Thursday, January 17, 2008


End of the week (school-wise). And it didn't really go as I thought it would. I was hoping to go to classified last night, but I had a few other things to do, and I really wasn't up to it anyway. The school had a poker night tonight, but it wound up getting postponed until next week. Which is ok, but lame for tonight. Tomorrow I was supposed to go to a friends house and just chill all day, but he wound up bailing.

Academically I think this week was amazing. I think I learned more this week than I did in two years in the Education program. This probably both a reflection of me and them. Anyway, I had a really good week in the classroom, and I'm really stoked to do a few projects.

I got headaches like every day this week. So bad that I couldn't wear my hat. This is totally weird, because I don't get headaches very often. Like once or twice a year. Anyway, I'm hitting the IB's like smarties, and that's a short term solution. The muscles in my jaw are aching, and that's what's causing the headaches I figure. And my sleep habits probably explain why my face is so tense. Whatever. One problem gets solved, another creeps up. At least my pinkie knuckle is starting to feel better from when I punched a wall over a month ago. Still can't shake hands very well though.

That's my whine. Not like you really care, but then again, this isn't your blog. I got some new music the other day, something I've been really unmotivated to do lately. I also haven't played my bass much recently. I've been spending more time exercising lately, and I'm ok with other leisure things taking a backseat to that.

I think that I want to get ahead on a few assignments this weekend. I want to spend sunday afternoon watching football with chips and salsa at my parents house, so if I make that happen, I will forgive all the bad shit that went on this week.

Have a good weekend yourself...

'And all I wanna hear is the message beep'

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