Monday, May 5, 2008

La Muerte De La Poderosa

Moved to alberta for $$ - big $$ rig jobs not starting for a while

Found job that pays less than rigs - employer won't call me back about start date

Moved up with friends - down by one, but we hugged it out

Moved with expectations of zero fun and total focus on work - correct about the former

At least I have the company of Tyler still, and I'm pretty sure he's found a job locally, and will be sticking around for a while. Life has slowed down even more to a screeching halt over the past weekend. The upside that I always try to find is that I'm really improving on the acoustic guitar.

Tomorrow I'm going to to try to contact my employer again. If I get the same empty response as today, then I'm going to bus down to the facility and try to talk with someone/anyone. If nothing, then it's back to the drawing board, which is just fine. I just need to know.

In the bigger picture, I'm really trying hard to make the most of my time here, and stay positive about all my experiences. It's tough at times, but I have enough great people to talk to that keep me positive and focused. I know things will get better by the end of this week.

'you wasted life, why wouldn't you waste the afterlife?'

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