Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pure Morning


It was an ugly, ugly morning. Nah, I shouldn't say that. I felt like I had an ugly, ugly morning.

Last night was a pretty good time. Everyone drank a little too much this time though, and there were a few questionable points of mention. But before that, everyone (for the most part) had a really good time, and there were no fights or drama. A friend got uncharacteristically drunk and sick, and I had to hold his head up for a while. When we got up today, he was still feeling really nauseous. There was a scene outside my house in the rain at like noon when he was struggling, and all our close friends were sort of huddled around waiting for the next thing to happen. We all feel for the guy.

That was one story. And we forgive him for making a mess of our house and stuff, because that just isn't like him at all. The other story doesn't involve so much forgiveness. Another friend got really drunk, and acted too aggressively around some people who didn't know him well. Lecturing ensued, followed by insults and yelling, followed by him throwing his drink onto a girl. Or something like that. I didn't see. Two points I just want to make. First, that while the girls didn't know him or his demeanor, there was a level of instigation on their part that can't be ignored. You don't know the guy, he's really drunk --> walk away. Second, and more importantly obviously, is that he needs to learn to act appropriately. He's been drunk and angry/aggressive way too often for his actions to be acceptable. Figure it out bud.

I'm going to go mop up again. Then off to work. Enjoy your Saturday.

'Still, you don't expect to be bright and bon vivant'

Edit: it's now anonymous...


Anonymous said...

dude. I can't believe you can talk about your friends that way and still expect them to remain your friends. Pretty ballsy...

Mike Warren said...

actually, i disagree. friends need friends to tell them when they're fucking up. i wasn't putting any spin or offside opinion on the issue. i gave the facts, and told the guy to smarten up, a thing echoed by MANY other people...

Anonymous said...

Why not call your friends up and tell them how you feel instead of blogging to the world of people you don't know? If you were my friend I'd be rethinking our friendship after reading what you wrote. Don't use names dude, it's completely juvenile.... If you truly believe your friend's actions need to be addressed have a sit down with them. So glad I don't know you man, and so glad my friends aren't judging me on the internet.

Mike Warren said...

First off, I agree. You don't know me. And who are you?

Second, I agree. 'Juvenile' move. I shouldn't be blasting my best friends online. I edited the entry, and not to satisfy you.

Anonymous said...

It's really interesting that this anonymous person is so quick to judge when they claim not to know you! Seriously this person should take their own advice and have a sit down with the Mike if they really have something worth saying!! A little hypocritical don't you think???

Anonymous said...

I think that anonymity weakens anyone's argument. I also think that anon #2 had arguable points, regardless of being hypocrisy or not. I'm not going to judge someone for being hypocritical, and then write off their entire argument. It would be a stretch to think that we aren't all a little hypocritical from time to time.