Monday, January 26, 2009


What a day. It was so nice here today that my buddy kicked his flight outta town in the ass just to hang around.

Not much is going on these days, but I've been keeping busy with whatever I can. I worked out with Blake this morning, and went to the gym with Jeff this afternoon. Later I'm heading out to see Benjamin Button with Jen. Not a bad day.

This week, other than work and housesitting, I have a few things planned. I'm working out tomorrow and Wednesday, and maybe Friday. Hopefully I'll get out hiking with my dad on Thursday. He has this hiking group that goes for massive hikes in weird places. Cooool.

On the topic of wilderness, my bro signed me up for Mantracker. Who wants to go get chased by guys on horseback for 36 hours? Obviously we do. It's a stretch that we'd be considered, but oh man. I can't even imagine.

Oh yeah. We won our first game on Saturday night. Well, not our first game. My first game. It's like the 14th game of the year or something. I played really poorly. Even for my standards, I made lots of errors. But I guess it wasn't too bad, because I was on defense, and no one scored off an error of mine. It was amazing to be out there with the guys. I really miss the comradeship of a competitive team. And the guys are good.

Ok so nerd-moment for Mike. I got my hands on a pedometer. And I'm really excited to have one more stats tracker in my life. I don't even care that it just counts my steps. I like numbers and stats, and I'll take them any which way. Maybe I'll post a step count if I exceed 20 or 30k steps or something.

'How could you be so dr. evil?'

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