins trying to just sleep. Then I got up and spent an hour watching (not playing) online poker, and reading random chess theory. Both of which are major boring shit. Yeah that really didn't put me to sleep at all. So I went back to bed with my ipod, and caught up on some long lost gems. Yeah, then it's 3am, and I'm really not tired.

Funny enough, I woke up at 730 and didn't even hit sn00000ze.

I suppose I could recount other stories with vivid detail about my day, but I think I'm ok.

The rest of the week is sort of unclear still. Jen comes home tomorrow, and I'll pick her up in the afternoon. The rest of my checklist just needs to get done before friday, it's not scheduled though.

I lost a friendly bet (random tangent again). I bet a while back that gas would not fall below a dollar. Boy it was nice to get more liters than the amount I had to pay today. I think saul had predicted .969 or maybe .949. It's going to go farther down I'm assuming as the lower mainland is in the 80's in some places.

Well, have a good week and thanks for reading. Feel free to comment, even just to say that my blog bores the hell out of you.

'I've heard a man in crisis
falls back on what he knows best,
a murderer to murder
a thief to theft
And I don't want you to think
that this is some kind of deathbed confession
but run is what I did when put to the test'

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm Goin' Home

Yay poker.

I got together with a few friends last night and played some cards. We were waiting a few hours for our fifth to show up, so the four of us played different types of poker while we waited. It was a really fun time. We played chinese poker, guts, jacks or better, badugi, and low mexican. We each had to introduce a new game to the others, and I brought along chinese and badugi.

We settled into the hockey game, and our fifth showed up around 8pm. We played a really long five handed game until 11pm or so when guys started busting. It was only a 10$ buyin, but we were nonetheless serious. I was in last place most of the night, but I rallied and took the whole thing down. I won the 40$ or whatever, and minus pizza fees, I think I cleared around 30$. Haha. Oh well, it's better than coming out a loser, and I had a good time.

That's basically the only thing of note to mention. Jen is off in Clagary for the weekend. That's more of her story than mine. But I have a car for the weekend. Which is nice, although I'm probably going to leave it parked outside for 99% of the time anyway.

The Lions won, the Canucks won, and Luongo is on a streak to put it mildly. I think he gets the record of most shutout minutes midway through the first period of the next game. Also going on, the final table of the world series of poker main event is today after the tourney was paused for 117 days. What else? Umm, not much I guess.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Oh yeah. I guess there is one more thing. I'm a gamer. I got Fable II, which probably wasn't a good idea for Jeremy and my time management. But it's really fun, and a little bit addicting. So don't get it.

'But did you hear me
Scream at the top of my lungs?'

Friday, November 7, 2008

Songs For The Deaf

I've spent a long time on this. I don't mean recently.

For years I've sort of wondered what my top ten favorite songs of all time are. I guess I probably got the idea the first time I heard Santeria. I remember the exact campfire at rathtrevor in grade 10, listening to Sublime, and pondering what other nine songs could be my favorite of all time.

I think I've created the list. I come back to it every so often, and every time I leave it, it feels incomplete. Funny enough, Santeria isn't anywhere close to my top ten anymore. Maybe if I made a top ten songs I loved in high school, that would crack it, along with 311 and various flavours of the week.

So I started with a pile of great songs, and added and removed songs until it didn't feel right to take out any more. I'm left with 10 songs.

I have a tough time classifying one song higher or lower than another, outside of my top 3.

1. Go With The Flow - Queens of the Stone Age
2. Baker Street - Foo Fighters
3. Passive - A Perfect Circle

The Rest

Turn The Page - Metallica
Black - Pearl Jam
The World I Know - Collective Soul
Outside - Staind
Tied My Hands - Seether
Spaceman - Bif Naked
Crescent Moon - Cowboy Junkies

A few of these songs have different versions, and in each case I like one version much more than the other.

I guess this list is open to criticism, but I already know that this doesn't make up anyone else's top ten. I think a major criticism might be that the list lacks breadth. It doesn't span the scope of music that I listen to, and I realize that. I just like this music more than the rest. It doesn't mean I don't like other stuff.

'Don't say it doesn't matter'

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Big day yesterday.

Not for myself, although I did have an eventful, productive day. I mean the election.

Saul and I have been following the election fairly closely for a year or so. We followed the primaries really closely, as well as all the debates. I got to know Obama, McCain, and Clinton pretty well. I was really interested how the whole process would play out yesterday. Obviously I'm not American, and therefore this whole thing doesn't matter as much to me, but I don't mind. I've never really paid too much attention to the election process before, and it was kind of addicting.

That being said, I'm stoked that Obama won. His speech was expected, yet I feel like it'll be regarded as one of the most famous speeches ever. I thought it was well put.

I had hoped Obama would win since I learned about him. I actually didn't put very good odds on him winning. There seemed like too much to overcome. Clinton was a popular, formidable opponent in the primaries, and I figured the candidate would be in tough against the republicans anyway. I watched CNN pretty close last night, and was happy with the outcome.

That's about all that's exciting with me in the last few days (and it isn't even about me). It's warm for November, isn't it?

'We've got everything down to a science, so I guess we know everything'

Monday, November 3, 2008

Elect The Dead

Case of the Mondays?

God I hate that term. So much. Great movie, not a great line.

I went golfing this afternoon with some friends at the Pitch n Putt at Beban. The daylight wound up running out on us at the 16th, but we played the last two in the dark. I actually made my only birdie of the day on 17, so go figure. I was the only guy out of the five of us keeping score, but I was only tracking myself. 1 Bird, 3 pars, 12 bogies, and 2 doubles. So -15 on the day. I was -9 after nine, so I was happy with my out.

Other than that, not too much going on. My loser ass can't find his i.d. and bank card after a forgetful Halloween. Go figure.

I have a few things planned for this week, but nothing really exciting enough to write about.

Other than that, the canucks lost a tight one last night. My bro was at the game with Jodie, and it always sucks to go see a loss. He was over here for the weekend, and we had a really good dinner on Saturday night. My dad made beef tenderloin, and it was ridiculous.

That's basically that. Thanks for reading.

'Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now'

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pioneer To The Falls

Hooo. Had a night last night. In fact, I had a fairly eventful Friday in general.

I had a job interview yesterday, the second one at Northridge. When I got a second interview, I thought it was fairly evident that I was being seriously considered. I got the feeling yesterday that maybe I shouldn't have put all my eggs into one basket.

The interview went well, but things have changed around there since I was interviewed last. The job posting doesn't start until Jan '09, which was different than the original posting's start date. Oh well, that was my mistake to rely on that. The interview questions were tough. I had to discuss strengths and weaknesses of working out with machines and freeweights, citing examples and deciding on an appropriate way to train someone. I gave correct answers, but I could tell he wanted specifics answers, and I don't know if I covered those.

Last night we got together and drank in our costumes before leaving for the party. We turned the hockey game on, and it was a really crazy game. Multiple lead changes, 12 goals, and 13 rounds of a shootout. It pretty much had it all. Looking back, this was the funnest part of the night. There were 8-10 of us at Grieg's (sp?) house, and luckily it was within a walking distance of Beban.

The party at Beban was alright. It was basically a glorified high school and university reunion. We drank more, lost a few friends, found some new ones, and just cruised around for the few hours that we were there. The drink lineup was 20 mins long, so it didn't take long for drinking to become a chore. Which in hindsight, was probably a good idea anyway. Drinking fairly regularly from 5pm-10pm had taken it's toll on me already, so drinking sparingly between 10pm-1am went well. I was able to score a ride home with Leah, which was awesome of her to stay sober and drive me and Saul.

Moving along.

It's November, and I like October and November more than January and February I think. The build up to the good times in December probably helps this, but there are several things in November that are going to be good as well. Grey Cup is this month, and it's more of a ritual with my family than a really exciting event. It's an excuse, like Superbowl, to get together at my mom and dad's house with friends to socialize and gorge in lots of food. Saul's birthday is at the end of the month, which rarely disappoints. I'm sure there are a few other things going on that I'm misplacing at the moment. Nov. 11th obviously.

Have a good weekend, and thanks for reading.

'While I waited, I was wasting away'