Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No Standard Solution

A girl I went to high school with died today this morning. I didn't know her, but I know my brother was a friend of hers. She died from injuries in a house fire. No fire alarm. What a shame.

Sometimes I just go toodling on with my days or weeks, and sort of forget the scope of life (or death). And sometimes I forget on purpose.

Umm, what can I write after that, that won't sound awkward? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was pretty good imo. There.

I played tennis with Landon today, and I didn't lose! I definitely didn't win though, and I'm thinking that's my worst racquet sport. After working out/ exercising maybe 10 times from Jun-Dec 08, I've easily eclipsed that in the last two weeks. I was really hoping to see a better response from my body. Working hard doesn't really tax me, I don't get really sore, and I feel about the same as I did in November. Except I can probably run circles around the November me.

The rest of the week is solidly booked and I'll need to follow a pretty tight schedule to get anything extra done. We're on the road this week for soccer, and we really need a result. As for soccer, I like my team more and more each practice, and I have probably half the names down.

Well. Hump day, right?

Oh right. One last thing. Two truths, one lie. Which one is a lie?

1. I beat most people at arm wrestling.
2. My biggest fear in life is unacceptance.
3. My pokerstars account currently has more money in it than my bank account (I already paid rent).

'You must be a girl with shoes like that'


jazmynthirteen said...

3 & 2 truths

Anonymous said...

I say #2 is a lie - and #1 and #3 are true...

Am I close?! hee hee :)

Mike Warren said...

Close, yeah.