Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Big day yesterday.

Not for myself, although I did have an eventful, productive day. I mean the election.

Saul and I have been following the election fairly closely for a year or so. We followed the primaries really closely, as well as all the debates. I got to know Obama, McCain, and Clinton pretty well. I was really interested how the whole process would play out yesterday. Obviously I'm not American, and therefore this whole thing doesn't matter as much to me, but I don't mind. I've never really paid too much attention to the election process before, and it was kind of addicting.

That being said, I'm stoked that Obama won. His speech was expected, yet I feel like it'll be regarded as one of the most famous speeches ever. I thought it was well put.

I had hoped Obama would win since I learned about him. I actually didn't put very good odds on him winning. There seemed like too much to overcome. Clinton was a popular, formidable opponent in the primaries, and I figured the candidate would be in tough against the republicans anyway. I watched CNN pretty close last night, and was happy with the outcome.

That's about all that's exciting with me in the last few days (and it isn't even about me). It's warm for November, isn't it?

'We've got everything down to a science, so I guess we know everything'

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