Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blood, Sex And Booze

Oh no. Not two nights in a row?

Yes, BWD again. Blogging while drunk.

I had a really fun time with jeff and co. tonight. I know it was two nights in a row, and usually I don't do that, but I guess these are unusual circumstances. I went to see some fight tournament thing tonight in cedar with Jeff and a few randoms. There were 5 of us, and 4 of us were drinking. Jeff did quick math, and discovered that 4 mickey's of fireball would be sufficient. Oh no. Not fireball. First off, that shit is gross. Secondly, yes I'll drink an entire mickey. Eeeewww.

We left the fight thing in a good mood (except everyone gets rowdy and aggressive from fights, including Jeff), and headed downtown. We spent the remainder of the night downtown, with jeff buying me and the girls drinks, trying to impress them. Oh boy.

Because he was driving himself and the girls home, I felt it necessary to walk my own ass home from downtown. The time spent walking afforded me time to think of valid excuses to give my roommates when I would eventually stumble in drunk. To my luck (and supreme shock), I walked in the front door of my house as the soberest person. Minor victory again! Of course, drunk roommates want to do nothing but mix more drinks. Go Mike!

I really shouldn't be blogging about all this, but as someone intoxicated, I don't give a fuck. Hear about my night. Or don't read this.

Next entry will be better. Really.

And I reapeat,

'When the lights come on this whole place gets ugly'

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