Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cars And Calories

Yay motor vehicle accidents.

I had a really great day yesterday, one of the best days I've had in a long time. Then last night was a pretty stark contrast.

Yesterday Landon, Saul and I went to parksville around noon to get the thanksgiving dinner going. We got the bird cleaned, prepped, stuffed, and in the oven in good time. We were drinking caesars and eating reubens, and generally having a really great time. A bunch of friends were coming over for dinner, but no one was arriving until at least 4pm, so we had some time to kill. We cranked the Van Morrison and cooked away.

I didn't have much to do, cooking wise. It was Landon's bird, and he is the stuffing specialist. I also wasn't on vegetable duty, so all that left was to prep dessert, which only took 20 mins.

A few friends showed up early, and we all went for a walk through my old neighbourhood to the beach. We kept drinking, but by dinner I was sobering up and getting really tired.

There were 11 of us for dinner, and it was a feast. I didn't have a lot of dinner actually, but I stuffed myself before and after, so I was in a good place.

After dinner I hung out for a while, then took off to hang out with Chris for a while. Me, Chris, and eight more went to BP to hang out. It was nice to see him and Kat (his wife). They're both super cool people, and I've never seen Chris in a bad mood.

After BP, I went back to Saul's place in Parksville, where a few people were still hanging out. It was getting on around midnight, and a few people were still drinking. I agreed to drive Landon's truck home with Landon and Darren. I dropped Landon off at his house, and was on my way to drop Darren off when I got into an accident with a drunk driver.

It wasn't a bad accident, but it was a collision no less, and it was kind of scary. No one was hurt, and Landon's truck wasn't too bad considering. I reacted really well I thought. I immediately called 911, and they hustled their way to the accident scene around 20 mins later. Which is strange because there are DEFINITELY cops within 2 minutes of 4th and Bruce at all times. Anyway. I wanted nothing to do with the other driver, so I didn't interact with him in any way.

There were a few telltale signs that told me the other driver had been drinking.
1. He ran a stop sign going pretty damn fast. Like he came out of absolutely nowhere.
2. Upon impact, a beer can came out of the drivers side window and landed in the middle of the intersection.
3. Upon exiting his vehicle, the driver said "it's all my fault, I've been drinking".

Anyway, Saul and Leah came right away to sit with me. Landon and Dana came a little later to see what I had done. Then Jeremy came with his tools to help with the bumper. We had a little gathering, and almost two hours after the accident, I was home. What a night.

So this coming week I have voting day, ICBC day, and friday I have a long interview that I really should prepare for. It's going to be an abnormal week, to say the least.

Looking back, it was still a really good time yesterday.

'You could have a steam train
If you'd just lay down your tracks'

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