Sunday, January 20, 2008

Good Times, Bad Times

I don't usually blog about my weekend until monday when it's over, but so much has gone on that it feels like it should be over. That and I feel like procrastinating on my first homework of the semester. I have fridays off this semester, so it really does feel like my weekend should be done.

Friday was awesome, if not a little discombobulating. Plans fell through on an original plan, and we improvised the entire day. The original goal was to do absolutely nothing, and we got away with just about that (we did have to get up to go to the liquor store...). Saturday was about almost as lazy as Friday, except I went to the gym with Jer, only to feel really unenthusiastic.

I have this weird thing going on with my jaw, and it woke me up a few times last night. I'm taking drugs every 4 hours for the last 24 or so, and every 4th hour when the drugs wear off, I am in agony. I slept in 4 hour blocks, and it aggravates me that it takes 30 mins for the drugs to kick in.

Today I've got plans to go to Parksville, but I want to scoreboard watch as well. Both NFL games should be dandy, and I want to see Green Bay and New England go through. I love faaav-ra, and I also wouldn't mind the patriots going perfect.

Anyway, I'll probably write more tomorrow. Oh, I downloaded both the band of brothers and the planet earth series. My hard drive hates me...

'Wake up, medicate, again'

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