Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dweller On The Threshold


Finally. A productive day that I can be happy about. I've spent the last few weeks in a bit of a funk. Last night I kept myself awake, giving myself shit about not getting anything done. I slept great between 5am-11am. I didn't really wake up motivated, or with any plan in mind.

But I showered long, did laundry, and got stuff done around the house. I studied for a while for the tests I'm waiting for in the mail. It's tough for me to study for this test, when I don't know when it'll come in the mail. Could be tomorrow, or late next week. Oh well.

Then I organized some work for tomorrow. Thank god. I need to get my hands on some work, just some short term stuff to hold me for a few weeks while I finish getting stuff organized. I texted a buddy, and luckily he has some work for me.

I helped Jen finish her move tonight. Well, technically we didn't finish. The fridge/freezer stuff needs to be moved still. But for all intents and purposes, she's moved and can start diving into some boxes.

I went shopping tonight as well. Which was long overdue. I think part of the reason I was feeling crummy for a few weeks was because I wasn't eating very much/well.

So I bought some good food, organized some work, cleaned up my act a little, and planned what should be a great weekend. Work and dinner at my parents tomorrow. Thanksgiving Saturday. And hanging out with Chris somewhere in there.

Hope you have a good weekend.

'Holding back the fool again'

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