Monday, November 10, 2008

Even Flow

What a day.

I heard a Robin William skit a while back (live on broadway I think), where he talks about the weatherman spinning a wheel, because the weather is so random. I guess it isn't that bad, but I sure like the upswing that we got today.

I thought all day about blogging, because I think I had some sort of rant. Well, it's long gone outta my head.

This is probably going to be an entry with a mish-mash of random thoughts. I can tell because my fingers are typing at max, and I still can't spew fast enough.

I was shockingly captivated by MNF (Monday Night Football for all you non freaks) tonight. I really don't like either team that was playing, yet I was glued, cheering for one team over another, and I was actually kind of bummed out that I didn't get my result.

Can I tell a funny story about trying to fall asleep last night? I can't seem to sleep recently. I sort of figured out that I need to distract myself from thinking, so I can let myself get tired. I had to be up early this morning, so I went to bed at midnight. Spent 30 mins trying to just sleep. Then I got up and spent an hour watching (not playing) online poker, and reading random chess theory. Both of which are major boring shit. Yeah that really didn't put me to sleep at all. So I went back to bed with my ipod, and caught up on some long lost gems. Yeah, then it's 3am, and I'm really not tired.

Funny enough, I woke up at 730 and didn't even hit sn00000ze.

I suppose I could recount other stories with vivid detail about my day, but I think I'm ok.

The rest of the week is sort of unclear still. Jen comes home tomorrow, and I'll pick her up in the afternoon. The rest of my checklist just needs to get done before friday, it's not scheduled though.

I lost a friendly bet (random tangent again). I bet a while back that gas would not fall below a dollar. Boy it was nice to get more liters than the amount I had to pay today. I think saul had predicted .969 or maybe .949. It's going to go farther down I'm assuming as the lower mainland is in the 80's in some places.

Well, have a good week and thanks for reading. Feel free to comment, even just to say that my blog bores the hell out of you.

'I've heard a man in crisis
falls back on what he knows best,
a murderer to murder
a thief to theft
And I don't want you to think
that this is some kind of deathbed confession
but run is what I did when put to the test'

1 comment:

jazmynthirteen said...

yes yes your blog bores the hell out of me...haha...i don't think anyone would read that far if they were bored with your may not be the most interesting post but i could totally relate to this post. i find myself trying to bore myself to death so i could get some sort of shut eye but rarely works.anyway thanx for the comment.