Monday, March 17, 2008

Give Me Novacaine

It's St. Paddy's or something, so I thought I toss in a little 'green'day.

I was rubbed the wrong way today. Some kid gave me shit outside the library for moving too slowly from the doorway. After he said his thing with my back turned, he walked away without letting me respond. I muttered something about 'are you serious?' and let him go. He was really obese and I don't blame him for not having enough room to get by.

That really didn't put me off. I was trying to have a conversation at the same time, and wasn't ready for an impatient tough guy. Gah. Impatient people probably frustrate me more than anyone else. People who spend their time tailgating, cutting lines, and hating the average speed of life need to slow the fuck down. Drive like hell and you're bound to get there.

I imagine that's a tad hypocritical. I lose patience from time to time, but then again, I also frustrate myself from time to time.

Wednesday I have my last dental appointment of the semester. I don't know how many times I've been, but I'm ready for the upcoming hiatus. I guess that explains the title of the entry. I have an excess of strong drugs from my semester's worth of prescriptions. Do drugs expire quickly? Better for me if they do I suppose.

The muscle soreness I have after yesterday is indescribable. Even my triceps are sore. Explain that to me. Soccer and triceps soreness, equal on both sides.

Have a good week.

'Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car'

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