Friday, May 30, 2008


Back home in BC weeeeee.

I flew home for what I thought would be the rest of the summer, but it's going to be only the weekend and early next week. I came home because there was no work to be done, and I was hooped getting zero hours a week. The day I came home I got a call to start work next monday, so I said I'd be back after I grad on tuesday.

Have to say, it's not overly great to be home. That would probably be a combination of things starting with the fact that I kicked an entire month in the ass. Being back in general is alright I guess. The fact that it's not great to be home really eases the decision to go back.

May is classically a weird month for me. Out of the worst months of the year for me personally, I'd probably peg May, despite the sun and the long weekend. I usually turn it around in June, and build up to a nice summer. I hope I can do that again.

So I'll be flying out wednesday or later next week, depending on when work starts.

Have a good weekend...

'You don't want to change the world, like you say
You're in it for yourself, no one else'

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Come What(ever) May

That has a lot of meanings. I meant the month.

Back in Edmonton.

Spent the week getting trained in Red Deer. It was really helpful in that I started disassembling this puzzle of 'oil rigs'. After research, applying, orientation, and many months of build up, I still had no clue what a day on the rigs would look like. Seriously. It's been safety meetings since day one basically. I had to prompt someone so I could hear the word 'oil' get used after being employed for two weeks. Anyway, 1. pipe goes in drilled well; 2. Make sure oil comes up pipe; 3. empty well of all available oil; 4. move on to next hole. Apparently that sequence in pretty far down the priority chain of the biggest drilling company in world.

Umm, I'm actually in a bind. I have no home as of about 5 days from now. I am going to have to confirm whether Nabors can get me work in a camp, or relocate me. Otherwise I gotta find a camp job with another company. Pronto Tonto. Or it's home again, home again (jiggity jig).

Oh yeah. I got word that I'm graduating. Fuck. Yes. Now that might seem weird, because I finished school for good over a month ago. Anyway, I had some loose ends to tie up, and then I needed to confirm with administration that my Grad was a go-ahead. I had a few hiccups along the way, including last week's email that basically said "umm, no you aren't graduating". Well I did the run around like I do, and I have a degree.

The whole idea of Alberta was really solid in theory, but after a month here, I've accumulated debt, and not much else. I have a great job, but it's almost a tease if I have to leave in a week. IF I do leave and wind up going home next week, I think I'll break exactly even.

I'm so frustrated. Whatever.

Tomorrow I play a poker game online for 11$. First place is 20,000$. Please let me run hot like my kitchen faucet. Seriously though, it won't run cold.

'put your faith in more than steel'

Sunday, May 18, 2008

O Green World

Head to Red Deer tomorrow with my green helmet.

As a new guy to the rigs, I wear green until I'm competent. That way the crew can recognize me as their lackey easier, and delivery/service guys won't ask me questions.

I had a decent weekend. I didn't go crazy, and that was the goal on Friday. Tyler came home today for a few days, and it was nice to have someone to talk to.

I have listened to hundreds of songs in the last few days, and I want to share a playlist of songs that I love right now. I could write about music forever, and I just might.

1. Battle Of Evermore - Lovemongers
  • This song is a cover of the Zeppelin original, and it's tone is more driven and insistent that the original.
  • The Lovemongers are the two sisters from Heart, and their familiar voices make this song awesome.
2. Citizen/Soldier - Three Doors Down
  • Brings back the old style beat of 3DD that I really liked.
3. Nature of the Experiment - Tokyo Police Club
  • The lyrics in this song are just awesome.
4. Cath... - Death Cab For Cutie
  • The entire album is the best I've heard this year. The lead guitar in this song is hypnotizing.
5. Spoon - Dave Matthews band
  • 'Before These Crowded Streets' was the only studio album I didn't have by DMB, until yesterday.
  • 'Spoon' is similar to some other DMB songs in that the lyrics touch on religion.
  • 'Spoon' is unique to other DMB songs in that there is a great banjo part, AND Alanis Morissette does background vocals.
6. Nutshell - Alice in Chains
  • After listening to the unplugged version for years, I just heard the studio version for the first time.
  • Layne Staley is one of my favorite vocalists ever.
7. Yesterday To Tomorrow - Audioslave
  • I actually didn't give the b-sides on 'Out Of Exile' much of a listen, which is odd because I liked their entire debut album so much. I listened through it finally last week, and boom, Yesterday to Tomorrow.
  • I also am really into 'The Last Remaining Light' by them, because Chris Cornell drones in a good way.
8. Golden Slumbers - The Beatles
  • I don't know why, but I want to cover this song. Actually I do know why. It's awesome.
9. Pins and Needles - Billy Talent
  • Until 'accept this confession...', this song is just average to me. Then it gets really good. It sounds like he really means it.
10. Skinny Love - Bon Iver
  • Random new guy that I started listening to the other day. Folk style isn't usually my preference, but I really like the style and lyrics, and especially the meaning of this song.
11. Seven Years - Cowboy Junkies
  • Ok, on the folk kick, the entire 'Pale Sun Crescent Moon' album is ridiculously good.
  • This song was like my fourth or fifth favorite from this album until recently, when I really started listening to it. You should too.
12. September/The Joker - EarthWind & Fire/Fatboy Slim
  • Watch 'Babel', and you'll understand how good this song is. It was pretty powerful in the film, and it also sounds pretty good in headphones.
  • - the song starts at 4:50 of the clip, but watch the whole scene to get the context.
13. La Quiero - Gypsy Kings
  • I just like these guys, and how they create a happy atmosphere. Try being unhappy when listening to them. Not that I'm unhappy...
14. Champions Of Nothing - Matthew Good
  • I hate you.
  • Love is a strong word.
  • Try again.
15. Pistola - Incubus
  • This song was amazing live. It was second only to Aqueous Transmission, and that was strange as I'd never heard it before.
  • I don't even know what he's saying, or what it means, but sometimes that's part of what makes it so good.
16. Assassin - Muse
  • This song is intense in a literal sense. The music and the lyrics are both really aggressive.
17. Change The World - the Offspring
  • Really old b-side, but I love the drums and guitar bit. The chorus is good too, but I mostly just love the main line.
18. Offcell - Pinback
  • I could rattle off a dozen old Pinback songs that I love right now, but this one is superior.
  • 'Out of phase, offset, and offcell'. You have to hear him sing that line.
19. Havana Affair - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Simply put, this song amuses me.
20. Bibo No Aozora - Ryuichi Sakamoto
  • From the last scene and end credits of Babel
  • Probably the last song I've listened to before bed for the last two weeks.
21. Wishing It Was - Santana/Eagle Eye Cherry
  • I've listened to 'Supernatural' lots recently, and the non radio songs are all really good.
22. 69 Tea - Seether
  • This song is really deep, criticizing the people who put their faith in Jesus to solve their problems.
  • That, and I really like Seether in general. Unlike a lot of their stuff, this song pretty upbeat.
23. Radio/Video - System Of A Down
  • This song is tough to describe. It rocks one minute, then it becomes almost a polka song. It's like a Polish girl marrying one of those black haired emo kids from south park.
  • 'Hey man, look at me rockin out'
24. Rosetta Stoned - Tool
  • I often try to avoid spending 11 minutes of my life listening to this song, so I skip to like 8:00 through. I then realize I need the first half for the end to be any good at all.
  • This song has one of the most amazing verses I ever heard, from a poetic/rhyming point of view. Like Eminem in the way he can rhyme every line for eternity, Maynard kills the last verse. I'll share it at the bottom.
Anyway, I won't update until at least next friday. Have a great week, and thanks for reading.

'Strapped down [to] my bed
Feet cold and eyes red
I'm out of my head
Am I alive? Am I dead?
Sunkist and Sudafed
Gyroscopes and infrared
Won't help, I'm brain dead
Can't remember what they said
God damn, shit the bed'

Friday, May 16, 2008

Stay (Wasting Time)

Holy hot day.

I got all my gear together for work, and if this weather keeps up it's gonna be pretty hot with all of it on. Next Monday I'm heading down to Red Deer for a week long training camp. The hotel is booked, and it's basically go time come monday.

Now I have to figure out what to do until then. I have a warm weekend to spend by myself, with no money to spend, and no friends to visit. I'm trying to keep myself busy to keep from going crazy. It's worked so far.

Here's what I have in mind for the weekend. I want to keep things fairly varied so I don't get too monotonous.

¤ Get out of the house with my camera, and find somewhere to walk.

¤ Download some new music.

¤ Keep practicing on the acoustic guitar with both strumming and finger picking. I might try to write some music as well.

¤ Watch some south park. Time seems to go by quicker when I'm watching t.v., so if if I get really bored...

¤ Play online poker. I always have a good time doing that.

It seems like a horrible weekend to spend inside. The reality is, I have nothing to do and nowhere to go outside. I have no destinations in mind, and there aren't any that would probably be too appealing. Plus, the sun has been so hot that it gets pretty uncomfortable outside.

Until I start making good money, I am going to continue to ask myself the same question I keep going back to. 'Why oh why did I come here?' I keep pressuring myself into a certain time frame, when really I don't, as I'm not going back to school next year.

I've resorted to hitting random on my Ipod, I guess I kind of feel that way.

Thanks for reading. If you're following along at all with the updates I post, please facebook me, comment, or email me. This is way too one-way for me, and I'm dying to know what you're doing.

'It's not the stones inside my shoes
It's not the risk of what's to lose'

Thursday, May 15, 2008

...But Home Is Nowhere

Back in Edmonton.

I spent a few days up North doing orientation for Nabors, and it wasn't the greatest situation. I didn't have permanent accomadation, or transportation to and from work. So during orientation I asked about being transferred to another branch. When we finished yesterday, the HR rep did some legwork for me, and I'm working for Leduc Nabors now. Nice and close to Edm., and I start tomorrow.

I bussed home today, and had the pleasure of experiencing Edmonton public transit on a weekday evening. It wasn't pretty, as around half the busses stop running at 6pm. I'm not staying close to a large transit center, so I wound up walking 35 mins with all my gear. Which was completely fine.

The weather jumped more than 10 degrees in the last 24 hours, in both Grande Prairie and Edmonton. It was like 27 degrees when I got off the bus this afternoon between the two places. Summer seriously came on overnight.

Other than that, nothing is really new. I'm in an empty house, but I have the essentials - Ipod, internet, accom., food; as well as some bonuses - truck, guitar.

Tomorrow I start, and I'll be doing shop work until the rigs start ramping up. So I'll have the lamest 3 day weekend in history.

'Whenever I look back on the best days of my life, I think I saw them all on T.V.'

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Endless Flight

Last post for a while probably.

I head off tomorrow for Grande Prairie, and I'm really nervous. I really hope everything works out ok. Money, transportation, and accom. are all major unresolved issues right now. By tuesday I'll have everything figured out.

My ipod has been so vital to me the last few weeks. I think it's about to get even more important. The more I disconnect with the environment around me, the more I look for music to chill me out.

Check out death cab for cutie, even if you don't like their name. I can't stop playing their new album. The song 'grapevine fires' is really good. What else do I like these days? Umm, I was really into QOTSA before I left, and RHCP is really neutral to my palate, so I listen to lots of that when I just need noise. Normally I'm into either soft rock or hard rock in a period of time, but lately I've been ranging from Bryan Adams to Tool.

I'm flying home in a few weeks. Hopefully for the start of june so I can make my graduation. If I can't make it, then that'll be that. There's some things I miss about home, but to be honest, I could stay here for a long time I think. I like being disconnected. I'm a hermit in that way.

I'll update when i get a chance, and I'll go looking for that chance.


'I'm fine and dandy with the me inside'

Saturday, May 10, 2008

You Could Have It So Much Better

Dead day.

Just wanted to mention a few things about other people. Since I have really nothing to report on myself, I may as well fill you in on what everyone else is up to.

◘ The two guys I came to Edmonton with are set for work, like I hope I am. Jeremy is driving a rock truck in Northern Alberta, and Tyler starts his surveying job on Monday. I think both of them are pretty happy with it.

◘ Blake just finished his practicum at Dover Bay. When I get back a top priority is going to hang out with Blake. He's working for the City of Nanaimo again this summer, and I think he's pretty psyched about that.

◘ Jen just got home from a vacation in Seattle. She went there with one of her best friends, and they had a really good time I think. Jen also has a new job starting soon, so that's pretty sweet.

◘ Saul has finally got his truck going after a few hiccups to start the painting season. Production is in full swing for the summer, and I really hope he does well. Apparently the house is pretty quiet with me and Jeremy gone. I miss the house and the times in it.

◘ Iain also just got home from a mini vacay. He was in Nanaimo for a semi family reunion. He's now back in Whistler, to work and biking season. I don't know when the bike park opens, but I know he knows how many days to go.

◘ Heather is done school, and I think it was a good first year at uni for her. I don't know if she's got plans for the summer at all besides work. I was stoked to hear that she got a B in physics. I did so bad in physics...

◘ Amanda is work work work. I can't believe how driven she is to work sometimes. Watch for her to buy a 100k car or something...

◘ _______ is busy doing _______, which is basically consuming his/her life. Maybe at some point this summer he/she will get to ____________, which would be rad.

◘ Brian is back in Victoria after year one at mal. I'm not sure if he's going out for the soccer team again next year, but I hope he does. If I'm around I definitely want to see some games and hang out with that guy.

'Loo loo loo I've got some apples, loo loo loo you've got some too. Loo loo loo lets make some applesauce and take off our clothes and loo loo loo.'

Friday, May 9, 2008

Cold Day In The Sun


I scored the job I came up here for. A month or so ago (or what feels like it anyway) I posted a job that I'd seen online and wanted. Today I got that job. Monday I bus from Edmonton back west to Grand Prairie for training which starts Tuesday.

Other than that, I guess a few things of note happened today. I got really good on the bigger bobcat at work, only to call the manager to quit tonight after I took the G.P. job.

Of the three days I worked at this landscaping job, I worked with 4 different people, and each were genuinely nice people who were smart and sharp. It was so refreshing to meet people like that at work. Wednesday three of us sang in the truck on the way home from work. Today three of us (different guys) danced in the truck the whole way home from work. I haven't laughed so hard in a while. I'm convinced that there are many differences between here and B.C., and some things are better in Alberta. Many things aren't, but a few things are.

Tomorrow I'm going in to chat with my landscaping manager, pick up my stuff, and hopefully get paid. From there I'm going to start getting my stuff together for Grand Prairie. I want to be as organized as I can be before I go, because I know Edmonton much better than I know Grand Prairie.

Have a good weekend.

You told me about nowhere, well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go'

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Busy couple of days.

I started at my new job yesterday, and although it's a short term thing, I like it. I'm working long and hard, and I'm not used to it, but my body always adapts fast to that sort of thing. Today I learned how to use a few different bobcats, and I really enjoyed working with them. Yesterday was my first day, and the first thing I found out was that it was a mormon company, and 2/3's of the employees are mormon. Not that it matters at all to me, I just didn't really understand anything about mormonism, but now i really do. Gosh, it's so freaking cool.

Other than that, not much of anything is new. I work 8am to 6pm, so I basically eat and crash after that.

Tomorrow at lunch I'm gonna track down some of the recruiters who gave me their card early last week. I need the oil companies to know that I'm still interested in work. It seems like employment is different in Alberta than in BC. In BC, you wait on the employer to give you the job. in Alberta it seems like you have the job, any job if you want it, the employers just wait for you to take the job. I had a few interviews, and in none of the interviews was there a doubt that I couldn't have the job if I wanted it. It was like they were trying to convince me to take the job.

Anyway, I'm really happy that I've started work. A few other important loose ends also got stitched up. I can finally start building a bankroll, instead of sinking it.

'It's only a matter of time. Before we all burn.'

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1stp Klosr

Almost 100 posts on this thing. I think I've fulfilled at least one of my new years resolutions...

I waited all day for a stupid call back from my employer, who apparently doesn't check his cell, email, work phone, or office assistant for messages. Pleeeeeease. Anyway, I called him 5:50pm, because I had lost faith that he'd call me by 6pm. He was at his desk, and told me I could start whenever. So tomorrow a.m. its work work work. I've got my steel-y boots and work gloves, lets plant some shit!

Umm other than that, not much else is new. Pretty sure that I've never eaten this well since I've lived on my own. Each night we rotate who cooks. Tonight I made chicken and rice wraps, which were mediocre in my opinion, but healthy and filling nonetheless.

I really enjoyed the time I spent in the grocery store today, probably an indication of how little human contact I get from day to day. When we went to West Edmonton Mall, it was going from nothing to an overwhelming population. Like going from a fishbowl to the ocean. That was unenjoyable. But the pace of the grocery store was really nice, not to mention that food puts me in a good mood.

'We're stuck, inside our own machine'

Monday, May 5, 2008

La Muerte De La Poderosa

Moved to alberta for $$ - big $$ rig jobs not starting for a while

Found job that pays less than rigs - employer won't call me back about start date

Moved up with friends - down by one, but we hugged it out

Moved with expectations of zero fun and total focus on work - correct about the former

At least I have the company of Tyler still, and I'm pretty sure he's found a job locally, and will be sticking around for a while. Life has slowed down even more to a screeching halt over the past weekend. The upside that I always try to find is that I'm really improving on the acoustic guitar.

Tomorrow I'm going to to try to contact my employer again. If I get the same empty response as today, then I'm going to bus down to the facility and try to talk with someone/anyone. If nothing, then it's back to the drawing board, which is just fine. I just need to know.

In the bigger picture, I'm really trying hard to make the most of my time here, and stay positive about all my experiences. It's tough at times, but I have enough great people to talk to that keep me positive and focused. I know things will get better by the end of this week.

'you wasted life, why wouldn't you waste the afterlife?'

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thousand Mile Wish

West Edmonton mall was the target of our day today.

We hyped it up all week, so it was no surprise that it was kinda lame. Other than that, we filled the day with naps and dinner (ribs). Tyler is an awesome cook, and I hope he sticks around for awhile.

Anyway, life here is really slow and deliberate, and there really isn't anything of interest to write about.

Over dinner we each answered two questions about ourselves, and then discussed each. It made for really good thought. What animal would you be and why? If you had 10 million dollars, what direction would you take with your life? I found #2 interesting, and I couldn't actually answer it.

Tyler would be a male lion, and he'd obv. put a lot of thought into that. Jer's a monkey, and I'm some sort of bird, maybe a tropical bird or a falcon. The freedom would be second to none, and that in itself is the bulk of my justification.

'The darkness in here is as heavy as a judgement'

Friday, May 2, 2008

9 Crimes

Busy day in some ways - really lazy, long day in other ways.

I hope the good list turns out to be longer than the bad list.

Axis Of Evil
• I had to Jaywalk across a 16-lane on/off ramp/ freeway to get to my interview. Weak.
• I'm missing a semi family reunion back home this weekend. Happy birthday Oma...
• I'm really bored with this place after only 5 days. I hope I get called out to camp soon.
• Speaking of which, we are playing a ton of crazy eights. And I am getting sooo crushed. I'm actually 2-17.

A List
• I got a job. My employer is paying me a higher wage knowing that I'm sticking around into the fall. lol. Riiiiight.
• Jeremy landed a camp job. Google image 'rock truck', then search 'Jackie Chan'. Mix.
• Jeremy is leaving his truck with us while he goes to camp indefinitely. Very nice of him. I retract any racial inferences made previously.
• I was losing focus and losing 'easy' sudoku's. Now I've cruised through all levels and I routine beat 'brutal' games. On paper that should null my hopeless crazy 8's game, but my ego is still bruised.
• Rediscovered how much I like taking pictures. Too bad there's so few attractive landscapes.

I could have expanded each of those into a paragraph of it's own. Maybe I'll start using bulleted points more.

Have a good weekend.

' warm bodies, I sense, are not machines that can only make money'