Wednesday, January 30, 2008


One reflection, one gripe, one brag.

1. One Reflection
My ibuprofen intake was only 400mg today, by far the lowest in two weeks. I've killed almost two bottles of the shit. I feel like I am making progress. I like eating again, and I'm also sleeping more. The one I took today was a safety before soccer, so it doesn't even really count.

I far away from the near-dead state I was in last Thursday. Umm, woot.

2. One Gripe
I'm doing this big project this semester that is really big. Like easily the biggest I've ever done. I have an instructor who's supposed to giving me guidance, and he even said that he wasn't going to spoon feed me this. Which is EXACTLY what I want. I want to run this show, and I need his help answering a few minor questions, but otherwise it's all me.

Anyway, every time I ask for information, or ask for someones email, he starts spoon feeding me info on more than what I asked for. Example:

'Hey ____, can I get that researcher's email from Arizona that you told me about?'
'Hey Mike, here's 3 attachments with all the data that you should need, etc.'


3. One Brag
I don't do that, and I don't plan to. It just made the first line look good. We won our soccer game tonight, and it was really fun. Bones to Saul, for bagging a pair. Don Taylor would be so proud...

'Like a child on her way here, You just smile and run the other way'
- for saul

Off By 50

Half century mark of entries. In my head I do all sorts of calculations, like how many days it's been since I started, and what that averages out to (days per entry). I loooove stats, which is kind of sick sometimes. Maybe that comes with being so into sports. Nobody likes baseball and doesn't like stats. Seriously. If you aren't interested in stats, I bet baseball bores you to death.

Anywayyyys, I started my synthesis of 'The Tao Of Pooh', and surpringly whipped off almost 2 pages in no time. Then I remembered, what's a paper without a quote? My favorite part! So I went searching for Pooh quotes, and there were some goodies. So here:

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"”

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”

“When late morning rolls around and you're feeling a bit out of sorts, don't worry; you're probably just a little eleven o'clockish.”

“"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best -- " and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called”

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”

“When having a smackerel of something with a friend, don't eat so much that you get stuck in the doorway trying to get out.”

“"That buzzing-noise means something. If there's a buzzing noise, somebody's making a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you're a bee...
And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey...
And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it." So he began to climb the tree.”

I have indoor soccer tonight, and hopefully we'll light it up again...


'Chain me to your tree'

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Chain

Snow day wooooooooooooooo. Bored actually. I missed half a week last week, and would like to get back on it. Buuut, it was nice to roll over and sleep another hour this morning.

Played some music today, and also listened to a pile of music that I haven't listened to for awhile. I keep pretty tight stats about my listening habits on itunes. I listened to 108 songs so far today, and that number should be around 125 before I go to bed. I think my next highest one-day-total was like 95 songs. So that's pretty sick. And I didn't even spend the day in my room.

What else is fun? Super bowl is coming up on sunday, and I want the patriots to win for three reasons.
i. It's cool when records are set, and if the pats can run the table...
ii. I really don't like eli manning. He looks goofy, and he throws poorly.
iii. Tom Brady is a good guy. And I can line up with that.
My parents are going to make sick amounts of food. That only happens on super bowl and grey cup, and I missed the grey cup in november. So bring it on, I have catching up to do.

Tomorrow is a busy ass day. Fuck. I had some things to do today that didn't done, and luckily I have time in between classes tomorrow. I better make a checklist. I have my mom's car for a few days, so I also want to get a few things done around town while I have wheels.

I've been thinking about blogging all day, and of course none of the things I've thought about all day are in this entry. It's nutty how much runs through my head. Some random points/thoughts from my day:
■ My new book, The Tao Of Pooh, is super cool.
■ I hate poker. I read a few threads on 2+2 (the biggest poker forum), and that perpetuated my suckiness.
■ I keep thinking that a shower will make me feel amazing. Yet I don't go shower. What?
■ New old music is soooo awesome. Like Matt Good, Limp Bizkit, Big Wreck, etc. Mmmm.
■ I can clearly separate days where I accomplish significant amounts of tasks, and days I don't. I can't afford many of the latter, and I'm using them all up early in the semester.

Thanks for reading...

'I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down'

Monday, January 28, 2008

Turn The Page

It's been like a week since I last blogged. I just haven't been on the computer very much since early last week. I've been pretty sick, and I'm feeling much better after a shitty end to last week. I didn't want to dwell on that in this entry (or any others), and I've got plenty of good stuff anyways.

Last wednesday I had my first night of indoor soccer. Over a normal year I'll play on three different soccer teams. My indoor soccer team isn't as good as summer soccer, but it's really fun in its own way. There's always tons of friends at the gym on wednesday nights, and it's good soccer as well. We won our first game over a really good team. It was nice that I could get out and have fun, and I was able to play at a high level.

This weekend was fairly quiet, and almost completely unproductive. I exercised a little bit on sunday, but I really haven't been feeling too active (which is super lame). I spent some time at my parents house, spent some time playing my bass, and generally was able to relax.

After I missed a few days of school last week, I feel really nervous about getting behind. The first thing I did this morning was visit my instructors. It sort of proves to myself how serious I am about this semester, and how important graduation is. I still don't know what I want to do afterwards...

'Outside the frame, is what you're leaving out'

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Strange Days

I want to go to Hamburger Hill.

There's a place on the border of Laos and Vietnam. It's really mountainous and covered in foliage. There's so many mountains that there aren't names, just numbers. Hill 900, hill 937, etc. In the Thua Thien Province there lies a lush area called A Shau Valley. It's a slash in the mountains that runs 28 miles long, and 2 miles wide in some spots.

Surrounded by jungle on all sides, this valley is so difficult to cross because of the thick brush. In the monsoon season there is torrential rain, and fog so thick I can't imagine. You can't even see your feet as you ascend the muddy trail. The trail used to be used a ton for supply movement between Laos and Vietnam, but it's been since abandoned as it became too frustrating to move anything through.

During the Vietnam War, the US army (who personified the oxymoron 'military intelligence') tried to attack the NVA who were parked in this valley. During monsoon season. They tried to fly helicopters into steep slopes, drive vehicles up the muddy terrain, and attack the enemy by parachuting into the abyss that was the foggy jungle. They got smoked. It was so bad that it was dubbed 'Hamburger Hill' because the mountain turned men into hamburgers.

Fuck, I wanna go conquer that hill. So bad. In the monsoon.

'I wake up in a cold sweat, got a bone to pick with reality.'

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hella Good

I woke up today without a headache. Regardless of how school or anything else goes today, the week will have started off well. I took drugs to school, because I didn't believe my good fortune would last. Lucky me, so far.

Back to school. I am heading up a project this semester with a really good friend of mine, and we're basically gonna tackle the entire institution over the semester to get this project going. The project is going to measure the activity levels of every population at malaspina. The project won't end with our work, and we hope to just scrape the surface. Through our initial work, I hope that we can get a healthy campus initiative rolling so people can become a little more aware of being active.

I am at very early stages of this project still, but I have a ton of ideas and I'm super excited about it. This thing is going to take up hundreds of hours of my time this semester, and when I blog, i'll probably talk about this quite a bit.

What else? I ordered a 320g hard drive, and it should be coming soon. Which only means that I won't have to keep deleting movies/shows after I watch them. I am almost 100% detached from poker, which is pretty cool. I hope this nice weather keeps up so I can get out and run. I tried yoga this morning, and I didn't like it. Maybe that's because my muscles are tighter than saul's puckered ass at 70° below. Anywayys...

Watch planet earth.

'Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed'

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Good Times, Bad Times

I don't usually blog about my weekend until monday when it's over, but so much has gone on that it feels like it should be over. That and I feel like procrastinating on my first homework of the semester. I have fridays off this semester, so it really does feel like my weekend should be done.

Friday was awesome, if not a little discombobulating. Plans fell through on an original plan, and we improvised the entire day. The original goal was to do absolutely nothing, and we got away with just about that (we did have to get up to go to the liquor store...). Saturday was about almost as lazy as Friday, except I went to the gym with Jer, only to feel really unenthusiastic.

I have this weird thing going on with my jaw, and it woke me up a few times last night. I'm taking drugs every 4 hours for the last 24 or so, and every 4th hour when the drugs wear off, I am in agony. I slept in 4 hour blocks, and it aggravates me that it takes 30 mins for the drugs to kick in.

Today I've got plans to go to Parksville, but I want to scoreboard watch as well. Both NFL games should be dandy, and I want to see Green Bay and New England go through. I love faaav-ra, and I also wouldn't mind the patriots going perfect.

Anyway, I'll probably write more tomorrow. Oh, I downloaded both the band of brothers and the planet earth series. My hard drive hates me...

'Wake up, medicate, again'

Thursday, January 17, 2008


End of the week (school-wise). And it didn't really go as I thought it would. I was hoping to go to classified last night, but I had a few other things to do, and I really wasn't up to it anyway. The school had a poker night tonight, but it wound up getting postponed until next week. Which is ok, but lame for tonight. Tomorrow I was supposed to go to a friends house and just chill all day, but he wound up bailing.

Academically I think this week was amazing. I think I learned more this week than I did in two years in the Education program. This probably both a reflection of me and them. Anyway, I had a really good week in the classroom, and I'm really stoked to do a few projects.

I got headaches like every day this week. So bad that I couldn't wear my hat. This is totally weird, because I don't get headaches very often. Like once or twice a year. Anyway, I'm hitting the IB's like smarties, and that's a short term solution. The muscles in my jaw are aching, and that's what's causing the headaches I figure. And my sleep habits probably explain why my face is so tense. Whatever. One problem gets solved, another creeps up. At least my pinkie knuckle is starting to feel better from when I punched a wall over a month ago. Still can't shake hands very well though.

That's my whine. Not like you really care, but then again, this isn't your blog. I got some new music the other day, something I've been really unmotivated to do lately. I also haven't played my bass much recently. I've been spending more time exercising lately, and I'm ok with other leisure things taking a backseat to that.

I think that I want to get ahead on a few assignments this weekend. I want to spend sunday afternoon watching football with chips and salsa at my parents house, so if I make that happen, I will forgive all the bad shit that went on this week.

Have a good weekend yourself...

'And all I wanna hear is the message beep'

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


A break from me. Here's an excerpt from a book. This is a description of mcdonalds' mcgriddle.

Tucker: "Dude--That thing looks disgusting. It has to be nasty with the syrup shit in it. What is that?

Slingblade: "I can only assume from your cavalier attitude that you have yet to partake of the wonderment that is the McGriddle. Let me enlighten you. What happens is the One True God grows them on trees in the Elysian Fields using a heretofore unused incantation. He then proceeds to magic them down to your local eatery where whatever Ghetto Bastard cook your McDonalds has rescued from welfare that week proceeds to wrap it in cellophane and pass it along to you, the fortunate consumer. You proceed to ingest this finery in the vain hope that your obviously overmatched taste buds can somehow grasp the delectable intricacies it is suddenly faced with. Is that egg? Why yes it is, and bacon too. But wait--they didn't add. . . yes they did, yes they did indeed. They added cheese. And then, then my friends, they wrapped it in a sumptuous pancake bun! As your taste buds try to process that amazing piece of information, IT hits them...the syrup nugget. THE MOTHERFUCKING SYRUP NUGGET! It announces itself with a burst of confectionery grandiosity the likes of which your palate has never seen."

Tucker: "so you like them?"

Slingblade: "If you EVER speak ill of the McGriddle again I will personally force-feed you one while I fuck you in the butt using the wrapper as a condom and then donkey punch you when the infused syrup nuggets explode in your mouth."

'Nothing attracts a crowd, like a crowd'

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Walk Away From The Sun

This day has been a little worse than yesterday, and its easy to point out why. Aside from the fact that I have something fun going on everyday this week except today, and I have my busiest acedemic day of the week, there are other oddities that have thrown me right off.

• I slept in until 5 minutes before I had to leave for school, because my dumbass self won't respond to 3 alarms apparently.
• Although the sun was shining, it was cold as claire's vagina. Luckily, I packed my touque.
• Two douchebag's in the library were being a little too high school, and I wanted to smack the pair of them. I then realized that I was in a shitty mood. Bring on my first class.
• My instructor needed to kill time or something, because she went on about assignment details. Which was ok, until she wanted to make sure we made headings in 36 font, and text in 20 font. Gah, WTF is that!? Don't lecture me about font size! It just went from there...
• My roommate quoted superbad in a text msg, saying "I have a boner." I am instantly in a better mood.

So I grabbed a cinnamon bun, and hit the library. The library lifer gave me a look when she saw me walk in with food, but I pretended to misunderstand and kept walking. Brilliant snack. Surprisingly, I'm not in the mood for angry, loud music.

'It's in the pills that bring you down'

Monday, January 14, 2008


Playlist for a snowy day

Dave Matthews Band - #34
Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole
Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
Cowboy Junkies - Ring On The Sill
Bif Naked - Lucky
The Wallflowers - Invisible City
Incubus - Aqueous Transmission
Jimmy Eat World - Cautioners
Xavier Rudd - 9 Times A Day
Soundgarden - Like Suicide
Foo Fighters - Another Round
Gustavo Santaolalla - Leyendo En El Hospital
Muse - Endlessly
Smashing Pumpkins - To Forgive
Rod Stewart - Maggie May
Bush - Letting The Cables Sleep
Andy McKee - Drifting
Black Lab - Gates Of The Country

'Something's missing, and I don't know what it is'

To Forgive

Twice in one day!

Which is weird, but 4 hours and a lot has happened. I played squash with saul and blake, then had a great workout with blake. We're going to try and set days to get in shape together. It's amazing what another person can do for motivation.

I had lunch with blake and gary, and then hit up the library. I have a routine of checking three other blog sites as part of my email/facebook routine. I read blogs of poker players, and it might be so interesting because they have so much money, and as much time as they want. That might be why I get so into it, but I can't really explain it.

So here I sit in the library, basking in my veteran-status as I wave or nod to every second person that walks by. Then I found a long lost b-side that I had never heard or paid attention to before. 'To Forgive' from the 'Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness' album. Its a gem, and I know that because one listen has me hooked. Give it a try.

Off to the a lecture on the holocaust. Mondays spark a weird side of my intellect. Spirituality class and the holocaust don't really teach me a lot, but both envoke some serious thought and insight. It's really nice to have that flip side of school. In class this morning, I had to elaborate on what I personally wanted to get out of the course. Which I didn't know the answer to. So as it neared my turn, I was thinking hard rather than listen to the answers of others. What do I want from a class on spirituality when I don't even believe in anything?

"I grew up being very critical of the catholic church, and eventually of religion in general. It gave me more questions than answers. I want this course to give me some answers." There. And I said that.


'I forget to forget nothing is important'

All Comes Out In The Wash

Great weekend.

I played some Call Of Duty4, which came in the mail on thursday afternoon. I had Friday off, so I relaxed and played that. Saturday was awesome. I watched the packers game, played some COD4, and went to a party. Landon was over in the afternoon, and I haven't had so much fun in a while. We drank some, played some music, and played some video games. Just a really fun time.

Sunday was alright. I watched both the colts and the cowboys lose, which was lame. The colts game actually came down to the wire, and with 2 mins left, Jehovah's Witnesses came to the door. So I missed the end, but I think one of the JW's was watching the game over my shoulder! Whaddup with that? I watched some poker online last night. Sunday has a few major tournaments, and I have a few players that I watch. My favorite online pro won 60k in a tourny last night, and I followed him a little bit.

Another week this week. Started school this morning with a circle chat in my spirituality class. We each had a moment to talk about a few different things, and it was interesting to get to know my classmates a little more.

This week I have a few things going on. Mon/Wed I want to play squash and work out. Hopefully the other three days I can find some time to get in exercise. Last week was great, I got out 5 days and am on my way to getting in shape. Thursday I have a poker night at the school, and I hope to win it. Its all good either way though. Wednesday night Classified is coming to the queens, and I think I'm gonna go to that with blaker. That sums up what should be a pretty good week.

Well I'm off to the squash court. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog...

'You can't stop it screaming out'

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Road And The Damned

We had a snow day on tuesday, and almost had another today. I'm sitting in the library writing this, so unfortunately it didn't work out.

I went to a pub last night with some friends, something I don't normally do. Usually I need a motive for being social, but we just hung out. I had an alright time, it was just busy. It started snowing at some point, and then it started sticking pretty good. After an impromptu snowball fight at the end, me and Saul set off in his car. Which blows in the snow. We wound up making it 2 blocks and stopping in a mall parking lot, where we called and waited for a ride from Jer. We had to kill time in a rear wheel drive sports car in a parking lot covered in snow. Seems cliched! No we made some sick donuts, and the best was 2 donuts side by side, with an elongated section outwards. Very phallic. I had never made a 60 foot snow cock before, and it's too bad my cell pictures didn't do it justice.

Late last night I predicted that the roads would be clear and school would be on, a feeling not shared by my roommates. Made for kind of a grouchy morning I think. I actually don't have class until 10 this morning, but got up at 7 to check the school status. I decided to shower and walk to school with Saul, since he had an 830, and had no car. Turns out he wasn't planning on walking, he would have called a cab. I could have slept another 2 hours and gone to school with Jer, but it worked out. Wound up getting a ride from Landon to school, and here I sit.

I really like online poker, and I'm finding myself still playing a little, and watching other people too. Which is a complete waste of time, but I enjoy it so whatever. I actually am exercising fairly regularly now, so I can justify some balance.

If I want to train early for the marathon, I need alternative methods to running in the snow. I was on the treadmill yesterday, and I also played squash. I have a swimming class, but I'm having a major problem with it. I need the credit to grad, and I have no alternative. It's really screwing me up though, because it isn't at the pool I thought it was, and I can't get there on foot. I'll have to see if I can carpool with someone. Pretty lousy in my opinion (IMO from now on...).

If you're looking for a new old music choice, 'dizzy up the girl', and just 'let your dim lights shine'.

'Comin' down the world turned over'

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mad World

'Wherever I go, I see people I know
Tired places and tired faces
Up early for the grind
Only to go nowhere, ever
They cry a river
Without expression
Hiding, I wanna lose my sadness
As if theres no tomorrow

I laugh a little
Although it's depressing
In my dreams I'm falling
Yet I've never dreamt better
I can't tell you
I can't take it
When people run 'round
It's a very very, mad world

I used to wait for a good day
Like 'happy birthday'
I feel the way all these kids do
Sitting/hearing, hearing/sitting
I walked to school, self-conscious
I was a stranger, no one knew me
Ask my instructor's to just teach

I laugh a little
Although it's depressing
In my dreams I'm falling
Yet I've never dreamt better
I can't tell you
I can't take it
When people run 'round
It's a very very, mad world'


Oh dear, this is going to get weird. It's not for you.

* * * * *

So I title my blog entries with some song title that I like , and it also pertains to the mood or subject of my entry. 'Everyday' is a song by the Dave Matthews Band. It's original demo was titled #36, and this is my 36th entry.

I think in some way I try to impress people with useless facts sometimes, and I've actually banked the #36 idea since 'Viginti Tres'. I feel like I try to impress someone with my intellect or never-ending sarcasm, because I don't think I'm good enough to do it any other way.

The insane irony of this whole thing is this: 'Everyday' is one of the nicest songs ever. And my day has been the opposite. Take this video, and imagine the flip side. My day.

* * * * *

I'm reading non-fiction, and I'm learning about this guy. He's not a happy guy, and his outlook is totally fucked up. The more I read, the more the excerpt becomes a mirror. I'm convinced that I revolve in a weird circle. It goes something like this:

1. I find myself unhappy/semi-depressed/overly self-conscious about some aspect of my life (and there's more than a few).

2. My nature, the way I run naturally, does not directly solve or attack these 'problems'. I dance around (a quaint term, because you should see me dance I've heard), and everything balls and festers.

3. I am well aware that I have shortcomings, self-proclaimed or not, and am also aware of my inability to close. I stress so much about it, which promotes further procrastination and/or fear. I spiral back to #1, only with new aspects.

This circle does not bother me. I have been aware of my communication problems, body image problems, etc. for a loooooooong time.

What does bother me is the realization that after I mask and semi-mend, I go to bed every night unhappy, unsatisfied, and until now, unaware. Well now I can't sleep. I had a realization moment like this in early December, and unacceptingly, I punched a wall and fractured a knuckle.

I have these weird quirks that I fill my day with that help me escape. Doesn't that sound strange. Now that I know, I feel like I am so petty. See #1.

This is becoming a bit of a free float, but I could care less for your criticisms, and I certainly ignore my own. My parents are trying to help me with some direction, but it almost feels like they are acting vicariously, and for their own ultimate satisfaction.

I define my own day to day life in many factions, and it's non linear. Emotional, physical, spiritual, athletic, economic, business, pleasure, etc. etc. I play one off on another, and my weakness in one area becomes an excuse for ignoring another. Which is so easy and logical, that my simple mind could make a living at it. Of course, I don't buy that either.

For fun, I want to try to put my circle into action. Get this. I start swimming class this semester, which I need to graduate. A dash of people who think that humourous, mixed with my poor swimming ability. Gah. Anyway, that doesn't bother me, I can learn to swim. But I can't seem to learn to like my physical body, which will very much be on display twice a week. Nobody cares I tell myself, but oh yes they do. And I stress. How do I improve my body image? Pffft, as if. I AM SO BENT OUT OF SHAPE ABOUT THIS. I do not want to step in front of my peers without a shirt on. I am so mortified. I have great creative imagery, and you should see what I see. Haha, I'm actually laughing at the fact that I'm writing this for you.

I am lacking direction here, and my neck is begging me to lay down. So off I go, headfirst.

See ya tomorrow...

'I thought I shook myself free, you see I bounce back quicker than most'

Monday, January 7, 2008


First day back at school. Woot. I think.

Saul is gonna be back from Mexico any day, and I hope it's bitterly cold for him. Everything is back in order in a hurry. Lectures are running late, band practice has resumed, and I'm walking to and from school. Its all good.

I have a few classes that require a lot of reflective writing. I think I have a leg up on the competition. It's nice to catch a break though, right?

Anyway, poker is like totally done, probably for the whole semester. I want to stick to that. I don't want to get stuck playing a few hours a night like I got used to last year. I'm pretty happy with how I play poker, and I love the game, but I find it gets in the way of other things I want to do - like train for a marathon. I gotta get on that. I have my schedule ready...

Hope the year started well...


'My life is a stereo, kind of cheaply made though'

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Reason 346

My 2008 resolutions:

Graduate with my B.A.

Train and run the Vancouver Marathon

Spend more time with family and friends

Make a career decision, even if a short-term one

Write more

Play poker less

'Sometimes it's on sale, sometimes it never fails'

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Chaos Engine

I could have written a book, but this is plenty long.

January 07
I had just gotten a new electric bass for christmas, and I was pretty keen to learn on it. I was starting a busy semester with my practicum in Port Alberni in a great class. I started training for the vancouver marathon, which would be in may.

February 07
School in full swing, and I was training hard for the marathon with a running club. At an indoor soccer game late in the month I sprained my ankle so bad I wouldn't be able to recover in time for the marathon. In fact, I still don't have full strength back in my foot.

March 07
Two days after I sprained my ankle, it was still taking me half a day each day to walk normally. I decided to go to whistler for spring break anyway, and learn to snowboard. It was amazing, but my goddamn ankle...
I was part of a band that sort of played around my house. We were all going to school, and it became a pretty good part of the semester

April 07
Exams, and more importantly, preparing for my 3 week practicum. Arlene and I both were stressed for about two months over this three week block of our lives. After submitting, revising, and resubmitting my plan, I got the go ahead to start my practicum at the end of April.

May 07
Band had disbanded (ha), and we were basically done for the summer as Landon had gone home. This month was pretty depressing for me. I was really aggravated about my practicum, and when I quit halfway through, it took a while to get over. I dropped the program I was taking in school, and started looking for work for the summer.

June 07
The guy I normally work for didn't have any work, so I instead got a FT job without much effort at mr. lube, changing oil. It worked, and it lasted the month before my original employer called with work. Me and Arlene broke up late in the month, and I think that was best. Summer would eventually become a strange time as I was in transition in many ways.

July 07
A good month, after 3 bad ones. I went to Toronto for Chris' wedding, and it was nice to get away. I came back and worked some, played some more. Met some new friends playing beach volleyball, which was awesome. Summer soccer had started as well, and I loved my team.

August 07
Again I worked some, but most of the time I didn't. Again, it was a strange summer. I was started to see a huge improvement on my bass, which motivated me further. My summer soccer team won the year end tournament, and I was starting to train with the malaspina mariners. I went to whistler to see my bro, and went white water rafting, which was amazing.

September 07
School started, and it was neat to be doing a program I was passionate about again. Varsity soccer started and my last year was shaping up to be a good one. Rookie night was at my house, and it set in motion a fun few months. I don't remember what I did for my birthday, but I turned 23.

October 07
School soccer ended without any accomplishments to show, but it was a great time. I was enjoying school and my classes. Our band was reunited with the restart of school, and we had some new stuff we were working on. The direction of the band was still hazy at this point, but we did settle on 'harlot' as a name, which we have yet to use once.

November 07
Pretty boring month I think. I blogged lots, did lots of homework, and played a lot of poker. Had a few snow days towards the end of the month, but that actually was a bad thing. Pushed back deadlines + numerous assignments due + mikes procrastination = long nights.

December 07
Final exams went well, and it was nice to have a break. Saul and I were going to the gym fairly regularly, and I hope to continue that in the new year. When saul left for mexico, he left a pretty quiet house, and I reveled in the serenity that was mid-december. Christmas at home with my parents came and went, and overall it was a happy time. We were all happy to be there, it just wasn''t always apparent. New years came and went.

'My theory isn't perfect but it's close'