Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still Crazy After All These Years

One year down.

I started my blog a year ago yesterday. Reading back to the entries I made last October, I've changed the way I blog quite a bit. I often read back to see what was going on in my life at a certain time. It's kind of neat, and I forget a lot of small things that I had written about.

Anyway, I wrote exactly 150 entries in that first year I had a blog. I had no expectations on how many, or how often I would write. It averages out to one entry every 2-3 days, which I think is fairly dedicated, especially as I was away for a few months. I guess that makes for a benchmark. I like compiling stats in order to create a benchmark to meet/beat. I think it's fairly reasonable to think that I can write 150 more entries next year.

I have these almost rituals that I follow when I write an entry, although ritual sounds too sacred. Mannerisms maybe. I've managed to title each blog entry after a song, and it's either a song that I really like, or a song that pertains to some part of the blog. I haven't named two entries the same, as far as I know. I've had to check a few times, as some song titles just lend themselves to me as really appropriate.

I don't really know why I started leaving quotes at the end of my entries. I think only two entries don't have quotes, and one was just last week. I was unsure if I would have a single quote that would remain the same, or if I would find a new one each entry. I think I like the challenge. That and I can't think of one quote that defines me all of the time. More than the titles, the quotes I leave definitely mean more to to nature of the entry or the way I feel rather than just being a quote I like. Every quote I leave is from a song, and it usually isn't from the song in the title.

I'm looking forward to blogging as much as I have at any time over the last year. It's still fresh and fun for me, and significant to my mental health. I have no idea the extent of my readership, but I can guess that I only have a few regular readers. I imagine that many people have looked at this a few times over the last year. I also didn't start a blog with the idea that I'd lure readers, or win people over with my writing. If people do read, then I'm stoked.

I do tend to write more outside of the warm months, so I can expect the bulk of my entries to come in the coming months.

Well, have a good week, and thanks for reading.

'We barely remember, who or what came before this precious moment'

1 comment:

nq2b said...

I didn't know that the titles and quotes were from songs! I just thought you were being smart and came up with these things...
Keep it up, keeps in informed of whats going on back at home!