Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pioneer To The Falls

Hooo. Had a night last night. In fact, I had a fairly eventful Friday in general.

I had a job interview yesterday, the second one at Northridge. When I got a second interview, I thought it was fairly evident that I was being seriously considered. I got the feeling yesterday that maybe I shouldn't have put all my eggs into one basket.

The interview went well, but things have changed around there since I was interviewed last. The job posting doesn't start until Jan '09, which was different than the original posting's start date. Oh well, that was my mistake to rely on that. The interview questions were tough. I had to discuss strengths and weaknesses of working out with machines and freeweights, citing examples and deciding on an appropriate way to train someone. I gave correct answers, but I could tell he wanted specifics answers, and I don't know if I covered those.

Last night we got together and drank in our costumes before leaving for the party. We turned the hockey game on, and it was a really crazy game. Multiple lead changes, 12 goals, and 13 rounds of a shootout. It pretty much had it all. Looking back, this was the funnest part of the night. There were 8-10 of us at Grieg's (sp?) house, and luckily it was within a walking distance of Beban.

The party at Beban was alright. It was basically a glorified high school and university reunion. We drank more, lost a few friends, found some new ones, and just cruised around for the few hours that we were there. The drink lineup was 20 mins long, so it didn't take long for drinking to become a chore. Which in hindsight, was probably a good idea anyway. Drinking fairly regularly from 5pm-10pm had taken it's toll on me already, so drinking sparingly between 10pm-1am went well. I was able to score a ride home with Leah, which was awesome of her to stay sober and drive me and Saul.

Moving along.

It's November, and I like October and November more than January and February I think. The build up to the good times in December probably helps this, but there are several things in November that are going to be good as well. Grey Cup is this month, and it's more of a ritual with my family than a really exciting event. It's an excuse, like Superbowl, to get together at my mom and dad's house with friends to socialize and gorge in lots of food. Saul's birthday is at the end of the month, which rarely disappoints. I'm sure there are a few other things going on that I'm misplacing at the moment. Nov. 11th obviously.

Have a good weekend, and thanks for reading.

'While I waited, I was wasting away'

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