Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No Cars Go

I was offered a job today.

16$/hour, 50-55 h/week, making trusses for a pre-fab company. I couldn't take it. I can't get to work from where I'm staying, so I had to turn it down. I got a number of resumes and applications done, and I have an interview on friday. I've never worked so hard to get a job before, but I kind of anticipated that. Hopefully I land more interviews tomorrow.

Not much else is new. I was stressed as a mofo when I had to turn down the job at All-Fab. I feel like I can't catch the break I sometimes need to get a job. When I got the interview call I settled a bit.

Although the place I'm staying in is super nice, I feel really claustrophobic. I play guitar, watch t.v., use the computer, and sleep on the same couch. When I'm not on the couch, I'm in the truck. I have a quieter morning tomorrow, so I plan to get a walk in between calling and faxing in resumes.

Maybe I'll hit up the mall tomorrow night with the guys. Apparently there's a mall somewhere that's worth seeing. I'll be somewhat shocked if there's anything fun in this city. I'm not even jaded (yet), it's just a pretty boring place.

With boring times, come boring blogs. My bad.

'How are things on the west coast?'

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Roll With It

Still unemployed.

There is so much work up here, yet I didn't get a job today. In a few weeks the majority of the rigs will be starting up again and I'll be getting a call. Tomorrow I'll find a job to do in the meantime, hopefully something like landscaping or general labour of some sort.

None of the three of us have found work yet, but the other two don't seem to mind. Today was my first day out, and if I draw dead tomorrow I think I might start panicking a little bit.

Besides the job hunt, very little is new or exciting. I haven't been out to walk again, and it rained tonight. We ate pizza and beer c/o Coral, who needed a place to stay tonight on her way through Edmonton. We watched 'The Rock', played a little guitar (there are two acoustics in the house), and I failed at sudoku on medium (thus failing at life). My brain feels like mush after staring at numbers for 30 minutes.

I don't miss home, but I don't like it here. I am excited to work, and it will be alright once I start. Being without all the comforts of home - my computer, bed, friends, routine - doesn't really faze me. I think that might be weird, but I've gotten used to being semi-detached in general.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to blogging at the end of my day. I think about what to write usually fairly early in the evening, and it gets my thoughts out before I go to bed.

'An empty shell seems so easy to crack'

Monday, April 28, 2008

I Alone

Busy day.

I'm getting used to the fact that I am spending a lot of time adjusting to a weird new place. It makes me really tired, yet I get so anxious about finding work that I can't sleep. I'm also eating differently, in a dryer climate, and I don't know anyone. It's all contributing to a strange change.

That being said, I had a stressful yet successful day. I immersed myself in the Edmonton public transit system before I came here, and it paid off today. I successfully navigated through the downtown core, and numerous stations and transfers as I went 30 or so blocks east, and 87 blocks North. Then home again.

By the time I got home tonight I was pretty hooped. We then went out to return a movie, and wound up getting lost for an hour. I was in the backseat knowing exactly where we were, yet the two up front were arguing and ignoring me. It's odd not looking to the mountains to get a bearing, but looking at the sun's position instead.

The fact that we got lost and I was being ignored was really frustrating. When we got home I snapped. I was tired and not in the mood I guess. We had new keys cut, and they didn't work when I tried them out. This was because the home depot girl sucks at life.

Tomorrow is a pretty extensive runaround including a physical and a day in the backseat again. Hopefully I'm employed by the time I write next.

'You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode'

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Yesterday To Tomorrow

In Edmonton weeeeeeee.

Arrived this morning in town, and I confess that I wasn't that serious until we were here. Three of us drove straight through the night, and after catching the 3pm ferry yesterday, we didn't stop until 8ish this morning.

We found a friend who loaned us his condo indefinitely, which is an amazing score. He left for Cuba for a few months today, and it's a pretty sweet setup here.

After we crashed for a few hours this morning, I took a walk around the neighbourhood to get familiar with bus stops and stuff. We're staying in a new area, but it's established enough to have some attractive walking destinations rather than dirt mounds that usually surround new construction. I hope I find a job that allows me to stay in this place, so I can have a somewhat enjoyable routine.

Tomorrow I get my H2S, then tuesday I start firing resumes out. I've emailed a ton out already with no results, but I'm optimistic. I'll find 1 of 3 different categorized jobs:
1. An oil sector related job that is nearby, so I can stay here in edmonton
2. An oil sector related job that forces me to relocate to a work camp somewhere
3. A non-oil sector related job nearby, so I can stay

1 or 2 is just fine with me. 2 is lucrative for the simple reason that I get living out pay.

Anyway, there's a computer here in the condo, so if I stay I'll post updates fairly often.

Sunshine ftw...

'It’s such a waste child, to live and die for the Dreams of our Fathers'

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mosquito Song


I crushed my exam today. I was feeling ho hum last night, but I woke up and everything clicked. I found awesome flow when I sat down, and didn't stop writing for over two hours as I went out with style.

In other news, I had a great jam session with the boys tonight. We're really tightening up some details in a lot of our music, and it's actually starting to sound good, even in our kitchen. I'm obviously not taking my bass with me when I leave, and I'll miss playing it I'm sure. On the same topic of music, I rocked my paper on music. Annnd I'm really into QOTSA right now. I thought I'd share one of their gems.

What else have I got? I guess I've had nagging tasks to get done since early march, and this lack of stuff to do is kind of weird. I might stay up all night playing video games. Why not? I am busy wrecking call of duty 4 on hardened mode these days.

One last thing. The sun is out, but is it too much to ask for a little heat?

'Lose the halo, don't need to resist
A lick of the lips and a grip on your hips'

Monday, April 21, 2008

The End

No it isn't.

I wrapped up two more classes today, and my last exam is tomorrow morning. I have the question that the entire exam is based on, but I still don't feel great about it. If I were Blake, I'd be stoked to answer the question, because I would be in love with historiography. But I'm not, and I'm not.

I spent most of the day at school, and like last monday, I got so much done it's making my head spin to think about. I took a break midday-ish to try an infrared sauna. It was pretty neat, and I have never perspired (blogger said 'sweated' wasn't a word) like that in my life. Gross, yet very relaxing and almost refreshing.

The rest of my week is pretty straight forward. After I finish tomorrow, I have to focus on contacting employers around edmonton to try and set up a job to start next week. Which can totally happen. I have the names of several companies and employers up there, so I just need to get in touch with them.

Anyway, I'm really excited and anxious these days. I've had my semester come down to the last two weeks, and I think I crushed it. One more to go. One more to go.

'If it looks like I'm laughing, I'm really just asking to leave'

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Soul Meets Body

Busy week.

A week ago I made my infinite list of things to do. Although I plowed through this week in sort of a trance, I didn't get it all done. I got thursday's and friday's assignment/task pushed back to this monday. Which is kind of lame, I was ready to rock and would have preferred it to be done by now. So I have monday, then my history exam on tuesday. I'm feeling pretty good about those three classes.

I leave for alberta next week. I've been applying to a bunch of jobs, and this is the one I'm aiming at:

Title: Floorhand - service rig
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Overtime, Weekend, Day
Salary: $23.90 Hourly for 65 hours per week, Bonus, Other Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Grande Prairie, Alberta (20 vacancies )
Experience: Will train

Sick. There's like 100 more vacancies like this all over in various spots all over the province. Three of us are going to Alberta, and hopefully we'll all get on together. If not, then I have no problem going on by myself. Should be a really good experience. I'm really not going for a positive experience, or for a sweet time with friends. I'm also not going so I can spend my weekends and time off having a good time. I'm going to make as much money as I possibly can. If I can sort of isolate myself, all the better.

Between now and then I have a pile of stuff to take care of. I'll be coming home the day before my graduation ceremony, which is June 3rd. I figure I'll spend 5 weeks in Alberta, and if I'm somewhat successful, I'll go for 5 or 6 more weeks when in June/June.

It seems like life is happening in a hurry. I feel really fortunate to be in a situation where I can do what I want. A different setup and I could see myself being pressured into looking a little broader than just looking out for myself.

Totally changing the subject, I wanted to mention a few small highlights from my week. My presentation at the undergrad research symposium was really successful and the observers were really intrigued with my work. Also, props to my buddy blake for running fairly hot at online poker recently. I haven't been playing much, but I do enjoy watching him play deep into tournaments. After logging hundreds of hours last year at online poker, I can appreciate the thrill of running hot. I hope he keeps it up.

Lastly, I got ditched last night and wanted to just mention the circumstances. I was sort of confused, and maybe writing it out will provide some clarity. My buddy wanted to go out and drink last night. I didn't want to, nor do I have any money to. He offered to basically bankroll me for the night if I would wingman. So I did, and we went a few places, and I pretty much defined wingman the whole night. He appreciated it though, and kept the drinks coming. Then he randomly gets up and announces he has to leave, and takes off outside. I follow, and he gets in a random car with random people, and they take off. Ok. I was just kind of confused about why, but I suppose the guy is just running free. Which is fine.

have a good weekend...

'I’m on my feet
I’m on the floor
I’m good to go'

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spirit Voices

I've been listening to a bunch of this guy lately. It's good for you.

Finished two courses today. I wrote my nutrition exam and my online Olympics exam this afternoon. Kinda nice to clear two classes in one afternoon. 4 down, three courses left to wrap up. I have one wrap on friday, one on monday, and I finish tuesday with my Holocaust exam.

I went to parksville on a whim tonight for dinner at a buds house. It was nice to relax. I ate well, wound up drinking well, and generally wound down. Tomorrow is back to the millstone to crank stuff out, but I enjoyed tonight. Saturday night will be good too. Friends are coming over for a little house thing. If I don't invite you, don't feel let down. Just come.

For some reason I go on weird trends in listening to music. I might go a few months listening to hard metal, grunge and prog rock, and ignore entire genres for long periods of time. Right now I am on a real slow kick, and I can't seem to shake it. While I'm really enjoying it all, I'm finding that my variance is limited these days, and I wish I could enjoy tool again like I like snow patrol. I am used to a different school atmosphere at this time of year, so that might explain it. I'm usually stressed like crazy this time of year, and maybe that mindset is creating my musical taste du jour. Or de l'année.

Good luck on exams, or whatever it is you need luck on.

'She lies and says shes in love with him, cant find a better man'

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Busted Stuff

I saw the end of an era tonight.

After my busy day at school, which came after my busy night in front of my computer, I did something enjoyable. And I didn't think it was going to be enjoyable. I went to my athletic banquet, which I haven't really enjoyed in a few years. I enjoyed it not because I actually won a few awards for the first time ever, I think it was more to do with the teammates I was there with. Although only 9 of us showed up, it was nice to spend time with the guys I like, even if it's just one more (/last) time.

After the dinner and awards thing, a bunch of us piled over to some lame-o club (spice) that I'd never been too, and hadn't planned on going to. Inside were a bunch of people from the same program as me. As more people showed up and the place filled up, I realized how many people I knew. While there must have been like 300+ people, I would say I knew 80% of them. It was really strange, and then I started thinking about how many of them I would never see again. It was kind of a weird feeling, but at the same time I recognized it and managed to have a great time.

Home time was kind of tough, but I had a better time than I've had in a long time, so at least I can sleep knowing I went out with a good time.

A bunch of friends were dancing, and I don't really like that sort of thing unless I'm drinking, so I eventually decided to drink, although by this time it was still only like 11pm. By 1230 a good friend of mine and I decided to give it a whirl out on the dancefloor with friends. Given that hour and a half to get the state of mind/ balls to get out there and look silly, I had a good time.

I really wanted to have a good time, and I did. The whole 'no regerets' motto is kind of cheese to me, but I made it happen.

I hope this hangover doesn't come. Pleeeeeease one time.

'I can't change what I am right now/ but I'll be fine in the next life

Monday, April 14, 2008

All These Things That I've Done

Stats time. Because I can.

Pages - 58

Words - 10,574

First ever document with a table of contents - [x]

A+ material - [_]

Date Started - February 5, 2008

Date Finished - April 14, 2008

Songs played during todays marathon - 159

Not looking for a quote - [x]

The Last Fight

It's going to be a long night.

I'm planning two breaks until the time I finish this assignment. One to write this entry, and the other in a few hours to get my lime jello outta the fridge when it sets.

I was mentioning in my last entry this 20 pager that I planned to be immersed in tonight. The 20 pp's is what I had hoped for, and it was to be combined with another 20 page lit review that I did earlier in the semester. I mixed the two together already, and so I'm on page 49. And I'm still hours away. Hopefully 5 pages. I can't see it being that few though. I have 5 chapters to write, and I am midway through chapter 4. It isn't due early tomorrow, but I have too much going on tomorrow to even think of waiting until the a.m.

My dad's birthday was last night, and we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant. So naturally we ate tons and had a good laugh. I sort of take birthdays for granted when it comes to my parents, yet stress over getting older myself. Odd. Anyway, my dad's health has been declining in the last year or two, and I wonder if he'll live another 10 years. I wonder about that. There's not a whole lot I can do about that sort of thing, so I don't plan to dwell on it, just prepare to deal with whatever comes.

What else? Hmmm, I really like call of duty 4, and I wish I could play it more often with people. I manage to get a game or two in every few days, and it's a nice break.

Oh yeah, I was thinking about a weird phenomena that is bound to happen. I'm finishing school, for a while at least, and I'm about to lose track of time. I'm used to landmarks in my days, weeks, months from school. I'm so aware of hours in my day, and it creates highs when I reach a time landmark, like the end of a week or class. I think I might lose some of that high, because I might never be as aware of time as I am now. I bet I'll figure something out though.

Hope you had a decent weekend, maybe even a good one.

'I can tell it's winter from the size of the lump in my throat'

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Never Leave

Back in the library, for at least this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow, but I hope not.

I have a nutso 7 days. Let me tell you about it in a non-complaining way. I am simply describing whats going on, and I'm not saying 'i wish i didn't sign up for so many classes' or whatever.

∞ Get cracking on major paper that has no length restriction. Other students have told me that 20 pages is sort of a minimum. I have 6 so far. Due monday.

∞ Go to my dad's birthday thing. 2008 - 1952 = 56. ok now I've got it (get gift/card still).

∞ Finish paper. May spill into early monday. I think i'll be lucky to wrap up my point in 20 pages. It DID take 6 pages to define/explain my thesis.

∞ Finish online course. This includes posting a half dozen entries in a wiki, and writing the final exam. Fingers crossed for a pass.

∞ Get paper bound and handed in.

∞ Prepare for carnage that is the rest of the week.

∞ Host preparty, attend Athletic banquet, attend afterparty (for 5 minutes). Fingers crossed for a letterman.

∞ Present my major nutrition project in the a.m. at the undergrad research forum in poster form.

∞ Present my major research project in the p.m. at the undergrad research forum in powerpoint form. Fingers crossed for a decent lunch.

∞ Nutrition final exam. I'm still budgetting hours to try and study for this...

∞ Start and finish take home exam for spirituality class. I think by then I'll be ready to reflect.

∞ Start and finish assignment for a class I'm not taking but need credit for.

∞ Study and take oral exam for that same class.

∞ Binge drink.

I smell the end. And the sun is out.

'But my head's to the wall and i'm lonely'

Friday, April 11, 2008

Champions Of Nothing

My last week became a pretty nutty one. I've been really busy with trying to tie up classes, and my last day of lectures came and went.

I have an informal presentation tonight with one of my classes, and it's kind of a rap-up to my degree. I'm just waiting in the library for the thing to start at six. Burning up the afternoon I guess. My parents are coming tonight, and they haven't been to anything academic of mine since I can't remember.

I'm guessing I won't pack up and go to class again for a while, but I figure it won't sink in until next september.

I don't have a lot to say I don't think, even though there's been a ton going on. Free lunch on campus yesterday was pretty awesome. Next week I finish presentations, start exams, and start getting ready for alberta.

I'll try and update a little more often, but this is a busy time. I'm trying to find free hours this weekend, and it's looking grim.

'There's something in your too cool for school'

Monday, April 7, 2008

Let The Drummer Kick

I had a busy day, like I knew I would. I always seem to wind up on my computer at 11:30pm though, putting a good routine on my days.

I worked hard today in the library, and at home. I got a poster done for my presentation tomorrow, which pleases me as it's the last thing I have for a really lame class.

I started the semester in history hoping that I could get a decent mark on my essay, as it was my last history class ever, and I've never done really well. I got my essay back today, and this is what my professor said in the comments...

"Mike, This is a competent effort, although your second paragraph can be eliminated or somehow redone. What I have studied of the situation in Holland refers often to the role of the Joodse Raad and its compliance with the demands ff the authorities. Did the council play a role here? A"

I looked up Joodse Raad (Jewish council), and I'm shocked that I didn't run across it in my research. It's fucking major, and I can't believe I scored so high with missing such an important part of my argument. Oh well, I got an A, and I'm pretty stoked.

'I forget what these pills were ever for'

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Checkered Floor

I haven't blogged much lately, and it isn't for a lack of things to write about.

I've been pretty busy with school and life. Of course when school gets really busy, my social life starts demanding more and more time out of me. It's all good though. I've been trying to stay really organized over the last month or two, something I've never done really well before. It's working out, although I still don't work as hard as I'd like to.

This weekend I partied, played music, and got a bunch of homework done. Just like last weekend, and the weekend before. There's not much new to report. I have a presentation on friday night which will be the defining part of my semester (/degree?). I'm pretty excited about it.

Anyway, I have a long road before friday, and I hope I don't get sidetracked or caught up in a day-waster or something.


'Dead as dead can be
My doctor tells me
But I just can't believe him
Ever the optimistic one'

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

And It Stoned Me

I had a strange inkling for Van Morrison today, so I had to come home and get this song (and like 40 others).

I tried laughing yoga this morning. It's a fringe alternative to regular yoga. By fringe I just mean that it's not very popular. Which I can understand. I really enjoyed the whole process, but it is tough to let yourself go, and laugh at nothing and everything in front of strangers. I'm kind of an introvert in that way (minus the foundry apparently), and it took me a few to get into it. Really cool experience, and I walked out feeling really neat.

Last night for indoor soccer tonight. Ever. It was a good time, but we wound up losing in a frustrating kind of way. Sometimes I get so frustrated at things going on around me that I have to walk away. I guess I demand as much out of my teammates as I try to put in. I walk away because when I hit a level of frustration, I am no good to my team. I think it's a strength that i can recognize that, and save my team some temporary dead weight. Anyway, I really like everyone on my team, and it's a bummer that we won't play again after being together for a lot of years.

Tomorrow is a busy day. I present twice, and prepare for a third which goes friday morning. It's all good though, I've actually been planning pretty well the last little while, and I'm more than prepared.

Are the weeks flying for you too?

'Won't you come with me she said, there's plenty of room in my iron bed'

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

La Partida

Long week

I am getting down to the grind. Everything is now a simple sentence. My mind is kinda mushy. I've gotten a ton done, and I'm mowing through tests and assignments with the same odd mechanic efficiency that I had three weeks ago. I fondly look back at the days where I didn't have serious work to do, even for just one day.

Umm not really much to report of any significance. I worked hard, partied hard, and rocked hard this weekend. I listened to a lot of music this weekend. I bet I listened to 30-40 hours of music between friday and monday. I guess that's significant. I would say that the 6 minutes that the Foo Fighters performed 'my hero' was the climax of all that.

I really wanted to get a chance to play music on friday night, but we wound up watching the hockey game and drinking too much to care. I've drank pretty hard in the last month, in comparison to my normal intake. I'm definitely a binge drinker, and I would say I normally go once a month. All in moderation I suppose. Well it went like 3 times in march. So I guess you should take moderation in moderation. Or something like that.

Beat: I was sitting in lecture today wondering what the "MICHAEL'S ?" meant on the chalk board. Then some girl asked and Guy goes, 'oh yeah, mike had a question last class that I wanted him to repeat, because I thought it was insightful.' So everyone looks at me, and as usual my mouth was full of food in a rather embarrassing way. And I don't remember WTF I asked 5 days ago. Anyway, I made good when someone else took the liberty of looking like a dumbass. 20 minutes later the kid who was asleep in the back asked out loud what the 'michaels ?' thing was on the board.

[x] embarrassed by instructor
[x] bailed out by kid who can't afford coffee
[ ] interesting lecture

'ambition makes you look pretty ugly'