Monday, October 20, 2008

Inside The Cynic

I just realized that I'm coming up on one year of having a blog.

I've really enjoyed having a blog over the last year. I'll probably put up some sort of stat pack on the 27th.

I find a few things that are strange about writing. I have written a ton, about lots of different things, and for different reasons. I written criticisms, essays, poems, journals, yes love letters, and hundreds of pages of notes on information I'm not sure I'll ever access again. So I have taste for a pen. But I can't for the life of me write music.

It's weird. I can't seem to put words to music, or put music to any words. I think I'm going to try to study the art of writing music a little bit. It probably just takes a little practice. I sure hope it's not a case of if-you've-got-it--you've-got-it sort of thing. Then I don't have it.

Oh well. I'm finding that with practice and time, I'm slowly becoming creative in creating music on my bass. I imagine it's not too different with writing.

Thanks for reading. Comment on anything you see. I'd like to hear from you, even if it's anonymous (I just changed the settings).

'Remember you're a wreck, an accident
forget the freak, you're just nature'

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