Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sleep Now In The Fire

Is it only midnight?

Wow, I've had a night/week. I'll work my way back.

Minor victory for mike, seeing as its friday, and not many friday's come when mike has worked his ass off all week. So we decided to drink. By we I mean Jeff, JC and I, and by drink I mean in excess. So we went bowling with some randoms, then ditched them for food, and went to the foundry, and then the queens. Bowling was great (except I suck), the foundry was mediocre, and the queens was shitty (JC got sick and we left after being there five mins).

So here I am, off to a great evening with friends and (too much?) alcohol, and here I sit, home too early, and not really satisfied about it.

Oh man I worked hard this week. I really tried to keep busy and work as much as I could. I worked with a different flooring crew at a different location almost every day, but I managed to settle pretty well and just put my head down and work. It really paid off. I feel sore but great.


On a side note, but still on the topic of work, me and my work buds have a running competition about subway subs of the day. We argue about what the current sub of the day is each day, and eventually settle the bet by going for lunch. The beauty of it is, is that my coworkers are retards and have no memory. Haha. That being said, I'm going to attempt to rattle off the order. Feel free to call me on anything. Monday; turkey boob. Tuesday; italian BMT. Wednesday; turkey boob and ham. Thursday; Hammer. Friday; Tuna (yeah, no). Saturday and sunday I don't remember because I don't go there then, but I think it's something about pizza and meatball.

In my drunken, yet sobering up stupor, I'm wondering why I wrote that. Sober enough to criticize myself, drunk enough to ramble, yet not drunk enough to crave an actual sub. Lol.

I've got a few non-work things going on this week that have been sort of filling the blanks of the time I can spare. My dad has taken a turn in the wrong direction, and is beginning to have hormone/regulation problems. He is starting his thyroid treatment next next week. A friend of mine was admitted to the hospital this week, and I visited her on Tuesday. She was happy to see me, and I'll probably go see her again during the next 7 weeks of her 'incarceration'. Finally, on a decent note, I'm following the canucks a bunch lately thanks to my crazy hockey fan friends. They're doing well. I shouldn't pretend I don't like it.

So this weekend. Tonight I'm going to sleep. For a lifetime. I've cut hours all week, and tonight I make it up. Tomorrow becomes an auto-write-off. Sunday is Grey Cup, and we'll see where that takes me. To food at my parent's house I hope...

Talk to ya soon.

'There's something in your "too cool for school"
When you......'

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