Sunday, March 23, 2008


Happy Easter.

I have been up down round and round this weekend. It's been a really different one. I've been doing homework with an almost mechanical work ethic. Get. Work. Done. It's different because normally I like to plan things to do during the day. This weekend is a little off. I'll lay in bed in the mornings and plan my next paragraph for my history paper. Or I'll do work late at night, which I never do unless something is due the next day.

While I've gotten a lot of homework done, being so efficient has allowed me to do lots of other things. I feel like I am truly the master of my own domain this weekend. Normally I would get a little bit of work done in between video game breaks, facebook sessions, and general procrastination. Now I am focused. When I can't do any more history, I turn and do some Olympics, or work on another project. This allows me to have large breaks to go for dinner, watch movies, go out with friends, or play music without the guilt.

I think I might actually work on my history paper right now. I've had a great paragraph that I've been forming in my head all night. I actually might get an 'a' on this paper. That'd be the first 'A' paper I've ever gotten in History.

I had crazy dreams a few nights ago. You ever get that? When you feel like your routine is different than a normal week or weekend, some unconscious things become different as well. Anyway, I had numerous nightmares in one night, after not having bad dreams for months. I almost wish I had written them down.

Hope tomorrow is a day off for you too.

'When I am king, you will be first against the wall'

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