Sunday, October 19, 2008

People Are Strange

Weird couple days.

First, since Thursday night I've been punishing my body with various cancers. I stayed sober last night, but I definitely wasn't during the day yesterday. Anyway.

Yesterday was a strange day, where everything I did was kind of foreign. I went 4x4'ing with Jeff and three other people. I didn't really know the other people, and it was kind of a tight fit with 4 of us in the cab of one truck. We went offroad to a strange place that I suppose could be classified as in Nanaimo, but it was a ways off into the bush behind Doumont. It was called Boomerang lake.

It was this tree-d in camping area where we were planning on setting up a fire and roasting hot dogs. Except there were a number of holes in this plan. First, the ones who masterminded this forgot to bring anything to build a fire with (paper, wood, etc.). We did have a lighter. Second, all the wood around was wet. And lastly, they put me in charge of creating this fire. WTF. I'm not sober at this point, and I'm trying to go with the flow in the background with these people I don't know.

It probably took me 30 mins to bring back my boy scout skills from 10 years back. I managed to get the fire started, and the smokies wound up being really good.

We got kind of turned around on the drive back, but managed to get back into town around 5pm last night, in time to get changed and go to the 'King of the Cage' event at Frank Crane.

For those unfamiliar, 'KotC' was an event with 17 scheduled MMA fights. I have been to a boxing event in Nanaimo a long time ago, but nothing like this. It was really what finished the day off as 'weird'. The event drew hundreds of aggressive penis heads out of the woodwork. Normally when I go to a local gathering with several thousand people, I can easily find at least a few friends. I had never seen most of these people, and the ones I did were the aggressive penis heads from high school. Docuhe-y was a word that just kept popping up.

That being said, the fights were amazing. There were two really memorable fights. I've liked MMA and the UFC for a while now, so I was familiar with how the fights went on. The main events were a bit of a let down, but a few undercards were awesome.

I've backed myself up a few days, as I didn't really expect to partake in half the things I did in the last few days. I had to turn down quadding/dirtbiking/jeep 4x4'ing today. I need to hit the reset button.

There's roast at my parents tonight. And game 7 of Boston/Tampa. Go T Bay.

'You crawled from the cancer to land on your feet'

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