Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Black Black Heart

I had completely forgotten about that song by David Usher. Wow. Now I remember.

I've had a fairly brutal couple of days. I don't want to dwell, but I feel the need to paraphrase. Jen and I are no longer together, after being together a long time. I've been dealing with the change in a positive manner. Other than that, there's not much I want to write about the breakup. I'm just in a major life transition period right now.

I've been keeping really busy in the last few days, which has been good. The best part of my days have been my pillow though. I've worn myself out during the days so much that sleep is really nice, and yet so unfulfilling in the morning.

Tomorrow is busy. I guess the whole week is. I want to take steps to ensure that the work I'm doing continues to be only temporary. Which means I have to move forward whenever I can with the personal training thing. I've been wearing myself out flooring to the point where I don't really find energy to make phone calls and meet with the people I need to for my PT certification. I'm probably going to start making weekly goals again (like in school), and hopefully that pushes me a little more.

I realized in the grocery store today, I'm a really straightforward and cliched shopper. I get the same food every time. I felt like going a little crazy, so I got a big carton of chocolate milk. Haha. That sounds really lame, and it might be even lamer than I'm really stoked about it. I have fond memories of walking to school and having the same breakfast of a bran muffin and a choco milk almost every day.

The next few weeks should be eventful, and I'll try to post as much as I can. Along with tons of work, I also have tons of social stuff to cast aside or indulge in. I will probably decide on the spot each time something comes up.

Oh yeah! Good music. I've been listening to a lot of it. I get an hour with my ipod every day on the way to work. You should get some good listening time in too.

Have a good week.

'In a new york minute
Things can get pretty strange'

1 comment:

jazmynthirteen said...

sorry bout your break up...but life goes on. wish you the best.